Holy good news, Batman! Scott Snyder, current writer of the main Batman title stopped by /r/ComicBooks on Reddit for an AMA and it was magical. The highlight of the event was when Snyder revealed that 'Batman Eternal'--DC Comic's weekly year-long Batman series--would be continuing for a second year. When asked if there was any truth to the rumors that the series would be going on a hiatus in March, Snyder responded "Yep! The story ends in March and then we'll do a year 2 after a break (we have to get WAY ahead on a weekly series before it starts coming out)."
Saturday, November 1, 2014
Batman Beyond 2.0 #40 Review
Written by: Kyle Higgins and Alec Siegel
Art by: Thony Silas
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: November 1, 2014
It's finally arrived, the last issue of Kyle Higgins' , Alec Siegel's and Thony Silas' run on Batman Beyond. If you haven't been following our little site, let me clue you in on a little secret...I'm a bit of a fan of this book. That may be an understatement since it's my favorite book I read right now and don't really know what I'm going to do on Saturdays without it. Sure, I could play with my children or talk to my Wife, but where's the fun in that? Seriously, for over a year I have spent my Saturdays with Terry and I've loved every moment of it. And now it's over. So sit back, hold back those tears and cue "It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday" as we discuss Batman Beyond 2.0 #40.
Art by: Thony Silas
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: November 1, 2014
Seasons in the Sun
It's finally arrived, the last issue of Kyle Higgins' , Alec Siegel's and Thony Silas' run on Batman Beyond. If you haven't been following our little site, let me clue you in on a little secret...I'm a bit of a fan of this book. That may be an understatement since it's my favorite book I read right now and don't really know what I'm going to do on Saturdays without it. Sure, I could play with my children or talk to my Wife, but where's the fun in that? Seriously, for over a year I have spent my Saturdays with Terry and I've loved every moment of it. And now it's over. So sit back, hold back those tears and cue "It's So Hard to Say Goodbye to Yesterday" as we discuss Batman Beyond 2.0 #40.
Top 5 Fridays.... On Saturday!: Top 5 Horror Flicks That Happen To Have Comics In Them
Yeah I know it's Saturday, but what was I going to do, leave all of you hanging on a Top 5 List? Halloween has come and gone for another year and during it I was kind of busy, so I don't need people bullying me about not getting a list up. For this Top 5 Fridays.... On Saturday, I figured we'd keep the Halloween spirit alive a little longer and look at some horror flicks that for one reason or another decided to have comic books in them. I'm going to run down this list of my personal favorites and I also suggest that you watch these.... well because I love horror flicks and I think everyone else should too. I'll talk a little about them and tell you where they decided to have a pointless inclusion of a comic book or where they really used the comic for their favor. Okay this is really a hodgepodge list, so let's just get to it.
Justice League 3000 #11 Preview

Art by: Howard Porter
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: November 1, 2014
The Five have been defeated – but the Justice League has no time to catch their breath with the forces of Etrigan, the Demon massing for attack and the threat of the new Injustice League rising. Plus: a stunning discovery on Takron-Galtos!
I don't know about you, but I love Justice League 3000. It's such a fun book and while the first arc took a little bit longer to kick into gear than I expected, I enjoyed it all the same. Now we get the "Injustice League 3000" and I'm completely in. Then there was the promise of Blue Beetle and Booster Gold arriving next month (or is that the thing on the final page we aren't supposed to peek at?!) which only excites me more. I can't wait to find out.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Green Arrow #36 Preview
Written By: Andrew Kreisberg, Ben Sokolowski
Art By: Daniel Sampere, Jonathan Glapion
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: November 5, 2014
Green Arrow can hardly catch his breath as he returns to Seattle to find new allies and a new mission. Some things never change, though, as Ollie is making new people want to kill him!
