Friday, September 1, 2017
Thursday, August 31, 2017
DC Comics Best Covers of the Week 8/30/17
Slim Pickings
Hey, it's a fifth week in comics, and you know what that means! A bunch of Annuals and whatever comics didn't make the regular schedule during the rest of the month. In the Long Ago, DC used to have events for these weeks...but no matter, there were more than five covers published, so here's the five best! No foolin'!
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Gotham City Garage #2 Review
Gotham City Garage #2
Writer: Collin Kelly & Jackson Lanzing
Colorist: Brian Ching, Kelly Fitzpatrick
DC Comics Digital First
Release Date: August 30, 2017
Cover Price: $.99
Ladies, Start Your Engines
Gotham City Garage may not be packing the hype of some of DC’s other titles, specifically along the lines of Metal or the Doomsday Clock, but the first issue was extremely solid and had me hyped for issue two. So how does Kara’s meeting with these newly introduced ‘Chicks on Bikes’ end up going? Let's find out.
Supergirl Annual #1 Review

Written by: Steve Orlando
Art by: Steve Pugh, Michael Atiyeh and Steve Wands
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: August 30, 2017
It's time to continue the "Emerald Eradication"! Okay, I'm not really sure what that will mean in the long run, but right now I just want to see the Fatal Five kick some butt and Supergirl stopping them in the end. Yea, I also want to know what's going on with Supergirl's powers and possibly how a Grundy was created by a "Zombie Follicle", but that may be asking a bit much. So, what do we learn this issue? Let's find out...
Justice League of America #13 Review

Written by: Steve Orlando
Art by: Ivan Reis, Julio Ferreira, Marcelo Maiolo and Clayton Cowles
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: August 30, 2017
It's time to continue the
Darkseid Oversize Special #1 Review and **SPOILERS**
Just Your Average Day on Apokolips
Writer: Mark Evanier/Paul Levitz/Jack Kirby
Artist: Scott Kolins/Phil Hester, Ande Parks/Jack
Colorist: Dave McCaig/Dave Stewart
Letterer: A Larger World’s Troy Peteri/Todd Klein
Cover By: Chris Burnham & Nathan Fairbairn
Cover Price: $4.99
On Sale Date: August 30, 2017
We’re at the end of DC Comics’ month-long celebration
of Jack Kirby’s 100th birthday, and they finished it up with a bang!
Character-wise, that is…I can’t attest to the quality of the comic book. What
am I saying, of course I can—and I did, in my review of Darkseid Oversize Special #1, right here!
The Black Racer and Shilo Norman Oversize Special #1 Review
For Whom the Ski Poles Toll
Writer: Reginald Hudlin/Jack Kirby
Pencils: Denys Cowan, Ryan Benjamin/Jack Kirby
Inks: Bill Sienkiewicz, Richard Friend
Colors: Jeromy Cox
Letters: Janice Chiang
Cover: Cowan, Sienkiewicz, Cox
Cover Price: $4.99
On Sale Date: August 30, 2017
Well, here’s an interesting one…the Black Racer, essentially
the God of Death in Jack Kirby’s Fourth World, and Shilo Norman, that lesser
Mister Miracle that was created for reasons known only to Jack himself. Perhaps
to have more Black New Gods? In any case, I can’t claim to be an expert on
either character, but that didn’t stop me from reviewing The Black Racer and Shilo Norman Oversize Special #1, and you can
read that review right now!
Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #1 Review and *SPOILERS*
Brotherly Love
Art By: Tyler Kirkham, Arif Prianto, Taylor Esposito
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: August 30, 2017
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
It's annuals week and that means that I don't have a lot to say before this issue because while I would have liked to continue our Smarty-Pants Bizarro story, instead we're about to jump into a one-off that takes place before Red Hood and the Outlaws #12, featuring Nightwing! Yeah, that sounds like fun and it's so much fun that I just want to point out here something that might not interest anyone but me, but we do see Artemis have the Bow of Ra here and that doesn't really jive with how the normal Red Hood and the Outlaws stories have played out........... but since this issue is a lot of fun, I just wanted to point that out here so I don't have to interrupt the fun for a continuity nitpick......... Well, that and because I didn't have a lot to say at the beginning here. Let's check out this Annual.
Wonder Woman #29 Review and *SPOILERS*
The Good of The Many
Art By: Inaki Miranda, Romulo Fajardo Jr., Saida Temofonte
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: August 30, 2017
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Let's step back into the Heart of the Amazon and see what Shea Fontana's plan for our Amazon Princess is now that we've learned that there's a bounty out on her head. Yeah, while Mayfly might not have been able to take Diana down, that's not about to stop everyone else who heard about the bounty and hopefully Wonder Woman doesn't need much backup because Etta Candy is still recovering from the bombing at her brother's wedding and isn't at tip top shape. Let's jump into this issue and see if we can find out who's behind the bounty and if Wonder Woman will be able to go after them once she takes on all the villains that have shown up outside of Etta's apartment building. Let's check it out.
All-Star Batman #13 Review
Written by: Scott SnyderArt by: Rafael Albuquerque, Chris Peter and Steve Wands
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: August 31, 2017
Well, it's the penultimate issue of All-Star Batman and I have been enjoying it up until now. I am expecting some big reveals in the next two issues to go along with the thrill ride we've been getting each issue. Now, I am not sure how Batman and Alfred can possibly get out of last issue's cliffhanger, but isn't that the fun of following a series like this? Hint...yes, it is. So, how do they survive and what else does Scott Snyder have in store for us? Let's find out...
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Injustice #21 Review
Injustice 2 #21
Writer: Tom Taylor
Art Team: Bruno Redondo, Juan Albarran, Rex Loxus
DC Comics Digital First
Release Date: August 29, 2017
Cover Price: $.99
This Conner Actually Scores a Knockout
It must be Tuesday because Injustice 2 is back to provide that new comic book fix a full 24 hours before anybody's actually allowed at the store. Last issue ended with little Conner handling the ‘bad’ Batman in a very unexpected manner. So where does that leave our group on their path to escape out of Ra’s fortress … let find out.
PREVIEW: All-Star Batman #13

