Saturday, August 18, 2018
Scooby-Doo Team-up #41
Hay-Elp! I Can’t Return This Comic!
Writer: Sholly Fisch
Artist: Scott Jeralds
Publisher: DC Comics
Release Date: August 22, 2018
Cover Price: $2.99
Scooby Dooby Doo where are you, taking us?
To a crocodile-infested desert with Penelope Pitstop and the Ant Hill Gang!
Gideon Falls #6 - Review
Questions and Answers
Written by Jeff LemireArt by Andrea Sorrentino
Colors by Dave Stewart
Letters by Steve Wands
Publisher: Image Comics
Publication Date: 15 August 2018
Gideon Falls. To date the finest book that Image Comics has produced in 2018? I think so. This is the final issue for a while before this book goes on a break until October. So where will the book leave us before it hits the pause button? Let's find out.
Analog #5 - Review

Man Out Of Time
Written by: Gerry Duggan
Art by: David O'Sullivan
Colors by: Jordie Bellaire
Letters by: Joe Sabino
Publisher: Image Comics
Publication Date: 15 August
This book has been an enjoyable light-hearted adventure that has allowed me to empathize with the grumpy technophobe lead while enjoying watching him crack a few heads together. Will this be a good close of the first arc? Let's see.
Retro Review: Detective Comics Vol 1 #38 - "Robin the Boy Wonder"

Written by: Bill Finger
Art by: Bob Kane and Jerry Robinson
Cover Price: 10 ¢
Release Date: April 1940
This is the start of a new bunch of reviews that myself and others are going to start doing on the weekends here at Weird Science. Since a bunch of us are not so thrilled with the current state of affairs, I thought it might be cool to go back in time and review some comics with our favorite characters, storylines, etc to kind of recharge the old batteries and get things a little more positive around here. Since Dick Grayson is my favorite character, I figured I'd go back to the very beginning and review his first appearance in Detective Comics #38. I hope you'll be into this and away we go...
Friday, August 17, 2018
Archie Meets Batman '66 #2 Review
New Kids in Town

Writer: Jeff Parker, Michael Moreci
Artist: Dan Parent, J. Bone
Publisher: Archie Comics
Release Date: August 15, 2018
Cover Price: $3.99
It's time for the second issue of Archie Meets Batman '66 and while I liked the first issue, I hope we get more of a melding of the two properties this time around. Yea, while I'm hoping it's Batman doing the Batusi at Pops, I'll take what I can get. So, do I get what I want? Let's find out...
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Top Five Fridays: Top 5 DC Animated Movies
Hello and welcome back to another Top Five Fridays where this week I will be picking my Top Five Animated Movies. I am sure this list will not match everyone's, but that's the fun of it, right? Right?!?! If you are mad that something is missing, give me your list in the comments below, but remember, this is just my list and my sensibilities don't match most. What I'm saying gentle with me!
Pearl #1 Review

Written by: Brian Michael Bendis
Art by: Michael Gaydos and Josh Reed
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 15, 2018
For a lot of people, this book and those that will follow are the reasons that they are excited about Bendis' move to DC. I don't happen to be one of them, but it's not out of anything other than my not having read any of Bendis' creator-owned work. I have read his Daredevil run, and his take on that character and that world are what I expected from this book and that's honestly mostly what I got. Whether or not it worked for me is a whole other story. Read on, Weird Scientists.
Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill ep. 102 - Marvel Comics' Age of Apocalypse Part Three! (1995)
Not That Wolverine
mutant rebels! In this episode, extra Horsemen Chris (@AceComics) and
Reggie (@reggiereggie) return to the time that might have been in part
three of their look at Marvel Comics' 1995 X-Men event, Age of Apocalypse! After some recap, they read both issues of X-Men Chronicles, with special conentration on #2 by Howard Mackie and Ian Churchill! Then, our pen slaves close out the final issues of Astonishing X-Men, Factor X, Generation neXt, and Weapon X,
providing biographies for all new characters (and creators) encountered
along the way! We're halfway through this huge comic book event, so
don't fall asleep during one of Magneto's monologues! Aw, who could
blame ya?
Throwback Thursday Reviews: Batman: The Dark Knight #23.2 - Mr. Freeze (2013)