We've got a lot going on in this new direction for Green Arrow. We've got Merlyn searching for Mia Dearden, who you all might remember as Speedy after Green Arrow's resurrection in the early 2000's and we got Felicity Smoak's New 52 debut with her new and improved techno guru self and apparently she's been hired to kill Oliver. Oh yeah and an Emeral Archer who's back in Seattle who's kicking ass and taking names. I know a lot of people are wary of this new creative team, but they're only on this title for a little bit and I'm kind of interested to see where it goes. Green Arrow's back to basics and I'm all for it.
Art By: Daniel Sampere, Jonathan Glapion
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: November 5, 2014

We've got a lot going on in this new direction for Green Arrow. We've got Merlyn searching for Mia Dearden, who you all might remember as Speedy after Green Arrow's resurrection in the early 2000's and we got Felicity Smoak's New 52 debut with her new and improved techno guru self and apparently she's been hired to kill Oliver. Oh yeah and an Emeral Archer who's back in Seattle who's kicking ass and taking names. I know a lot of people are wary of this new creative team, but they're only on this title for a little bit and I'm kind of interested to see where it goes. Green Arrow's back to basics and I'm all for it.
Detective Comics #36 Preview
Written By: Ben Percy
Art By: John Paul Leon
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 5, 2014
In “Terminal” part 2, Batman’s efforts to stop a contagion at the Gotham Airport come crashing down!
Now I don't really know how this is going to play out because Batman and all the people that happened to be at Gotham Airport are now under quarantine, so unless Magnus Magnuson..(stupid ass name) decides to come to the airport to witness his "Outbreak" handiwork, how the hell is Batman going to stop him? I'm not really looking forward to this issue because I didn't really like the first part of this story. It's a too big for Batman to stop and it just throws me off right off the bat....... Pun intended. But I guess I'll have to put all by bias aside and at least give it a chance............ I just don't get it.
Art By: John Paul Leon
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 5, 2014

Now I don't really know how this is going to play out because Batman and all the people that happened to be at Gotham Airport are now under quarantine, so unless Magnus Magnuson..(stupid ass name) decides to come to the airport to witness his "Outbreak" handiwork, how the hell is Batman going to stop him? I'm not really looking forward to this issue because I didn't really like the first part of this story. It's a too big for Batman to stop and it just throws me off right off the bat....... Pun intended. But I guess I'll have to put all by bias aside and at least give it a chance............ I just don't get it.
Arrow Season 2.5 #5 Review and *SPOILERS*
Written By: Marc Guggenheim, Keto Shimizu
Art By: Joe Bennett, Craig Yeung, Szymon Kudranski
Digital Price: $0.99
Release Date: October 27, 2014
Last chapter of Arrow Season 2.5 was just a waste of time in my opinion. The entire issue was just a flashback to Season 2 of Arrow, where we happened to see that after Sebastian Blood died by Ravager's sword, Clinton Hogue was hiding in the closet and claimed Blood's mask to become the new Brother Blood. Also it seems that since Diggle and Felicity had Hogue tied up and interrogated, they've been on his mind ever since and he employed a sketch artist to create their likenesses because I guess he wants some payback. Now this has to be the best sketch artist I've ever seen work off of memory because these drawings are dead on. Hopefully this doesn't come back to bite our heroes in the ass............. Yeah I know it's going to happen. Let's check out what this issue has in store for us.
Art By: Joe Bennett, Craig Yeung, Szymon Kudranski
Digital Price: $0.99
Release Date: October 27, 2014
Church Is Weird

Swamp Thing #36 Preview
Written by: Charles Soule
Art by: Jesus Saiz
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: November 5, 2014
“THE MACHINE QUEEN,” part 2: The Machine Kingdom is not happy with Swamp Thing, and the lines of battle are drawn! But Alec Holland has a humanity the Machine Kingdom lacks, and that gives him an edge…at least for now. Still, no man – not even a plant one – is an island, and Swampy must seek out his true love, Abigail Arcane! We hear the Rot is very nice this time of year…
Charles Soule and Jesus Saiz are on borrowed time and if you ask me, so is Swamp Thing in general. Don't get me wrong, I love this book and really wish more people would give it a chance. Soule has done so much for the Swamp Thing Mythos and this issue looks to continue that. Do yourself a favor and check it out.
