Friday, October 23, 2015
Top 5 Fridays: DC Comics Characters that Creep me the ^%&! Out
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Clean Room #1 Review and *SPOILERS*
Written By: Gail Simone
Art By: Jon Davis-Hunt, Todd
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 21, 2015
*Non-Spoilers and Score At
The Bottom*
The esteemed team of
lawyers on retainer for this website have informed me that I must make this
statement: the following comic book review contains depictions of a story
involving a brainwashing cult created by a pulp paperback author. It could be
construed that this cult is an allusion to Scientology, but Weird Science DC Comics Blog Dot Blogspot
Dot Com, hereinafter named “the website,” claims no propriety or authority
over the creators or publisher of Clean
Room number one (1), hereinafter named “the comic,” and disavows any
culpability or being followed by creepy Scientologists thereof. Please don’t
microwave our pets. Read the review—perhaps this cult is painted in a positive
Teen Titans #12 Review
Happy Beginnings?
Written by: Scott Lobdell and Will Pfeifer
Art by: Ian Churchill, Norm Rapmund and Tony Avina
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 21, 2015
There was quite a delay between issues of Teen Titans, a fact that hits you in the face when you see it has a Green Lantern variant cover...that's actually pretty funny. The next thing that readers probably will notice is that Scott Lobdell is co-writer of the issue. Having started reviewing this book during Will Pfeifer's current run, I have to cede to my site and podcast partner Eric (you know,
Batman: Arkham Knight – Genesis #3 Review and *SPOILERS*
Written By: Peter J. Tomasi
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 21, 2015
*Non-Spoilers and Score At
The Bottom*
Remember when you saw
Batman as a kid—in the comic books, or in animated cartoon form, or (if you
happen to be unlucky enough to have been born during the final two decades of
the twentieth century and therefore their marketing would have seemed relevant
to you) Joel Schumacher’s terrible adaptive films—you probably thought, “Gee,
wouldn’t it be swell to be Batman’s sidekick, Robin? To swing around Gotham’s
rooftops and crack wise with the ol’ so n’ so?” Well this comic will disabuse
you of that particular want, because it turns out being Batman’s Robin can be
just about the shittiest job, even worse than working in a cardboard box
factory. Just how bad does it get for Jason Todd in the third installment of
his Arkham Knight-derived origin
story? Put the kids to bed. It gets real gross.
Wonder Woman #45 Review and *SPOILERS*
Peace Be With You
Written By: Meredith Finch
Art By: David Finch, Jonathan Glapion, Johnny Desjardins, Trevor Scott, Brad Anderson, Rob Leigh
Art By: David Finch, Jonathan Glapion, Johnny Desjardins, Trevor Scott, Brad Anderson, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 21, 2015
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

Secret Six #7 Review and *SPOILERS*
Art By: Dale Eaglesham and
Tom Derenick, Jason Wright, Travis Lanham
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 21, 2015
*Non-Spoilers and Score At
The Bottom*
Do you believe in magic in
a young girl’s heart? How the music can free her whenever it starts? Now do you
believe that a young girl can also absorb the powers of any magical being in
the DCU, thereby leaving our plane of existence vulnerable to attacks by prehistoric
demons? Well then have I got the comic book for you! We’re through the first
rather schizophrenic arc and into a new story about our favorite loveable gang
of horrible people-things. Are there any secrets left in this series to
divulge? Do we care to divulge them? Divulge on and find out!
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Martian Manhunter #5 Review and *SPOILERS*
Get To Know Yourself
Written By: Rob Williams
Art By: Eddy Barrows, Diogenes Neves, Marc Deering, Gabe Eltaeb, Tom Napolitano
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 21, 2015
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 21, 2015
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

Countdown to The Dark Knight: The Master Race: Batman: The Dark Knight Returns #1 Review *SPOILERS*
Old Man Bruce
this review is full of SPOILERS. Score at bottom
So unless you've been living under a rock, or just not a comic reader(to which why do you come to a comic reviewing site), Frank Miller is teaming up with Brian Azzarello to create the conclusion to the famous Dark Knight Returns trilogy. The Dark Knight Returns is often put on the most influential comic books of all time, and for good reason. It proved that comics aren't just picture books for kids.
In honor of that event, I have chosen to review the seven comics that lead up to this conclusion. Thats right, for the next 6 weeks I will be reviewing The Dark Knight Returns and the sequel The Dark Knight Strikes again. That is quite a lot of book, but we can get through it.
Just to be clear, this story takes place on an alternate earth where Bruce gave up being Batman after the death of Jason Todd. So what makes this different from the present day? Lets dive in and find out...
Superman/Wonder Woman #22 Review
Three Words...I am Depowered
Written by: Peter J. Tomasi
Art by: Doug Mahnke, Jaime Mendoza, Sean Parsons, Johnny DeJardins,Will Quintana
and Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 21, 2015
Now that the Truth story is behind us, I have actually enjoyed the other Superman books a bit more than I have the last couple of months. Going into this issue, I was hoping that trend would continues. Superman/Wonder Woman has been one of the better stories (second on my list going into this issue), so even though I rolled my eyes at how the Truth ended, I was hoping that Tomasi and crew would pick up the pieces and give us something better. Did this issue give me nightmares or dreams? Let's find out...
Titans Hunt #1 Review and *SPOILERS*
The Titans That Never Were
Written By: Dan Abnett
Art By: Paulo Siqueira, Geraldo Borges, Hi-Fi, Carlos M. Mangual
Cover Price: $3.99
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 21, 2015
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