An Ice Family Reunion
Writer: Justin Gray, Jimmy PalmiottiArtist: Jason MastersPublisher: DC ComicsRelease Date: September 11, 2013Cover Price: $3.99
This was a pretty controversial continuation of the New 52 Mr. Freeze from Scott Snyder's Batman Annual #1. It has been kind of fixed since then...kind of... - Jim
Week two of Villain's Month and I'm starting out with a Dark Knight title. Oh Good. We now have the reinvented Mr. Freeze who doesn't have the sympathetic origin story, that makes us like the character so much. So what do we have you ask? Let's find out.
Throwback Thursday Reviews: Batman '66 #31 - The Joker's Big Show(2014)

Written by: Jeff Parker
Art by: Jonathan Case
Cover Price: $1.99
Release Date: April 2, 2014
When this arc hit, I was starting to worry that maybe I was getting tired of the whole Batman '66 thing...this story got me right back on the trolley! - Jim
Batman '66 has been so good since it's the first issue. Jeff Parker (mainly) and multiple artists have explored the campiness of the television show. Like the Silver Age comic, the show really relied on the crazy and colorful villains to drive the crazy plots and Jeff Parker has duplicated that formula to a tee. Everyone from huge villains like the Joker, Penguin and Mr. Freeze to little-known ones like Shame and Chandell have been featured. All have been great, but after 31 issues there is the danger of not knowing what to do next. Jeff Parker is better than that, though. Instead of picking a villain for Batman '66 #31, he throws in a bunch and makes one of the best issues in a long, long time.
Throwback Thursday Reviews: Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga #1 (2014)

Written and Illustrated by: Jiro Kuwata
Translated by: Sheldon Drzka
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: July 5, 2014
Continuing on the theme of "When I enjoyed some Batman", here is a review of Jiro Kuwata Batmanga #1 which was a ton of fun to read and really took me by surprise! - Jim
Well, this one kind of snuck up on me. I was not aware of "Batmanga", let alone that it was going to be released weekly as a DC Digital First. After seeing a couple of issues released and looking into its history, I decided to give it a whirl. I'm glad I did.
Throwback Thursday Reviews: Batman Eternal #1 (2014)

Written by: Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Ray Fawkes, John Layman and Tim Seeley
Art by: Jason Fabok
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: April 9, 2014
This week for the Thursday Throwback Reviews, I decided to feature all sorts of Batman issues. Why? Well, to prove that we here at Weird Science may be disappointed with the current start of Batman affairs, but we will always be big fans! - Jim
I know, We need another Batman book like we awesome weekly book featuring the Gotham Police Department as much as the Dark Knight. That's right, I've been pretty stoked (is that a word anymore?) for Batman Eternal and now that it's here I can tell you, it's worth the wait even if it has a few flaws.
Throwback Thursday Reviews: Batman #35 - Endgame Part One (2014)
They'll Laugh at You

Art by: Greg Capullo
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: October 8, 2014
This was the beginning of Endgame and also the last arc of Syder and Capullo's Batman that I reviewed. As you can see from the score, I loved it! I know some don't agree, but I miss this Batman. - Jim
Opinions of "Zero Year" seem to run the gamut of review scores. Personally, while I enjoyed it, I thought it went on a bit too long and overly relied on past stories. I enjoy Snyder and Capullo when they are doing their own thing, not trying to prove they are the biggest Batman fans in the room. This arc looks really promising in that regard. It also doesn't hurt that it's a game changer in every way possible to the point that I use that phrase after promising I never would again.
DC Comics Best Covers of the Week August 15, 2018
Sometimes the Covers Pick You
These comics from DC come every week...and sometimes very weakly! Having dispensed with that Weird Science DC Comics authorized joke, let's hop into my list of five for the week! It was tough to complete the list, but I'm pleased to announce that I did it.
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Archie Meets Batman '66 #1 Review