Art by: Jesus Saiz
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: November 5, 2014

Charles Soule and Jesus Saiz are on borrowed time and if you ask me, so is Swamp Thing in general. Don't get me wrong, I love this book and really wish more people would give it a chance. Soule has done so much for the Swamp Thing Mythos and this issue looks to continue that. Do yourself a favor and check it out.
Happy Halloween From Weird Science
Robin Has His Costume Ready, Do You?
This Was Done By Racoonee. See More HERE
Okay, we put this up last year, when pretty much nobody came here and we still didn't know what the hell we were doing. So I figure what the hell, this is an awesome picture and people should see it. Have a Happy Halloween and we appreciate your constant viewing of this little thing we did on a whim that is taking off thanks to you.
This Was Done By Racoonee. See More HERE
Okay, we put this up last year, when pretty much nobody came here and we still didn't know what the hell we were doing. So I figure what the hell, this is an awesome picture and people should see it. Have a Happy Halloween and we appreciate your constant viewing of this little thing we did on a whim that is taking off thanks to you.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Wonder Woman #35 Review
Written by: Brian Azzarello
Art by: Cliff Chiang
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 29, 2014
This is it, the final issue of Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang's epic run on Wonder Woman. I believe that this long form story will go down as one of the better Wonder Woman stories ever and also one of the things that people will point to when looking back at the best of the New 52. I usually try to recap things a bit in this opening segment, but so much has gone on that that would just be a practice in futility. If you haven't read any issues of this run and are checking in to see if the finale is good, it isn't...it's great. Do yourself a huge favor and go pick up every issue leading up to this one and start reading and thank me later. Now that everyone is up to speed, let's get on with the review.
Art by: Cliff Chiang
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 29, 2014
Not What it Seems
Harley Quinn Annual #1 Review
Written by: Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti
Art by: John Timms
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: October 29, 2014
Art by: John Timms
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: October 29, 2014
Do You have the Rub 'N Smell? It'd be alot cooler if You did
A little note before I get into my review. I get my books digitally and no matter how hard I rub my laptop's screen, the only thing I'm smelling is the chicken wing sauce I just smudged on it. Luckily, even though the smells are designed to "Offend, Inform and Amuse", the issue is strong enough to work on it's own without resorting to gimmicks, even if it is a pretty cool one.
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Earth 2: World's End #4 Review and *SPOILERS*
Written By: Daniel H. Wilson, Marguerite Bennett, Mike Johnson
Art By: Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, Jan Duursema, Jonathan Glapion, Jorge Jimenez, Tyler Kirkham, Joe Weems, Robson Rocha, Paul Neary
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 29, 2014
Art By: Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, Jan Duursema, Jonathan Glapion, Jorge Jimenez, Tyler Kirkham, Joe Weems, Robson Rocha, Paul Neary
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 29, 2014
Oh Atlantis and Your Super Weapons!
Last week in World's End we saw the usual battles that this series has all ready become predicable for. Yeah I get it, it's the world's end, shit's going down and heroes have to be fighting them battles, but damn...... Does it have to be all the time? Are we ever going to get a breather so we can explore these characters properly? Anyway, Power Girl, Huntress and Red Tornado fought Batman and Val-Zod because they were under the control of the Fury: War, but they eventually got over that, but War was long gone. The World Army detained Big Barda, Fury and Mister Miracle, but after a lengthy interrogation they figured that they'd allow them to escape so that they could just follow their teleportation signal back to Apokolips. In the end we saw Dr. Crane get zapped by a mother box while his mind was linked to his robot body, so it's very possible we'll have the Earth 2 Robot Man soon and when Aqua Woman went back to check in on her people in Atlantis, she found out that the majority of her people had been killed and turned into zombies by the Fury: Death. Okay let's check out this parallel world adventure, where hopefully it isn't just good guys beating up bad guys....... or vice versa. Let's check it out.