Batman and Robin Eternal #3 Review
Johnny Spyral
Written by: Tim Seeley
Art by: Paul Pelletier, Scot Eaton, Tony Kordos, Marc Deering, Wayne Faucher,
Rain Beredo, Joshua Cozine and Troy Peteri
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 21, 2015
Weekly books are a funny thing. There is an ebb and flow to the storytelling that has as much to do with rotating creative teams as it does from the weekly schedule. Like the teams (or because of them), characters and plots come and go throughout the books run, but this one already feels different. While Batman Eternal dealt with a bunch of(too many?) characters, after three issues, Batman and Robin Eternal has been more focused and I am already grateful for that. It doesn't hurt that I'm a huge Dick Grayson fan, but I also enjoy the other characters and hope they remain in the forefront throughout the entire series. Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Harper Row, Stephanie Brown and Cassandra Cain can be in every single issue and I'd be a happy man. Who knows what the future will bring, but all the mentioned characters are in this am I a happy man this week? Let's find out...
Justice League #45 Review and *SPOILERS*
Release Date: October 21, 2015
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Geoff Johns has really been rocking this Darkseid War story and as we saw in the previous issue, it looks like the war may be over. That's right, it looks like Darkseid died after The Anti-Monitor fused Flash with the Black Racer and sent that agent of death on a path right through the Lord of Apokolips. It was some serious shit and if you haven't read it yet, go and get on that. So yeah, we had that and a little backstory from Mobius Chair Batman about how The Anti-Monitor actually has the Anti-Life Equation running through his veins........ hence the fusing of Flash and Black Racer and that poor monitor of the anti got that way by exploring the Anti-Matter Universe....... pretty much as far back as you can fathom. Alright, that should be all you have to know going into this, so let's check out this issue and see what Johns has up his sleeve to keep us looking like slack jawed yokels. Let's check it out.
Weird Science DC Comics Podcast Episode 41: Superman, Batman and a Witch Priest
Jim and Eric get together to talk DC Comics News and Reviews and find out so much more along the way. Things like Eric is a witch priest and Jim wasn't very fond of the Superman Truth arc. Okay, the last part is no surprise, but Eric is a witch priest?!? What does that even mean? They both seem excited about the announcement of the new Green Lantern book in January and while this week's books didn't set the world on fire, they try to squeeze some enjoyment out of them. Enjoy!
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Doctor Fate #5 Preview
Written By: Paul Levitz
Art By: Sonny Liew
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 21, 2015
Floods! Looting! Talking cats! All this, and the truth about Khalid’s link to the ancient power of Thoth.
This could literally be the solict for any of the Doctor Fate issues we've gotten so far.......... and I imagine that this issue will be just as bad as the rest of them. Man, I want a good Doctor Fate book. Why's "The Man" always keeping me down?
Art By: Sonny Liew
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 21, 2015

This could literally be the solict for any of the Doctor Fate issues we've gotten so far.......... and I imagine that this issue will be just as bad as the rest of them. Man, I want a good Doctor Fate book. Why's "The Man" always keeping me down?
Constantine: The Hellblazer #5 Review and *SPOILERS*
Burying The Ex
Written By: Ming Doyle, James Tynion IV
Art By: Scott Kowalchuk, Riley Rossmo, Ivan Plascencia, Tom Napolitano
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 14, 2015
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Let's get back to Constantine, where we saw our brash Brit having a hell of a time dealing with the beastie that was killing off all his ghosts. This has been an odd arc because the majority of what we've seen is Constantine walking around cityscapes monologuing and remembering the past. Even when he finally goes to London to try and get some help from an old colleague, he just ends up pissing her off and her telling him to go fuck himself. In the previous issue, it looked like Constantine was ready to give up and even sacrificed a shit ton of his ghosts to the monster before offering himself up as the final prize. As the issue closed though, we saw that the monster is actually an old girlfriend of John's named Veronica and I can kind of see where the whole "I Need To Hurt John Constantine" thing comes from because man, did John ever do her wrong. Let's jump into this issue and see if our pseudo hero still wants to end it all or if he gets a supernatural restraining order out on Veronica. Let's check it out.
Doomed #5 Preview
Written by: Scott Lobdell
Art by: Javier Fernandez
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 20, 2015

