Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: August 15, 2015
Weapon of Choice
I don't know if I should admit this, but I love All-Star Section Eight. I know it's not for everyone (including my man, Jay Yaws, at Batman-News who has washed his hands clean of it!), and I'm not really sure what my love says about me as a person. This book is lewd, crude and upsetting almost all the way through and yet, I find myself laughing the whole time. Maybe it's because I had no expectations about it going in, but I don't think that's quite it. I think it's all a sense of humor thing and where you sit mentally. I am in fact, an eight year old when it comes to what I find funny. If you are like me and laugh anytime someone farts or says something like, "You have to do that longer and harder", then this book might be for you as well. I am not saying I'm proud to like All-Star Section Eight, but I do want your pity. Please don't judge me. Now, on with the review...