The New 52: Futures End #26 Review and *SPOILERS*
Written By: Brian Azzarello, Jeff Lemire, Dan Jurgens, Keith Giffen
Art By: Scot Eaton, Scott Hanna, Drew Geraci, Hi-Fi
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 29, 2014
For this week's quick recap, you'll need to know that the person who put Coil, Key and Plastique up to the job of stealing the prototype USphere from Mister Terrific was Bruce Wayne. Also after Batman Beyond joined that crew to infiltrate Terrifitech and find out info on Brother Eye, he totally screwed the bad guys over by sounding the security alarms and Coil and Key were caught by security and then immediately offered a job by Mister Terrific himself. You know when he found out the whole Bruce Wayne hired them thing. Now while those two were captured, Batman Beyond let Plastique pal around with him because..... Well I guess he honestly felt bad because he found Plastique staring at her Brother Eyed self from the future and no one should ever have to see that. So yeah, Plastique and Batman Beyond; the dynamic duo. On Cadmus Island, Fifty Sue has decided that Deathstroke, Grifter and Lana Lang are going to simply take down the AI and get their island back and finally, last issue we saw that Dr. Yamazake, Jason Rusch's boss and increasing nutcase found out about Jason's super identity and with his hate on for superheroes........ well it can't end well for our hero. Okay let's check out this week's foray into Five Years From Now.
Art By: Scot Eaton, Scott Hanna, Drew Geraci, Hi-Fi
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 29, 2014

Sinestro #6 Review and *SPOILERS*
Written By: Cullen Bunn
Art By: Dale Eaglesham, Scott Hanna, Jason Wright
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 29, 2014
Last week in Red Lanterns we saw that Guy Gardner and Simon Baz are getting in on the New God bashing when Earth was invaded by a handful of these Kirby Colossus', to get their hands on Guy's ring....... and I guess Simon's, but they went specifically for Guy, but pretty much they want all the rings taken from slingers in the Prime Universe because of them being "lesser beings". Elsewhere John Stewart and his band of Lanterns were rescued by the Indigo Tribe when they were attacked by a New God and Hal Jordan as far as I know is still licking his wounds and contemplating suicide after seeing the massive beating they took from the New Gods and good old Kyle was invited to New Genesis by Highfather to get that pesky Life Equation removed from him so he can get back to simply smooching with Carol Ferris. It looks like Sinestro is up next, so let's see how this master of fear deals with the possibility of complete annihilation from this alien god menace in GODHEAD Act 1 Part 6. Let's check it out.
Art By: Dale Eaglesham, Scott Hanna, Jason Wright
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 29, 2014
The Enemy of My Enemy Is Still My Enemy, But What The Hell

Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Batman: Eternal #29 Review
Written by: Ray Fawkes
Art by: Simon Coleby
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 22, 2014
Baternal has been hit-or-miss for me, but I guess that's the way of a weekly book of this sort. With so many stories, creative teams and characters, you are bound to lock onto a couple and favor them over the others. One of my favorites has been Ray Fawkes and the teamup of Jim Corrigan and Batwing. Ray Fawkes has been the go to guy for the mystical story of Eternal and Jim Corrigan and Batwing are just awesome. This issue has all three, but unfortunately, it's not one of the stronger issues of the series. Let me explain why.
Art by: Simon Coleby
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 22, 2014
Green Light
Baternal has been hit-or-miss for me, but I guess that's the way of a weekly book of this sort. With so many stories, creative teams and characters, you are bound to lock onto a couple and favor them over the others. One of my favorites has been Ray Fawkes and the teamup of Jim Corrigan and Batwing. Ray Fawkes has been the go to guy for the mystical story of Eternal and Jim Corrigan and Batwing are just awesome. This issue has all three, but unfortunately, it's not one of the stronger issues of the series. Let me explain why.