Calling All Cars
Writer: Jeff Parker, Michael Moreci
Artist: Dan Parent, J. Bone
Publisher: Archie Comics
Release Date: July 18, 2018
Cover Price: $3.99
I have to admit that this combination of two things I loved as a kid kinda snuck up on me. Actually, as you can tell by the release date of this first issue, it more eluded me than anything. I am a HUGE Batman '66 fan (yes, the television show and the comic) and while I haven't read much Archie since hitting adulthood, the Riverdale Gang still has a place in my heart. So, how do these two go has to be less zany than Archie Vs. Sharknado, right? Let's find out...
Batwoman #18 Review and *SPOILERS*
Drugs Are Bad… M’Kay?
Written By: Marguerite Bennett
Art By: Fernando Blanco, John Rauch
Letters By: Deron Bennett
Letters By: Deron Bennett
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 15, 2018
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Well, ladies and gentlemen…. Here we are. The final issue of this Batwoman series. It has been a long year and a half. There have been a couple ups and a metric fuck-ton of downs. However, as a huge Batwoman fan myself, I am a little disappointed that this book is just ending rather than getting a new creative team. Batwoman is such a great character and I just wish DC was more devoted to keeping her around rather than relegating her to a supporting character in the Batman books. All we can hope for though is a nice conclusion for this series and hopefully the company will eventually bring her another solo series in the future. Lets just jump right into this book and see how things come to an end.
New Challengers #4 Review
Laughing in the Face of Death
Writer: Scott Snyder, Aaron Gillespie
Art Team: V Ken Marion, Sandu Florea, Dinei Ribeiro
Release Date: August 15, 2015
Cover Price: $2.99
The New Challengers, "who in the heck are they", one might say to themselves. Well over the course of four issues we've actually gotten some background on each of our four main characters, and by cleverly mixing that in as the story is progressing, I've actually come to enjoy this title much more than I ever anticipated doing. So let's dig into this last Challenger of the bunch we've yet to dive into and check out what's set up for the series final two issues.
Injustice vs Masters of the Universe #2 Review
Brawn and Brawl

