Saturday, March 10, 2018

Oblivion Song #1 Review

Philly: The city of brotherly oblivion

Written by: Robert Kirkman
Art by: Lorenzo de Felici and Annalisa Leoni
Publisher: Image Comics
Reviewed by: Andrew McAvoy

Now having never been to Philadelphia, I have to rely on my good friends Jim and Eric to paint a mental picture of the beauty of the city. I am aware that it is the home to the now Super Bowl winning Eagles, Philly soul music and that it is known as the city of brotherly love. I think I remember something or other being mentioned in that Superman roadtrip duology, but can't be certain. I am sure that there are bound to be other things that I should know as well those three facts, but now I also know that it is the setting of Image's latest comic release Oblivion Song.

Prism Stalker #1 Review


Written by Sloane Leong
Art by Sloane Leong
Publisher: Image
Reviewed by: Andrew McAvoy

Every so often you'll read a comic and a wry smile will start to appear on your face as you think to yourself, "this book is just doing its own thing and is determined to do it no matter what I think". Which I have to say I entirely salute. For me there is nothing worse than a comic book creative trying to please fans, don't try and please me - try and challenge, surprise and delight me with novelty please says I to the imaginary creative sitting before me! Well, this book did that, strap in and put on a pair of protective glasses - this one is bright!

Gideon Falls #1 Review

Reading the runes

Written by Jeff Lemire
Art by Andrea Sorrentino
Colors by Dave Stewart
Letters by Steve Wands
Publisher: Image Comics
Reviewer: Andrew McAvoy

This book is billed as a rural mystery! An urban horror! A character-driven meditation on obsession, mental illness, and faith! It's all these things and more, praise be! Amen.

Top Five Fridays: My Top Five Favorite Ongoing DC Comic Books

It's been a long time since we've done a top five Friday list but I thought it was about time to get back to it.  So for the first one back, I figured that I would talk about the books that I am really enjoying right now from DC Comics.  I realize that everybody's list will be different... this is just what I'm enjoying.  So,  please leave your own list in the comments below.   And throw shade at me if you must.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill ep. 80 - Batman: Digital Justice (1990) w/ Bob Rozakis!

There's No Justice Like Digital Justice

Power on, comics enthusiasts! In this episode, Chris (@AceComics) and Reggie (@reggiereggie) trip the LED light fantastic when they read the first all computer generated comic book, Pepe Merino's Batman: Digital Justice from 1990! After some biographical information and a quick aside about the first computer drawn comic book, our 'net-surfin' duo delve into this four chapter story of a dystopian future controlled by machines. Then, they talk about the manufacturing processes of comic books through the years, as a segue to an interview with one-time Production Director and comics creator, Bob Rozakis! It's more episode than could be contained on a CD-ROM, so sit back and enjoy the tale!

DC Comics Best Covers of the Week 3/7/18

The New Class

Ever since I've used this newer method for selecting my weekly Best Covers, which allows me to look at all of the covers practically at once (instead of looking at them by the title), weird ones have cropped up. Vertigo books, sometimes Hanna-Barbera crossovers, and this I did not expect! But I liked the cover, and that makes it one of the BEST! No arguin'!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Wild Storm #12 Review and Spoilers

Taking Down The Tower

Written by: Warren Ellis
Art by: John Davis-Hunt
Colours by: Steve Buccellato
Letters by: Simon Bowland
Price: $3.99

Well, it's here. We've had a lot of build-up to this, the issue that marks the half-way point in this series. Nice build-up. Gorgeous build-up. Amusing build-up. Even absorbing build-up. But build-up all the same. Now, it's time for the members of Jacob Marlowe's wild CAT (Grifter, Void, John Colt and Kenesha) to put their plan into action, while at the same time Jackie King's team of IO tech-geeks set theirs in motion, too. Will there be sparks (and blood, for that matter) flying? Will it all go off without a hitch? More importantly, will the patience of this series' generally enthusiastic readers be rewarded?

