Eric, Reggie and Jim get together for this Pilot Episode of the Just for the Hell of It Podcast to talk about Breakfast Cereal. They discuss their favorites and least favorites as well as mascots, toys, commercials and much, much more. If you want to email any suggestions, comments or questions, do so at
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Just For The Hell Of It Podcast Ep 1: Breakfast Cereal
Eric, Reggie and Jim get together for this Pilot Episode of the Just for the Hell of It Podcast to talk about Breakfast Cereal. They discuss their favorites and least favorites as well as mascots, toys, commercials and much, much more. If you want to email any suggestions, comments or questions, do so at
The Other Saved By the Bells – Saturday Morning Weirdness
all know about great and irredeemably stupid live Saturday Morning comedy/drama
Saved By the Bell: originally the
Disney Channel’s Good Morning, Miss Bliss
and then moving to NBC and the sunny shores of Bayside, California; on through
a summer season at Malibu Sands Beach Club and weird last-season cast changes
and into the College Years; finally
culminating in the shameful New Class,
which is not spoken of in polite circles. But there were a bunch of also-rans,
pretenders to the throne of Samuel “Screech” Powers that were, at times, even
more delightful because they were so unabashedly insipid. Wish you could have
seen them! So long now. What’s that? You want me to write about these “other”
Saved By the Bells? Well, I guess it’s my own fault for bringing them up in the
first place. Read on to see what little I remember of these other shows!
Friday, February 12, 2016
Top 5 Fridays: Top 5 Romantic Shipping in DC Television
Welcome back to another romance filled Top 5 Fridays! Last week we covered Bromances, and while everyone loves them, sometimes we want a little romance in our lives, especially during the Valentine's Day season. For fans, we find ourselves pairing off characters that could one day become a couple for our favorite comics and TV shows. We call this shipping, and we'll be covering that today. Now while people do pair off characters in comics as well, I will be only covering television as I really don't ship much in comics. However its not just the DC television shows, I'll be spanning to any show that was on the air. As per usual, this is my list so I apologize if you don't see a couple you like. ENOUGH TALK! Let's sail these ships...
Starfire #9 Review and **SPOILERS**
Underwater Ladies’ Picnic
Written By: Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti
Art By: Elsa Charretier,
Letters By:
Tom Napolitano
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: February 10, 2015
*Non-Spoilers and Score At
The Bottom*
That Starfire, she’s a
pip, isn’t she? Though I’m sure that, with Jimmy Palmiotti’s recent
announcement that this comic will end at issue number twelve, people are
leaving the book in droves—but I still like the spunky, naïve Kori we’ve been
treated to in this book. If her incarnation in Red Hood and the Outlaws was too sexualized and mercenary, then
this is the bubbly, silly counterpart to that. If I had my druthers, I’d choose
the latter, and will be sticking with this ride to the bitter end! Who’s coming
with me? I said, who’s coming with me??! Read
on if you want to enjoy more stories of an orange woman constantly on the verge
of committing a sex crime!
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Red Hood/Arsenal #9 Review and *SPOILERS*
Down and Out In The Gotham Underground
Written By: Scott Lobdell
Art By: Javier Fernandez, Jose Villarrubia, Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: February 10, 2016
Release Date: February 10, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
First off, I just want to say how strange it is that we get this whole new series calling itself Red Hood/Arsenal when we get Joker's Daughter joining the team within the first six issues of the series...... not that I'm really complaining, it's just something that struck me when I was thinking about how to start this review and I figured I'd throw that out there........ It's just weird. I know that these characters aren't "Outlaws" anymore, but keeping the previous name for the series just seems to make more sense when Red Hood and Arsenal aren't are only main characters anymore. Another reason I decided to go into this title rant is because of how much I despise the Gotham Underground and talking about it seemed terrible to me so I figured I'd ease my way in. So yeah, our characters are all stuck in "The Nethers", where Jason is taking on a group of mercs called The Iron Rule, Roy is searching for Joker's Daughter, who is being held prisoner by the former ruler of the Underground: Charon, who on top of wanting to make Duela pay for dethroning him, wants his lava monsters to sink all of Gotham into the underground. Let's jump into this issue and see if Scott Lobdell can make the Gotham Underground interesting or if it just remains something that I hope to never see again. Let's check it out.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Prequel Chapter 5 Featuring Lex Luthor Review
Sexy Lexy
Written by: Christos Gage
Art by: Joe Bennett, Sean Parsons, Hi-Fi and Deron Bennett
Cover Price: Free with purchase of 20 oz. Dr. Pepper or Diet Dr. Pepper or “Doc” Pepper’s Slam BLAST!! or Ms. Pepper’s Cherries Jubilee or Ms. Pepper’s Cherries Jubilee BLAST!!
Release Date: February 3, 2016
Constantine: The Hellblazer #9 Review and **SPOILERS**
Written By: Ming Doyle & James
Tynion IV
Art By: Riley Rossmo, Ivan Plascencia
Letters By: Tom Napolitano
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: February 10, 2016
*Non-Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
You know what’s unfair? You don’t see any crazy
neo-conservative moralistic groups campaigning against Constantine: The Hellblazer. Sure, the knitting club will organize
a ten-person boycott of the Olive Garden for a television show called Lucifer, but John Constantine is
straight up hanging out in hell, carousing with demons, and the comic gets no
hate. It’s inherent blasphemy, not to mention proud sodomy and blatantly making
amoral behavior look cool, should put this comic at the top of any concerned
parents’ list. I want everyone reading this excerpt right now to go purchase
one copy of Constantine: The Hellblazer—for
the low price of two dollars and ninety-nine cents!—and expose it someplace
conspicuous that an authority figure might see it. Bring it to school and read
it during lunch! Roll it up and stick it in your back pocket when you go to
church! Because if we can get just one lame unprogressive protest group to zero
in on this comic book, sales will skyrocket. It’s a great book, and if you’re
not convinced you can read my review!
The Flash #48 Review
Burn Notice
Written by: Robert Venditti and Van Jensen
Art by: Jesus Merino, Guy Major and Pat Brosseau
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: February 10, 2016
I have been a fan of Robert Venditti and Van Jensen's run on the Flash and that goes hand-in-hand with being a Brett Booth fan as well. I've come to realize that Booth's art on this book was a love it or hate it affair and I'm glad that I fell on the former side because I'm usually so negative that it's nice to be the guy smiling once and awhile. That fact made this issue a somber affair as this is Jesus Merino's first issue since taking over for Booth. I didn't stay somber for very long, however, as this issue features the Rogues and I can't help but get excited anytime I see my favorite villains up front and center like this. So, with all this craziness going on, was this issue good? Let's find out...
Gotham Academy #15 Review