Star Spangled War Stories featuring G.I. Zombie #3 Review
Written by: Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti
Art by: Scott Hampton
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 22, 2014
Whether or not you like this book, you have to admit that there is nothing else like it in the New 52. It's the Walking Dead meets the X-Files meets Lethal Weapon meets...I think you get the point. Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray shove a bunch of great things together and a cool, unique title comes out the other end. This is only the third issue (fourth if you count the cool Futures End book) and we are still getting to know Jared and Carmen, but the more I see, the more I like. This issue makes me like them even more.
Art by: Scott Hampton
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 22, 2014
Bringing a Severed Arm to a Knife Fight
Whether or not you like this book, you have to admit that there is nothing else like it in the New 52. It's the Walking Dead meets the X-Files meets Lethal Weapon meets...I think you get the point. Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray shove a bunch of great things together and a cool, unique title comes out the other end. This is only the third issue (fourth if you count the cool Futures End book) and we are still getting to know Jared and Carmen, but the more I see, the more I like. This issue makes me like them even more.
Sometimes Dead Is Better: Damian Wayne
It's the end of October and that usually means dressing up, begging for candy, partying down or for the purposes of this article. Resurrecting the dead. It wasn't too long ago that Peter J. Tomasi dropped a bombshell on us by showing us the cover to Batman and Robin #38, revealing a very alive Damian Wayne and even more surprising, a very alive Damian Wayne who appears to have super powers. His reasoning behind this decision is that the reveal would have been spoiled by the solicits anyway and why not be the person to present it when he's the one being all Dr. Frankenstein about it. Now I'm fine with his decision to spoil the spoil, but is this really where we want the story to be going?
Injustice: Year Three #5 Review
Written by: Tom Taylor
Art by: Mike S. Miller
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: October 28, 2014
Dr. Harley Quinn, Medicine Woman
Injustice: Year Three has been all about the magic side of things and it's been so...magical?! I'm sorry about that, but it really has been great. By concentrating on the Dark characters of the DCU, Tom Taylor has made things fresh and fun. It's been about gathering magical allies and while Team Batman seemed to have the upper hand, Team Superman may have gone ahead last issue with the introduction a a real heavy hitter. The fun of seeing who turns up next is only topped by guessing who will be the next to fall. Nobody goes down this issue, but there is an introduction to a new hero...maybe.
Art by: Mike S. Miller
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: October 28, 2014
Dr. Harley Quinn, Medicine Woman
Injustice: Year Three has been all about the magic side of things and it's been so...magical?! I'm sorry about that, but it really has been great. By concentrating on the Dark characters of the DCU, Tom Taylor has made things fresh and fun. It's been about gathering magical allies and while Team Batman seemed to have the upper hand, Team Superman may have gone ahead last issue with the introduction a a real heavy hitter. The fun of seeing who turns up next is only topped by guessing who will be the next to fall. Nobody goes down this issue, but there is an introduction to a new hero...maybe.
