Does the Question know the Answer ? *SPOILERS*
2 of the Trinity War starts with The Question giving exposition on what he
does. Answering questions that pound in
his brain. The latest one is "Who
is the evil behind the evil?" He
tells us that if he answers enough questions, he will be given the answer to
his own. "What is his true
name?" This leads into where the
last issue left off with The Justice League Vs. The Justice League of
America. The fight we've wanted to see
since JLA started, and it's truly beautiful.
Doug Mahnke's art just makes you want to pause and ogle the page. The fight goes on until Superman (still
covering his eyes after heat visioning Dr. Light's face off) Causes an earthquake while screaming "Lock
me up!" makes me just think of the
scene in Monster Squad where the wolf man screams the same, while firing a gun
in the air. Alright back to the book.
JLA and Justice League take Superman back to A.R.G.U.S. HQ to figure out what
happened to him, because like all of us know even after watching Man of Steel,
Superman doesn't kill people. While
there, we get more fun banter with Hawk Man, sadly Shazam still being a brat,
The Atom wanting to come clean about being a spy for the JLA, and Waller asking
FireStorm if he can make Kryptonite.
Outside Superman's observation room, we get a awkward conversation
between Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor.
Imagine it like you still have feelings for an ex, and now your having a
conversation about her new boyfriend.
Yup Awkward. Inside, Batman is
watching over Superman, who is restrained to a techno-chair with a helmet/visor
covering Superman's eyes. Wonder Woman
walks in and lays down a knowledge bomb on Batman about Pandora and her
box. Batman's skeptical, but he should
know the dangers of a woman's box.
Wonder Woman decides she'll have to go find answers on her own.
Woman goes to the workshop of Hephaestus, the weapon smith of the gods, and
demands to know about Pandora's Box.
Hephaestus tells her that he didn't make the box, and that it is a
mystery even to the gods. His only
advise is that if Wonder Woman finds it, she should destroy it. Her search for answers takes her to the now
destroyed home of Madame Xanadu, where she meets and asks the aid of, The
Justice League Dark. The issue ends back
at A.R.G.U.S. HQ where Steve Trevor goes to see Superman. Superman tells him it isn't safe to take off
his helmet/visor, and we see that this is really The Question with a false
face. He asks Superman "Do you
really want to find out who killed Dr. Light?"
I said before the artwork in this book is superb, and Geoph Johns, and Jeff
Lemire really write the hell out of this book.
It moves really fast, and makes me jones for the next issue. I really don't have anything bad to say about
this issue, except that I want more, now.
It's issues like this that keep readers reading and make new
readers. So if you haven't checked it out
yet, get it. Get another copy to give
out, to turn someone else on to it. Hopefully
the rest of the story is on par with this and the first issue.