Written by: Brenden Fletcher, Zac Gorman, Eduardo Medeiros, Rafael Albuquerque, and Helen Chen
Art by: Adam Archer, Zac Gorman, Eduardo Medeiros, Rafael Albuquerque, and Helen Chen.
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: February 10, 2016
The Pizza Club is still all about their yearbook as Maps and Olive continue gathering stories and at Gotham Academy they expect more than the standard "Most Likely to Fall in a Vat of Chemicals" copy that plays at Gotham High across town...nope, this is serious business. This anthology-like story arc is fun enough, but is the overall story good enough to actually hang out with later or will you just sign "See you this summer," and then immediately forget about it?
Black Canary #8 Review and **SPOILERS**
Safe European Home
Written By: Brenden Fletcher
Art By: Sandy Jarrell, Lee Loughridge
Letters By: Steve Wands
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: February 10, 2015
*Non-Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Last issue artist Annie Wu rocked my world—with rock!—and I was looking forward to what
she might cook up for issue number eight…turns out she’s not on this issue. I
suppose after that incredible issue she deserves a break, and the person
replacing her is no slouch! It’s Sandy Jarrell, who I know from Batman ’66 but he’s done a lot of other
work besides (according to his website.) So we know the art will be capable,
but can this comic achieve the greatness of the last issue (or two) without the
work of Wu? Hey, that rhymed, it’s true! One fish, two fish, red fish, blue!
Forget this Seussing, read my review!
Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #2 Review and *SPOILERS*
Saving Douchebags, Who Don't Want To Be Saved
Written By: Tom Taylor
Art By: Ethan Van Sciver, Jason Wright, Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: February 10, 2016
Art By: Ethan Van Sciver, Jason Wright, Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: February 10, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Take my hand and journey with me to the Universe that existed before our own.......... and when I say "our own", I mean our heroes' own. That's right, we're dealing with a Universe that's destined to die to create the one we all know and love, where Batmen swing through the streets of Gotham and Supermen lose their powers and have their identities revealed, destroying their lives........... okay, maybe not that last part because no one loves anything about that, but what I'm getting at is our Green Lantern Corps are stuck in a Universe that is on the......... edge of oblivion and they, with a city the size of a planet are all that's left in this barren void as they try to find a way to survive and for our Lantern heroes, they're trying to pull a Dr. Sam Beckett hoping that they might make it home....... possibly with some kind of leap............ Man, I miss Quantum Leap. So our Corps, with this planet full of strangers will need to work together to find a way out of this Universe, but from what we saw in the previous issue with Muk Muk being murdered by some mysterious attacker, well I'm guessing that teamwork will be a difficult proposition. Let's jump into this issue and see what's what and if we can find out who killed poor Muk Muk and broke my heart. Let's check it out.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Catwoman #49 Review
Between a Rock and a Hard Place