Let's find out, eh?

Green Arrow #38 Review

What a Rush!

Written by: Ben Percy
Art by: Juan Ferreyra and Deron Bennett
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 7, 2018

It's time to say goodbye to Ben Percy's run of Green Arrow and what better way to do it than with Juan Ferreyra on art, Ollie on trial and the fate of Star City hanging in the balance?!?  The answer is...there is no better way!  I'm not going to sit here and gush about Juan's art (let's save that for the review itself), but I will thank him for making our little site and podcast part of this run and I hope he knows he will always have a place in our hearts for it!  Now, get on a bunch of other books so you can kill us in different and exotic locations!  

Nightwing #40 Review

I Squid You Farewell

Written by: Sam Humphries
Art by: Bernard Chang, Marcelo Mailo, and Carlos M. Mangual
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: March 7, 2018

With the announcement that Sam Humphries is off Nightwing in May, I really hope that he can tie-up his Judge story in style as it will be his entire run on the book.  While I haven't been a fan of his villain, I have liked a few things that Humphries brought to the book, namely Grayson Cross-Fit.  Will Dick's struggling business along with his two clients (Shout out to Kid Delicious!) make the transition to Ben Percy's run?  I kind of doubt it, but a man can hope, can't he?  Anyway, let's get on with this issue and see if we learn anything more about the Judge before it's all over...

Deathstroke #29 Review

Some Other Beginnings End

Written by: Priest
Art by: Diogenes Neves, Trevor Scott, Jeromy Cox and Willie Shubert
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 7, 2018

It's the end of the Defiance Squad as we know it...and I feel fine?  Well, not really since I really wanted it to stick and keep going with the whole team thing, as well as Slade being a good guy.  But seriously, did anyone think that would be the case?  I didn't think so, but now that it's ending I am hoping that Christopher Priest ends it with a bang and ties up most of the loose ends before Batman waltzes into this series with a few kill.  So does he?  Let's find out...

Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands #5 Review and **SPOILERS**

The Whale Wales

Writer: Tony Isabella
Artist: Clayton Henry & Yviel Guichet
Colorist: Pete Pantazis
Letterer: Josh Reed
Cover: Ken Lashley with Juan Fernandez
Cover Price: $3.99
On Sale Date: March 7, 2018


This has been a pretty enjoyable story, unfortunately stretched out into six issues. Not to say any one of them has been bad—the art team is terrific and Tony Isabella can certainly write an engaging comic book. But here we are, at the inevitable conflict between Tobias Whale and Jefferson Pierce, and I almost forgot about this conflict’s inevitability. But that doesn’t mean the conflict isn’t captivating! Is it, though? Find out in my review of Black Lightning: Cold Dead Hands #5, right here!

Harley Quinn #39 Review and **SPOILERS**

A Little Bit of Razzma Zsasz

Writer: Frank Tieri
Artist: Inaki Miranda
Colors: Alex Sinclair with Jeremiah Skipper
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Cover: Amanda Conner & Alex Sinclair
Cover Price: $2.99
On Sale Date: March 7, 2018


Well, Coney Island has been overrun by weirdos and malcontents…feels like the 1980s all over again! I can’t wait to get back to it, so let’s hop right into my review for Harley Quinn #39, commencing right now!

Shade the Changing Woman #1 Review and **SPOILERS**

Five Years Later

Written By: Cecil Castellucci
Illustrated By: Marley Zarcone
Colors By: Kelly Fitzpatrick
Back-Up Art By: Jamie Coe 
Letters By: Saida Temofonte
Covers By: Becky Cloonan and Marley Zarcone
Cover Price: $3.99
On Sale Date March 7, 2018

You ever visit Reddit?  It's probably not the worst place online to kill a few hours when you should be working... but, if you've never been, you probably don't need to.