Infinity Man and the Forever People #4 Review
Written by: Keith Giffen and Dan Didio
Art by: Keith Giffen
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 22, 2014
Art by: Keith Giffen
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 22, 2014
Don't Have a Cow, Man
I don't know about you, but I really like this book. However, if you held a gun to my head and demanded to know why, I'm not sure I could answer in a satisfying way. Yes, it's fun and I like fun, but beyond that it's just a "feeling" I get when reading it that's hard to pinpoint. The book is a mixture of discovery, silver age goofiness and infectious fun that makes me smile even when I'm confused or shaking my head at what I'm reading. This issue has all that and a couple of head scratching guest stars that make it more ridiculous and more fun all at the same time. Just the way I like it.Monday, October 27, 2014
Infinite Crisis: Fight for the Multiverse #24 Review
Written by: Dan Abnett
Art by: Christian Dulce
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: October 26, 2014
Looking back at this series it is very clear that I haven't been it's most vocal supporter. Actually, I don't know who has been because I really haven't seen any indication that anyone else reads it. It's been such an inconsistent book with a ton of lows and only a few highs. Luckily, the highest of highs was last week. Dan Abnett finally gave us few fans an issue that kicked butt from start to finish. This issue was pretty good as well so I guess you can say that Abnett saved the best for last. Why? Because in another great move by DC, this book has ended without anyone knowing. I can't say I'm surprised or that I didn't predict it, but why does DC make readers find out such things on their own? Oh well, it happened before (with Justice League Beyond 2.0) and will probably happen again. However, that's an article for another day. Let's talk about this last issue.
Art by: Christian Dulce
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: October 26, 2014
Another One Bites the Dust
Looking back at this series it is very clear that I haven't been it's most vocal supporter. Actually, I don't know who has been because I really haven't seen any indication that anyone else reads it. It's been such an inconsistent book with a ton of lows and only a few highs. Luckily, the highest of highs was last week. Dan Abnett finally gave us few fans an issue that kicked butt from start to finish. This issue was pretty good as well so I guess you can say that Abnett saved the best for last. Why? Because in another great move by DC, this book has ended without anyone knowing. I can't say I'm surprised or that I didn't predict it, but why does DC make readers find out such things on their own? Oh well, it happened before (with Justice League Beyond 2.0) and will probably happen again. However, that's an article for another day. Let's talk about this last issue.
Just For The Hell Of It Mondays: Halloween Harley Quinn Tutorials
It came to my attention this weekend that it's the end of October and we have yet to put up anything Halloween related on this site. Now Jim, he's an old man and forgets to take his pills sometimes so I can understand why he might of forgot or didn't care to put something Halloween oriented up........ Wait scratch that, he totally had the monster variant covers in his covers of the week feature. So I guess I'm just the schmuck who hasn't done shit to celebrate his favorite holiday. I'm a huge horror fan too and to think that I haven't taken something that I love and shoved it down all your throats....... Well I might have to have my fanboy card revoked. Well as much as I love horror, I love something else dealing with Halloween more. That's right woman dressing sexy and more importantly dressing like sexy DC characters. Yeah, I'm a bit of a creep, but it's what Halloween is all about nowadays. Looking at scantily clad women and not getting yelled at for staring. I don't care if you have other ideas about the holiday, I'm sticking with my beliefs. So with that, we'll be looking at a tutorial for any woman that wants to dress like Harley Quinn, but just doesn't know where to start or how to go about it. That's right I'm a giver........... by stealing someone else's videos and showing it here. Giver. So let's check it out and hopefully it gives you a bit of an idea on how to go about dressing like Harley Quinn. I guess you guys could go as Harley as well, but don't expect the ogling I promised. Happy Halloween and I'll see you all in November. I expect pictures ladies........... That's right, I'm that kind of creepy.
Catwoman #35 Review
Written by: Genevieve Valentine
Art by: Garry Brown
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 22, 2014
I have to start this review with a confession. I think that Ann Nocenti is the worst thing that has ever happened to Catwoman, but I may hate pant suit Selina Kyle even more. Catwoman should be a fun character, but this new Selina hasn't been fun in Baternal and if this first issue is any indication, the fun may be missing here as well. I guess you can't get everything and having Nocenti off the book is a huge win so I'll be happy for that and hope everything else falls into place eventually.
Art by: Garry Brown
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 22, 2014
I have to start this review with a confession. I think that Ann Nocenti is the worst thing that has ever happened to Catwoman, but I may hate pant suit Selina Kyle even more. Catwoman should be a fun character, but this new Selina hasn't been fun in Baternal and if this first issue is any indication, the fun may be missing here as well. I guess you can't get everything and having Nocenti off the book is a huge win so I'll be happy for that and hope everything else falls into place eventually.