Writer: Tim Seeley
Art Team: Freddie E. Williams II, Jeremy Colwell
Release Date: August 15, 2018
Cover Price: $3.99
I had an unapologetic blast with the first issue of this crossover. Tim Seeley was able to manage and balance both the Injustice and He-Man lore into each other seamlessly without leaning too heavily either way. Not only that but both of the worlds are currently dealing with their own threat really bringing a stakes to this series right out of the gate. So did the creative team save any creative juices for a follow up, let find out.
Damage #8 Review
Damage Control
Writer: Robert Venditti,
Art Team: Tom Dernick, Diogenes Neves, Trevor Scott, Allen Passalaqua
Release Date: August 15, 2018
Cover Price: $2.99
Damage, which started out as my favorite New Age of Heroes concept, has lately spun a bit out of control since its debut issue by featuring a bevy of guest stars, and paying very little attention to actually moving the story at hand forward, as Damage slugs it out with insert name here. Despite those complaints, I tune in with the hope things pick back up, and we get back to solving this mystery so we can progress the character along with his path to redemption. So what does issue eight hold in store for Damage fans? Join me and find out.
Batgirl #25 Review and **SPOILERS**
Bat in the Saddle
Creators: See Below
Letterer: Deron Bennett
Cover: Rafael Albuquerque
Variant Cover: Joshua Middleton
Editor: Brittany Holzherr
Group Editor: Jamie S. Rich
Cover Price: $4.99
On Sale Date: August 15, 2018
I feel like we haven’t seen Batgirl comics in a while, but it has actually been only a month. It also feels like there should be more issues since Rebirth than twenty-five. Have I slipped into that alternate dimension where Nelson Mandela died in the 1990s? I could be Sliding™ back any time, so hurry and check out my review of Batgirl #25 while it still exists!
Harley Quinn #48 Review and **SPOILERS**
Hatin’ Gentrification
Writer: Sam Humphries
Artist: Alisson Borges
Colors: Gabe Eltaeb
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Cover: Guillem March and Tomeu Morey
Variant Cover: Frank Cho
Assistant Editor: Andrea Shea
Editor: Alex Antone
Group Editor: Brian Cunningham
Cover Price: $3.99
On Sale Date: August 15, 2018
is back from Apokolips and ready to settle back into her cozy, Coney Island
life…except her apartment building is being demolished! And they’re not going
to erect a statue of Quinn in its place. Find out what happens by reading my
review of Harley Quinn #48,
commencing now!
Aquaman #39 Review and **SPOILERS**
Story: Dan Abnett and Rob Williams
Script: Abnett
Pencils: Joe Bennett
Inks: Vicente Cifuentes
Colors: Adriano Lucas
Letters: Steve Wands
Cover: Rafa Sandoval and Ivan Plascencia
Variant Cover: Joshua Middleton
Assistant Editor: Andrea Shea
Editors: Alex Antone and Katie Kubert
Group Editor: Brian Cunningham
Cover Price: $3.99
On Sale Date: August 15, 2018
crossover with Suicide Squad
continues, and for the first time in a long while, I’m excited to check out an
issue of Aquaman! So let’s dispense
with the pleasantries and dive right into my review of issue #39, right here!
Cave Carson Has an Interstellar Eye #6 Review and **SPOILERS**
I Am He and You Are He and You Are Me and We Are All Spelunking
Writer: Jon Rivera
Cover & Interior Artist: Michael Avon
Colorist: Nick Filardi
Letterer: Clem Robins
Editor: Molly Mahan
Executive Editor: Mark Doyle
DC’s Young Animal Curated By: Gerard Way
Cover Price: $3.99
On Sale Date: August 15, 2018
Now we’ve come to the end of the series! And
almost the end of this “pop-up” imprint! Will Cave Carson’s Eye keep
Interstellaratin’? You’ll have to read my review of Cave Carson Has an Interstellar Eye #6 to find out!
Justice League #6 Review
Going Against The Grain
Written By: Scott Snyder
Art By: Jorge Jimenez, Alejandro Sanchez, Tom Napolitano
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 15, 2018
Release Date: August 15, 2018
Now that we're getting back to our story after that little intermission last issue, where we saw Luthor recruit the Legion of Doom, I wonder if we'll finally get some answers to what the hell is going on in this book. There's some big concepts, some new names of new things thrown at us, but at the end of the day I think I can only scratch the surface of what's going on if I was trying to describe this book to someone. I've got the "whats" like it's nobody's business, it's just the whys and the hows that have been alluding me. Let's jump into this issue and see if things getting any clearer. Let's check it out.
Green Lanterns #53 Review
Enemy Inside The Gates
Art By: Marco Santucci, Hi-Fi, Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 15, 2018
While I was all excited to get Dan Jurgens on this title when it was first announced, I can't say that I've been loving what we've been getting from his run. So far, we know that the rings are compromised and that there's something dark within them that's the culprit. On top of that, we have a strange energy based being called Eon, who's teamed up with the Ravagers to mine planets for minerals......... Yeah, exciting. With all that though, we don't really know shit yet. Hopefully, that all changes with this issue. Let's check it out.
The Wild Storm #16 Review and Spoilers

Written by: Warren Ellis
Art by: John Davis-Hunt
Colors by: Brian Buccellato
Letters by: Simon Bowland
Cover Price: $3.99
The expansion of the Wild Storm universe continues apace this issue as John Lynch's road trip brings him into contact with possibly the weirdest and creepiest Project Thunderbook alumnus yet, and elsewhere Angie Spica finds a new friend on the internet. (Well, it's all about connecting people, isn't it?) Let's dive in and see how they get on…
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