At Reddit there are various sub-reddits where all matter of things can be shared and discussed... among them is one called "I'm 14 and this is deep"... which is exactly what you think it is.  It looks at and pokes fun at silly things kids/teens/self-important adults find "profound".

Now... what would happen if that sub-reddit became a comic book?  Hmm... I wonder.

Superman #42 Review and *SPOILERS*

Me Love Bizarro Speech So Much

Written By: Patrick Gleason, Peter J. Tomasi
Art by: Patrick Gleason, Alejandro Sanchez, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: March 7, 2018

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

Now while a lot of people love Bizarro from Bizarro World, I'm more of a fan of the under cooked clone variety because while you get some dumb-ed down talk....... you don't get backwards ass speech that infuriates me when I'm trying to read a story.  That out of the way, I'm not sure how much I'm going to enjoy this arc because Bizarro speech just kills me, but hopefully there's enough of a story going on here where I won't mind too much.  Let's jump into this issue where we have Superboy meet Boyzarro.  Let's check it out.

Justice League #40 Review and *SPOILERS*

Drawing Straws

Written By: Christopher Priest
Art By: Pete Woods, Chris Sotomayor, Willie Schu
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: March 7, 2018

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

It's time to see what's up with The Fan and the people's perception of the Justice League after last issue, where it looked like the Justice League were only saving the rich people of a town caught in a near chemical catastrophe.  That perception also forced Cyborg to go against his better judgment and teleport down, leaving who he thought was the Justice League's lawyer in the Watchtower, but who was really The Fan in disguise.  Let's jump into this issue and see if the Justice League and the JLA are able to tackle this problem after working together.  Let's check it out.

Green Lanterns #42 Review and *SPOILERS*

Fight The Power

Written By: Tim Seeley
Art By: V. Ken Marion, Sandu Florea, Dinei Ribeiro, Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: March 7, 2018

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

The hunt for Night Pilot continues with this issue and from what we saw previously, she's being kept by some pyramid scheme religion calling itself The Order of the Steed.  Hopefully, now that our Green Lantern heroes have found out where this cult is keeping Night Pilot, they're be able to go in rings a blazin' to get Simon's one time lady love and shut this phony faith down.  Let's jump into this issue and check it out.

Bane: Conquest #10 Review and *SPOILERS*

Get To It

Written By: Chuck Dixon
Art By: Graham Nolan, Gregory Wright, Carlos M. Mangual
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 7, 2018

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

It's time to jump back into the Conquest of Bane and hopefully find out who everyone is that he recruited for his little mission to completely wipe Kobra off the map.  It was such a huge disappointment last issue, where we spent the entire story recruiting people and by the end I couldn't place a couple of the members.  Now that we have the roster filled it's all about getting to the job at hand and hopefully it's more exciting than what we've been getting lately.  Let's jump into this issue and check it out.

Batman #42 Review and *SPOILERS*

Eat Your Greens

Written By: Tom King
Art By: Mikel Janin, June Chung, Clayton Cowles
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: March 7, 2018

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

Batman and Catwoman are trapped in a world where Poison Ivy has taken control of everyone except our heroes........... Yup.  That's about all I got for you with this because it doesn't matter to the rest of the DC continuity and I'm sure we'll just get a bunch of big scenes, repeating dialog and by the end, nothing with make sense.  Let's jump into this issue and check it out.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Batman: White Knight #6 Review

Joker Me This

Written by: Sean Murphy
Art by: Sean Murphy, Matt Hollingsworth, and Todd Klein
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 7, 2018

This has been one of my favorite books since it came out and to me, it's the unique package of story and art that is hitting on all cylinders.  I say unique because as some have noticed, I haven't been enjoying many of my books lately.  Sure, some stories are good and some art is even great, but it is few and far between where both shine.  Of course, Sean Murphy being the "writist" on this book helps matters as his vision of an alt Batman versus Joker story is sharp as hell and undiluted.  It's a sad thing that it's nearing completion, but I think the sales are going to make sure that we get at least a volume two and maybe even more.  Okay, enough of my gushing...Is this issue as good as the rest?  Is it even better?  Let's find out...