Secret Origins #6 Review and *SPOILERS*
Written By: Brian Azzarello, Cliff Chiang, J.M. DeMatteis, Cullen Bunn
Art By: Goran Sudzuka, Kevin Stokes, Igor Lima
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: October 22, 2014
For this issue of Secret Origins we'll be looking at Wonder Woman, Deadman and Sinestro and what I think is the first time I finally see a point to this series. We're getting there people! We're running out of Justice Leaguers and soon we'll have characters who's origins haven't been splattered all over media from before I can even recall. Yeah, I don't have much to say here, they're origin stories that you may or may not know and at least Deadman and Sinestro fit the bill for me. J.M. DeMatteis is giving us a new look at Deadman's beginnings and I never really thought about it before, but I guess I've never wondered about how Sinestro became a Green Lantern, so that's two new ones for me and as far as Wonder Woman goes, I don't read the book but I know her new origins, hopefully this section of the book will offer up something I didn't know before hand. Okay let's check out this issue of Secret Origins.
Art By: Goran Sudzuka, Kevin Stokes, Igor Lima
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: October 22, 2014
Finally I'm In On The Secret

Batman: Eternal #30 Preview
Written by: Ray Fawkes
Art by: Fernando Pasarin
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 29, 2014
The last time Deacon Blackfire took control of Gotham City, Batman nearly died...How will the city fare now that he wields unspeakable power?
I know the solicit above is all about Blackfire, but the preview below is about one guy...The Spectre. I have enjoyed Ray Fawkes stories in Eternal mainly because of Batwing and Jim Corrigan and I'll even deal with the Joker's Daughter to get one or both of them. I'm also really digging Fernando Pasarin's art and can't wait to see the whole issue.

Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 29, 2014
The last time Deacon Blackfire took control of Gotham City, Batman nearly died...How will the city fare now that he wields unspeakable power?
I know the solicit above is all about Blackfire, but the preview below is about one guy...The Spectre. I have enjoyed Ray Fawkes stories in Eternal mainly because of Batwing and Jim Corrigan and I'll even deal with the Joker's Daughter to get one or both of them. I'm also really digging Fernando Pasarin's art and can't wait to see the whole issue.
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Earth 2: World's End #3 Review and *SPOILERS*
Written By: Daniel H. Wilson, Marguerite Bennett, Mike Johnson
Art By: Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, Tyler Kirkham, Joe Weems, Eduardo Pansica, Jaime Mendoza, Jorge Jimenez, Paulo Sequeira, Cam Smith
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 22, 2014
Last week in Earth 2: World's End, we saw most of our "Wonders" take on the first of four Furies of Apokolips, War. Well the fight didn't go to well after we saw that one of War's abilities is to get inside people's heads and turn them into her puppets. We had Huntress, Power Girl and Red Tornado become her sexy puppets and man did they ever beat the holy hell out of Batman and Val-Zod. One positive thing to come out of last week's issue though is the fact that Mister Miracle, Terry Sloan and Mister Terrific escaped Bedlam after Mister Miracle trapped him in Sloan's mind forcing the evil genius to face him and eventually kill him. So I like to believe that there's a tiny skeleton inside Sloan's brain now......... That's how minds work right? Let's see how well our "Wonders" fair this week as Apokolips continues the assault and the World Army has to deal with the actual planet of Apokolips heading for a collision course with Earth 2. Let's check it out.
Art By: Eddy Barrows, Eber Ferreira, Tyler Kirkham, Joe Weems, Eduardo Pansica, Jaime Mendoza, Jorge Jimenez, Paulo Sequeira, Cam Smith
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 22, 2014
It's The Pits

Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #11 Review
Written by: Adam P. Knave
Art by: Mathew Dow Smith
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: October 23, 2014
I have a couple weaknesses. Breakfast cereal, deep fried food of any kind and comic book teamups. Unfortunately, this week's Sensation Comics didn't have any fried wontons or Cocoa Pebbles hidden in it's digital code, but it did have a teamup. Yep, this issue features Big Barda and Wonder Woman in a fun story that also includes two great villains and a running joke that got a chuckle out of me.