Art by: Rafael Albuquerque, Chris Peter and Steve Wands
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: August 31, 2017
“THE FIRST ALLY” part four! As painful secrets from the past are revealed, Batman must face down a nemesis unlike any he’s seen before—or risk the horrific consequences of the Genesis Engine falling into the wrong hands!
PREVIEW: Justice League of America #13

Art by: Ivan Reis, Julio Ferreira, Marcelo Maiolo and Clayton Cowles
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: August 30, 2017
“CRISIS IN THE MICROVERSE” part two! Disaster strikes when the JLA’s shrink ship crashes on a strange world, where the team encounters a mysterious being who claims a connection to the missing Ray Palmer. But nobody’s going anywhere without the help of Shahn-Zi, a sentient planet with the power to find Palmer.
PREVIEW: Supergirl Annual #1

Written by: Steve Orlando
Art by: Steve Pugh, Michael Atiyeh and Steve Wands
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: August 30, 2017
“EMERALD ERADICATION” part two! With her powers out of control, Emerald Empress takes the upper hand over Supergirl! These deadly tactical strikes will rattle the Girl of Steel to the core!
PREVIEW: Red Hood and the Outlaws Annual #1
Art By: Tyler Kirkham, Arif Prianto, Taylor Esposito
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: August 30, 2017
“Brothers in Arms”! When Red Hood discovers a new wave of criminal activity in Gotham City with a traveling circus at its epicenter, he recruits Nightwing to help the Outlaws infiltrate the big top! Can the two would-be brothers put their differences aside and crack the case? Or will their division be the harbinger of their demise?
“Brothers in Arms”! When Red Hood discovers a new wave of criminal activity in Gotham City with a traveling circus at its epicenter, he recruits Nightwing to help the Outlaws infiltrate the big top! Can the two would-be brothers put their differences aside and crack the case? Or will their division be the harbinger of their demise?
PREVIEW: Wonder Woman #29
Art By: Inaki Miranda, Romulo Fajardo Jr., Saida Temofonte
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: August 30, 2017
“HEART OF THE AMAZON” part four! No single bounty hunter would be enough to draw blood from Wonder Woman—which is why the cabal that’s so desperate to get their hands on Amazon DNA has sent five!
“HEART OF THE AMAZON” part four! No single bounty hunter would be enough to draw blood from Wonder Woman—which is why the cabal that’s so desperate to get their hands on Amazon DNA has sent five!
PREVIEW: The Black Racer and Shilo Norman Oversize Special #1
Writer: Reginald Hudlin/Jack Kirby
Pencils: Denys Cowan, Ryan Benjamin/Jack Kirby
Inks: Bill Sienkiewicz, Richard Friend
Colors: Jeromy Cox
Letters: Janice Chiang
Cover: Cowan, Sienkiewicz, Cox
Cover Price: $4.99
On Sale Date: August 30, 2017
Shilo Norman has taken up the mantle of Mister Miracle, following the
example of Scott Free by cheating death on a daily basis. But when he
pushes himself to the limit, the Black Racer comes calling. Now Shilo is
literally running from death itself and a cosmic chase leads both
target and hunter across the universe. Also featuring a Fourth-World era
Sort of a strange note to end Jack Kirby month on, but maybe it's terrific! Check out some preview pages below!
PREVIEW: Darkseid Oversize Special #1
Writer: Mark Evanier/Paul Levitz/Jack Kirby
Artist: Scott Kolins/Phil Hester, Ande Parks/Jack
Colorist: Dave McCaig/Dave Stewart
Letterer: A Larger World’s Troy Peteri/Todd Klein
Cover By: Chris Burnham & Nathan Fairbairn
Cover Price: $4.99
On Sale Date: August 30, 2017
Mark Evanier, longtime Kirby associate and biographer (Kirby: King of
Comics), tells a tale starring one of Jack’s greatest villains. The
latest daring escape from the orphanage of Granny Goodness leaves an
infuriated Darkseid determined to capture and punish the escapees. The
Lord of Apokolips puts his best hunter on the case, but one of Granny’s
students is unlike anyone he’s encountered before. Plus, an untold tale