Written by: Frank Tieri
Art by: Inaki Miranda, Eva De La Cruz and Travis Lanham
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: February 10, 2016
I have really enjoyed Frank Tieri's run on Catwoman so far. He has taken her from the Gotham mob scene, put her back in the catsuit and the places she and most of her fans are more familiar with. That doesn't mean things are any easier as she quickly found herself wanted for a murder she didn't commit and on the run with a million dollar bounty on her head. Last issue ended with Killer Croc seemingly ready to cash in and while I love that Tieri is throwing a bunch of Gotham's least finest into his story, I really have taken a liking to the more user friendly Croc. So, I couldn't wait for this issue to see if the cliffhanger was a red herring and if not, how Selina was going to get out of that very precarious situation. So, which was it and was the issue itself worth the wait? Let's find out...
Arrow Season 4 Episode 13 "Sins of the Father" Review and *SPOILERS*
Civil War
Director: Gordon Verheul
Writers: Ben Sokolowski, Keto Shimizu
First Aired: February 10, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Remember in between seasons 3 and 4, the producers of Arrow said that the show would have a much lighter tone than the last two seasons? Nothing says lighter tones then the premonitions of death, crazed anarchist killers, terrorists that cripple fan-favorites, and most importantly a blood lust that ROTS the inside of its victims! Joke aside, we have a very big issue with the Lazarus sickness in Thea. Last week Nyssa offered a deus ex machina cure to Oliver that she got from Japan...all he has to do is kill Malcolm Merlyn...Now while Malcolm is a giant douche, but Oliver doesn't kill anymore...How can Oliver help his sister and prevent a League of Assassins War, while keeping everyone alive? Lets dive in and find out...
Arrow: The Dark Archer Chapter #3 Review and *SPOILERS*
Don’t Go Down to
the Basement
Written By: John Barrowman
and Carol E. Barrowman
Art By: Daniel Sampere, Juan Albarran, Kyle
Letters By: The Unknown
Digital Price: $0.99
Release Date: February 10,
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
It’s funny, I
read this chapter just moments after watching this week’s episode of Arrow, where Malcolm Merlyn faces off
with [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] [REDACTED] and then Oliver [REDACTED] his [REDACTED]
and gives the [REDACTED] to [REDACTED]. It’s sort of weird to read this now
that I know what happens much further into the future. But it’s been a pretty
engaging story so far, and what we’re looking for here is insight into the
character, not insight into this season. So what truth bombs do you think were
dropped in this chapter of the Dark
Archer? Guess what, you don’t have to think! You can read my review!
Batman/Superman #29 Review
The Finest Indeed
Written by: Tom Taylor
Art by: Robson Rocha, Julio Ferreira, Blond and Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: February 10, 2016
Tom Taylor is back for the second part of his Batman/Superman story that gives us the classic duo involved in a murder mystery that became very personal for Superman by the end of last issue. Throw in Lobo and a bounty on Batman's head and you got a setup for a pretty cool story that I was looking forward to, mainly in hopes of getting answers to the slew of questions I had after reading last month's issue. Well, did I get the answers I was hoping for and was the issue good with or without them? Let's find out...
Harley’s Little Black Book #2 Review and **SPOILERS**
Red, Black and Green. Know What I Mean?
Written By: Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda
Art By: John Timms, Mauricet, Hi-Fi
Letters By: Marilyn Patrizio
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: February 10, 2015
*Non-Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
One thing you don’t hear from any of the presidential
hopefuls is their political positions on Harley Quinn. Do they approve of her
clothing, or would they force her to mend them? Is she an American citizen, or
should she have to be Naturalized being that she comes from the land of
Bonkersonia? Most importantly: will any candidate attempt to stem the gushing
tide of Harley Quinn titles issuing
from DC Comics? Because let me tell you, dear reader, anyone attempting that
will be sorely disappointed. I heard Jimmy Palmiotti asked for a break on Harley Quinn and DC Comics kidnapped his
poodle and sent tufts of fur until he turned in twelve scripts. Printing
problems almost delayed the last issue of Harley’s solo title, but Dan Didio
and Jim Lee went down to the plant and colored several hundred thousand copies
with magic markers. Harley Quinn is a
force of nature, you can accept it and allow Harley to wash over you like a cascading
fountain of poop jokes, or you can prepare yourself for a fight to the death.
And it’s more than likely you will lose. Read on for some no-nonsense Harley Quinn reviewin’!
Batman and Robin Eternal #19 Review
Fear Itself