Art by: Mathew Dow Smith
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: October 23, 2014
Not Included
Justice League Dark #35 Review and *SPOILERS*
Written By: J.M. DeMatteis
Art By: Tom Derenick, Scott Hanna
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 22, 2014
In our last issue of JLD, we saw our team head to the dimension that Nanda Parbat disappeared to after the events of Forever Evil: Blight. You see Boston Brand was duped to believe that he needed to go back to the mystical city that made him the ghost with the most, but instead of being it's savior, he unknowingly brought it's destroyer with him. Well after being brought back to life and then killed again..... Poor Deadman, that's twice that's happened in this series, we saw the rest of the JLD show up to help and Deadman and Brahma Dass possessed the beast and killed it with happy thoughts. No seriously. In the end of the issue the JLD were safe, Nanda Parbat was safe and then we jumped to Five Years From Now where no one was safe. So let's check out this new story arc and see what's going down in the world of the Justice League Dark. Let's check it out.
Art By: Tom Derenick, Scott Hanna
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 22, 2014
Zatanna In Wonderland

DC Comics Best Covers of the Week 10/25/14

This week is very Flash-centric. Being a huge Flash fan, that is a-ok with me. We get all sorts of flavors...zombie, future and cosmic treadmill running awesome as all hell Flash. The rest of the covers feature a He and a She and one awesome cow. Man, it was one busy week and here are my picks...enjoy!
The Flash: Season Zero #4 Review
Written by: Andrew Kreisberg, Brooke Eikmeier and Katherine Walczak
Art by: Phil Hester
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: October 15,2014
I may be a big dummy, but this book is nothing like I expected it to be. I know it's a tie-in to the CW television show, but you could have fooled me. It's fine that the Barry within these pages doesn't look like Grant Gustin, but why does he look 20 years older? Also, the "Season Zero" in the title lead me to believe that this would lead up to the pilot episode of the new program. It does not. I know that if it did, the book would be a Flash book before there was a Flash and that wouldn't work, but why make it seem that way? Tie that all together with an opening arc that's been ridiculous and not that good and it's hard for me to get excited about this title. Well, the arc continues this issue and while this is my favorite issue in the series so far, it's far from great.
Art by: Phil Hester
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: October 15,2014
Etsy Snapchat Donnie Darko
I may be a big dummy, but this book is nothing like I expected it to be. I know it's a tie-in to the CW television show, but you could have fooled me. It's fine that the Barry within these pages doesn't look like Grant Gustin, but why does he look 20 years older? Also, the "Season Zero" in the title lead me to believe that this would lead up to the pilot episode of the new program. It does not. I know that if it did, the book would be a Flash book before there was a Flash and that wouldn't work, but why make it seem that way? Tie that all together with an opening arc that's been ridiculous and not that good and it's hard for me to get excited about this title. Well, the arc continues this issue and while this is my favorite issue in the series so far, it's far from great.
Aquaman #35 Review
Written by: Jeff Parker
Art by: Paul Pelletier
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 26, 2014
October has seen a bunch of books using the month off from the September Futures End Event to start new arcs and setup a good jumping on point for new readers. Aquaman is a prime example of this. While this issue continues the general story of Jeff Parker's run and does tie up some loose ends, it also has the added bonus of being new reader friendly. It is more setup than usual, but that's going to happen in issues like this and Parker does enough to keep long time readers entertained as well. At the end of the day, I enjoyed it even though Arthur makes some pretty crazy decisions. I guess he can do what he wants though, he is the King...or is he?
Art by: Paul Pelletier
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 26, 2014
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