Weird Science DC Comics Podcast New 52 Review Ep 23: Batman and Robin Vol 1 - Born to Kill

Check out our Patreon and help support the podcast! Plus, get early access to New 52 Review Podcasts!  Jim and Eric get to talk about one of their favorite books from the New 52.  Is it as good as they remember?  Let's find out...

PREVIEW: Nightwing #40

Written by: Sam Humphries
Art by: Bernard Chang, Marcelo Mailo, and Carlos M. Mangual
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: March 7, 2018

“THE UNTOUCHABLE: DEEP DIVE!” He’s already been shot and stabbed, and there’s no end in sight for Nightwing as he’s forced to face off against the League of Limousine Assassins in the Silver Springs Casino! Meanwhile, the Judge’s rise to power culminates with his most explosive move yet.

PREVIEW: Green Arrow #38

Written by: Ben Percy
Art by: Juan Ferreyra and Deron Bennett
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 7, 2018

“TALE OF TWO CITIES” finale! In a special issue that wraps up plotlines that began at the start of this series, Green Arrow and Black Canary must stop Moira Queen and Merlyn from enacting the final stage of their master plan. And if G.A. manages to defeat them, he’ll still have to face the outcome of a trial that could change Oliver Queen’s life forever!

PREVIEW: Batman: White Knight #6

Written by: Sean Murphy
Art by: Sean Murphy, Matt Hollingsworth and Todd Klein
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 7, 2018

Gotham City’s strongest alliance comes to an end when Gordon’s trust in Batman reaches its limit. On the verge of resignation, the commissioner attempts a final act of public service, but an unlikely intervention allows the Dark Knight to fight another day. Meanwhile, Jack’s mission takes a hit when his pills lose effect—and under cover of all this chaos, Neo Joker is positioned to take the city hostage.

PREVIEW: Superman #42

Written By: Patrick Gleason, Peter J. Tomasi
Art by: Patrick Gleason, Alejandro Sanchez, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: March 7, 2018

“BOYzarro RE-DEATH” part one! It’s a bizarre, Boyzarro world—and we just live in it! When Superboy comes face to face with Boyzarro, the Son of Bizzaro, a strange transformation begins to take place. But that’s not all that the Kents have knocking on their door! Superman versus Bizarro round one am not just the beginning!

PREVIEW: Green Lanterns #42

Written By: Tim Seeley
Art By: V. Ken Marion, Sandu Florea, Dinei Ribeiro, Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $2.99

Release Date: March 7, 2018

“INHUMAN TRAFFICKING” part three! Green Lanterns Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz have tracked the criminal ring to a religious organization buried deep in the Horsehead Nebula. What does the Order of the Steed need with superheroes from Earth—and will Simon and Jess get stampeded in the process?

PREVIEW: Batman #42

Written By: Tom King
Art By: Mikel Janin, June Chung, Clayton Cowles
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: March 7, 2018

“Everyone Loves Ivy” part two! Poison Ivy has taken control of every man, woman and child on the planet, and only Batman and Catwoman have escaped her influence. But will the pair of them be enough to nip this in the bud?

PREVIEW: Bane: Conquest #10

Written By: Chuck Dixon
Art By: Graham Nolan, Gregory Wright, Carlos M. Mangual
Cover Price: $3.99

Release Date: March 7, 2018

To take on Kobra on its own turf, Bane will need an army. But what he needs and what he has are two different things...and what he has is twelve damned souls willing to follow him into Hell for a billion-dollar payday. But first they must be battle-tested and Bane-approved. And what better test than the abduction of one of Kobra’s elite? The action is building to a fever pitch and breakneck pace as this gangster epic roars toward its conclusion.