Written by: Tim Seeley
Art by: Paul Pelletier, Tony Kordos, Rain Beredo, Carlos M. Mangual
Cover Price: $2.99
On Sale Date: Feb 10 2016
Okay, I wasn't a fan of last week's issue of Batman and Robin Eternal. I'm hoping we can all put it behind us and get on with our lives and this series. I always go into each issue with an open mind, but I have to admit, after getting everything off my chest last week, I was kind of excited to see what Tim Seeley had in store for us in his last two issues of the series. I did enjoy his other issues so my hopes of something better weren't unfounded. So, with the big mysteries of Eternal solved and behind us, what does Tim Seeley and Eternal have up their sleeves now? Let's find out...
Batman #49 Review and *SPOILERS*
Brain Dead Batman

Art By: Yanick Paquette, Nathan Fairbairn, Steve Wands
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: February 10, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
It's been a long, hard road in getting Bruce Wayne to become Batman again, what with Jim Gordon taking the mantle of the Bat and Bruce simply digging his life with Julie Madison and his job working with children. It's weird, as much as I want to get the Batman we all know and love back in action, I have to admit that I kind of feel sorry for Bruce as well because the life he's living now, without the memories of his parents death and what he previously did as the Dark Knight is a pretty awesome way to end his story and allow him to ride off into the sunset, all "and they lived happily ever after". That might have been Bruce's end, but because people love the original Batman and that original Batman has the ability to print money for DC, Bruce was forced to start remembering his past because of Mr. Bloom's attacks on the city, his interactions with who I'm now claiming is the smartest man alive Duke Thomas and lastly because of his little powwow with the dionesium healed Joker in the last issue, Bruce now knows who he is and has to find a way to become The Batman once again and hopefully save the city in the process. Let's jump into this issue and see if Bruce is able to throw his happy life away for the sake of others or if he's doomed to live that happy life, knowing that he previously could have made a difference............. Yeah, it's not too hard to imagine which of those options will go down. Let's check it out.
New Suicide Squad #17 Review and **SPOILERS**
Big Trouble in Little
Written By: Tim Seeley
Art By: Juan Ferreyra
Letters By: Nate Peikos of Blambot®
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: February 10, 2016
New Suicide Squad, new creative team, new reviewer! I’ve been an on and off fan of the
Suicide Squad for years, though to be frank I haven’t been to “on” during much
of the New 52. Sometimes I’d get an
issue, take a peep, then see Joker’s Daughter or something and run away in
tears. But Jim told me to dry my eyes, there’s some new blood on the squad: Tim
Seeley from Grayson on writing and
Juan Ferreyra from Gotham By Midnight
on pencils and colors. I love Grayson,
and I loved the art on Gotham By
Midnight, so this should be a no-brainer, right? In fact, I’m not even
going to bother reading this book, I’ll just give it a 10/10 score and be on my
way…what’s that? You say that would be disingenuous of me? Well fine then! I’ll
read this book, and you can read my review of it below, but if Joker’s Daughter
ends up in here, then so help me I am going to be a real bitch about it!
Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Five Chapter #8 Review and *Spoilers*
Bully Beakdown
Written by: Brian Buccellato
Art by: Iban Coello, J. Nanjan and Wes Abbott
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: February 9, 2016
I am a huge Injustice fan and have enjoyed Year Five so far, but I had to cry foul last week as we got an issue that was more catch-up than anything else. With so little time left before the series is over, it felt odd to waste time rehashing Batman and Superman's grudge and explaining what the super pill is all about. Hey, I'm all about giving new readers a jumping on point, but if you don't know these things yet, I don't know if this is the time to learn them. Brian Buccellato redeemed himself a bit when we got a cliffhanger of a really pissed off Hawkman heading to Earth. Hawkgirl's going to have some 'splainin to do and it all goes down this week. So, does this issue push the story forward or are we stuck treading water yet again? Let's find out...
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
The Flash Season 2 Episode 13 "Welcome to Earth-2" Review and **SPOILERS**
Earth-2 They Wear Hats On Their Feet and Hamburgers Eat People
Story By: Greg Berlanti & Andrew Kreisberg and Katherine
Directed By: Millicent Shelton
First Aired: February 9, 2016
*Non Spoilers and
Score At The Bottom*
These past seven days have
been the longest of my life. Not only did I have to work for a living for most
of them, but it was also the time between the last episode of the Flash, which ended with Barry
announcing “We’re going to Earth-2!” and the newest episode of the Flash, where they went to Earth-2!
I’ve been waiting for an extended representation of Earth-2 on this show ever
since they introduced the concept of the Multiverse last season, and it’s finally
here! We’ve seen glimpses of an Art Deco world seemingly styled with a 1940s
sensibility, but have never spent any appreciable time there. All that changes
with this episode, which you can read about right here!
New Suicide Squad #17 Preview
Written by: Tim Seeley
Art by: Juan Ferreyra
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: February 10, 2016