At last! Doomed goes head-to-head with the Alpha Centurion in the avatar-battle to end all avatar-battles! But can Reiser and Roman’s friendship survive this clash of titans? And if these roommates split, who will keep all the video games they went halfsies on?! The stakes don’t get any bigger than this!
Where is the fan outcry about this book's cancellation? Maybe if I yell really loud, we can get six more issues...or maybe not. I'd probably just end up with a sore throat so I'll just write this and glare in the direction of Burbank. Maybe I'm an Army of One, but I really enjoy Doomed and wish we were going to get the complete story. At least we get a little and that includes Superman showing up this issue. Reiser's gonna have a lot of 'splaining to do! Enjoy this preview.
Monday, October 19, 2015
Starfire #5 Review and *SPOILERS*
Just Another Day
Written By: Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti
Art By: Emanuela Lupacchino, Ray McCarthy, Hi-Fi, Tom Napolitano
Cover Price: $2.99
Art By: Emanuela Lupacchino, Ray McCarthy, Hi-Fi, Tom Napolitano
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 14, 2015
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

Batman: Arkham Knight #35 Review
Fear Itself
Written by: Peter J. Tomasi
Art by: Viktor Bogdanovic, Richard Friend, John Rauch and Deron Bennett
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: October 16, 2015
You might have heard down at the five and dime that I kind of like this book. It's true and while you drink your malt, I'll tell you why. Guest stars...each more fantastic than the last. It's almost as great as the Love Boat...almost. In the last arc, Tomasi gave us Calendar Man and this version was no joke. In fact, he probably would have killed Batman if the next great guest, Scarecrow, wouldn't have talked him out of it. Now we get to sit back and see what Scarecrow's big plan is all about. Of course, I don't know what it is, but my guess is it will be intense, scary and involve the word "fear" at some point. This issue puts us in the middle of the "Scare Tactics" arc and after the hint of Bane joining in, I have been waiting all week to get to it. Was it worth the wait? Let's find out...
Star Wars Chewbacca #1 Review - Just for the Hell of It
Writer: Gerry DugganArt: Phil Noto and VC's JoeCaramagna
Cover price: $3.99
Release Date: October 14, 2015
*Spoilers ahead, score and summary at the bottom*
Chewbacca #1 is the beginning of Marvel's newest Star Wars miniseries and it begins with a nice start. Most people know Chewbacca as Han Solo's awesome smuggling partner, but with a character that has no real dialogue, people were wondering if Chewy can actually carry a title or if we were interested in a Chewy solo. In reality, Chewbacca was the only good thing in this book.
Titans Hunt #1 Preview
Written By: Dan Abnett
Art By: Paulo Siqueira
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 21, 2015

All I want this to be is the continuation of Convergence: The New Teen Titans because when we left that two-parter.......... The Titans were transported to another world and as Jericho pointed out...... literally pointed out because of that annoying no talking thing, there was only one star in the sky and that's how the book non-ended. I loved that Titans team and I really want to know what happened with them, but looking at this solicit, it doesn't look like I'll see anything that I wanted........... I do love the Titans though and the idea of us getting our Titans that never were in this Universe sounds great.
Wonder Woman #45 Preview

Art By: David Finch, Jonathan Glapion
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 21, 2015
With the Fates dead and Donna Troy still on the run, Wonder Woman must confront the sins of her past and a new, growing threat that’s closing in on the Queen of the Amazons!
I don't know what this has to do with Aegeus or his quest to become the God of War and I don't care, just as long as we see that whiny bastard get what's coming to him............ and I guess seeing what this growing threat is could be cool too.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
The Omega Men #5 Review
Losing My Religion
Written by: Tom King
Art by: Barnaby Bagenda, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Pat Brosseau
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 7, 2015

Justice League United #14 Review
What Is It Good For?
Written by: Jeff Parker
Art by: Paul Pelletier, Rob Hunter, Jeromy Cox and Steve Wands
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 14, 2015
I know that when a book's cancellation is announced, people suddenly avoid it like a hair metal band in the early 90's which always confuses me. Why, if you've been following a book during it's entire run, would you not want to see how it ends? Luckily for somebody out there, I'm not like that. Nope, I stick it out to the bitter end. I want to see if Adam Strange's band(s) of misfits can fix the anomalies in the Zeta Beam and bring peace and stability to the world. If I was the sort of guy who jumped ship, I would never know how good it was...and I am talking about Cinderella's 1994 album, "Still Climbing". What, you came here to read a review of JLU #14? Okay, let's get on with it then.
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