of Omac by Humphries and Rude and a classic Kirby Fourth World tale!
Well you don't get a whole lot more "DC Jack Kirby" than Darkseid! Check out some preview pages, right here!
Monday, August 28, 2017
Daredevil #25 Review - Marvel Monday
It's not so Supreme is it?
Written by: Charles SouleArt by: Alec Morgan
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 23, 2017
Soule's DD run has really fallen off the rails as of late. It has been plagued with fill in artists that were odd choices and these odd choices have been put in at odd times during the run. The pacing in the run as a whole has been off too, in my opinion, with to many lulls in the over all story. It also has to many boring talking scenes that, at first, feel like they are going to be important in the over all story but then they just come up short of being that. It almost feels like Soule is just the stop gap for a new writer. Like he is just suppose to get DD's life back in order. As if Soule's marching orders handed down from up high were, "get all the pieces in place characterization be damn." I get that feeling because all the side characters and the villains feel like cookie cutter carbon copies of themselves. This conspiracy theory is the logic I use to keep myself buying and reading this comic every time it comes out.
Marvel Madness Comics Podcast - Episode 17
Marvel Madness Comics Podacst
Episode 1717 weeks of straight Marvel talk, are we nuts? Yes, yes we are. Branden and Trevitt get together and discuss what turns out to be a difficult release schedule week to sort through. In these reviewers opinion we got excited as we possibly could to discuss what comes the next couple hours. Slap though headphones on, ignore everyone at work, and listen to whether or not you should BUY, BORROW, or FORGET the following titles:
Marvel Monday's Marvelous Covers - Week of 8/23/17
Marvel Monday's Marvelous Covers - Week of 8/23/17
Guess who's back, back again, my Internet's back at least for now. So Im taking advantage while I can and using this fine gift from above to showcase some of the various main and variant covers from the Marvel Comics release schedule of 8/23. No investment on your behalf expect to be critical of my choices, sound good to you? Jump in see what I picked!
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #6 Review - Marvel Monday
Ben Reilly: Scarlet Spider #6
Writer: Peter David
Art Team: Will Sliney
Marvel Comics
Release Date: August 23, 2017
Cover Price: $3.99
Death Blows
Well I would like to issue a formal apology for the abrupt and very short Marvel Monday last week I ran into some severe Internet related issues. So I'm back this week with a little extra effort review wise championing one of my favorite semi-heroes Ben Reilly. Why do I like this shady guy to begin with? Is it the hoody? Well to be honest mostly for 10 year old me deep inside yes, but I like my heroes with baggage too, and Ben has plenty. So let's check in on our blue hoodied friend in issue six accompanied by an art change.
Secret Empire #9 Review - Marvel Monday
Secret Empire #9 Review
Writer: Nick Spencer
Art Team: Leinil Francis Yu, Joe Bennett, Gerry Alanguilan, Joe Pimentel
Marvel Comics
Release Date: August 23, 2017
Cover Price: $3.99
Countdown To Reset 3, 2, 1 ...
Penultimate issue people ... well unless you count the Omega issue that drops after #10, so then this would be the penultimate issue, to the eventual real penultimate issue, of Secret Empire ... it all depends how you look at it. I have finally just about made it to the end of this event with my sanity and I for one can’t wait for it to end. So, how does Hydra start to fall, and what is their dirty little back up plan in place, in case shit goes wrong? Let's discuss lots of people punching each other in Secret Empire #9 shall we.
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Weird Science DC Comics Podcast Ep 138: DC Comics, Nightwing New Order and Life’s Escape Key
Jim, Eric, Reggie and the rest of the GFC try to get through a down week of books. See if they survive...Enjoy!
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