This begins Tim Seeley and Juan Ferreyra's run on New Suicide Squad and I am looking forward to seeing what they have in store for fans. While the voice inside my head says that it will be more inline with the upcoming movie, this preview says different. I guess we will find out tomorrow!
Batman/Superman #29 Preview

Art by: Robson Rocha
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: February 10, 2016
This epic tale from another era in Clark and Bruce’s history continues! Someone has put a bounty on Batman’s head, and Lobo’s come to collect. Can Superman stop this intergalactic bounty hunter in time?
This is another issue that I have been waiting for since last month. I want to see how Tom Taylor pulls this story of a giant space alien and Lobo together. I have full faith in him that he will do it and can't wait to see how.
Catwoman #49 Preview

Art by: Inaki Miranda
Cover Price:$2.99
Release Date: February 10, 2016
Catwoman’s been on the run before, but now it’s not just the cops that are on her tail! With a bounty on her head, it seems like every member of the New York underground is gunning for her…and that includes some familiar faces from Gotham City! When sometime allies Batgirl and Killer Croc decide to get in on the chase, Catwoman might be all out of tricks.
I have really enjoyed Frank Tieri's run on Catwoman so far and can't wait for this issue as well. I've been waiting to see what's up with Killer Croc from last issue's cliffhanger, but Batgirl?!?! Like I said, I can't wait to see this issue!
Batman and Robin Eternal #19 Preview

Art by: Tony Kordos and Paul Pelletier
Cover Price: $2.99
On Sale Date: Feb 10 2016
Everything that can go wrong does in both the past and the present! Batman spent years believing Mother was dead…and when you see their blood-soaked confrontation, you’ll know why! Now that she’s returned in the modern day, Batman’s allies will find themselves under siege from a world-destroying weapon they never saw coming! And on top of everything…Harper Row learns a devastating secret that will change her life forever—and potentially make her the most dangerous foe the Robins have ever faced!
I'm hoping that now that the two big "mysteries" of the series have been revealed, Tim Seeley will get us started down the stretch run with some big time excitement. All it will take is one kick ass issue to get me back on board and I hope this is it.
Starfire #9 Preview

Art By: Mirco Pierfederici
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: February 10, 2016
Homeward bound, under-ground! Starfire and Stella journey underground to visit Atlee’s home—but it’s changed since she left! While things heat up near the Earth’s core, will Sol and Kori’s romance follow suit?
We saw Starfire smooching Grayson at the beginning of last issue, and Sol at the end, so who will she kiss this time? Looks like we're going underground, let's hope it's more like the cool underworld in Action Comics and not the insane Gotham underworld for Catwoman!
Green Lantern Corps: Edge of Oblivion #2 Preview

Art By: Ethan Van Sciver
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: February 10, 2016
As space begins to collapse around them, the Green Lanterns find there are many threats at the end of a dying universe. Some of those threats may even hide among the refugees the Lanterns now protect.
I really dug the first issue to this mini, mainly because it did the impossible....... it actually moved! Yeah, that might not sound like much, but after waiting six months for Lost Army to go somewhere....... only to have it not really do a damn thing...... well, movement is appreciated. Lousy Lost Army laying there like a dead fish.
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