Saturday, April 14, 2018
Weird Science DC Comics Podcast Spotlight: Wonder Woman #44 & Trinity #21
Check out our Patreon and for as little as $1 a month, you can help support the podcast and get a bunch of shows! This Week's Patreon Spotlight: The Immortal Men #1 & Justice League of America #28
Chris and Reggie's Weird Comics History, Episode 28: Exploring the Mysteries of Marvelman (Miracleman), Part Two
There comes a time when everybody has to leave home... and that's no different for our new friend Marvelman, who, during this episode makes the trek across the Atlantic, and starts getting published stateside by Eclipse Comics. Not before a little tweak in his title though.
For their middle installment of Exploring the Mysteries of MarveREDACTED... let's try that again. Exploring the Mysteries of MarREDACTED. Hmm... okay, we'll do it their way... For this installment of Exploring the Mysteries of Miracleman, Chris (@acecomics) and Reggie (@reggiereggie) discuss more growing pains than a house full of Seavers when they continue their long-form look at our Kimota-shouting hero. This week they will set the stage for the domestic (if you live in the United States) arrival (and sorta-kinda revival) of Miracleman... and briefly discuss the remaining Alan Moore run as well as the still unfinished Neil Gaiman run.
Then... they start getting into the nitty-gritty, and really the "meat and potatoes" of any real Miracleman discussion... the rights! Welcome to the story, Mr. McFarlane... hope you survive the experience!
Next week we will do our best to "tie a bow" on Miracleman, his story, and the creative forces all vying for ownership!
No. 1 With A Bullet #6 Review
Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Written by: Jacob SemahnArt by: Jorge Corona
Colors: Jen Hickman
Publisher: Image Comics
Reviewed by: Andrew McAvoy
And now the end is near, and so we face the final curtain. Yes as old blue eyes once sang, they did it their way. This series told an original story, had a unique style of art, and had colors to blow the mind. Here's hoping that the final issue delivers on high expectations.
Zero Jumper #1 Review
Juno and the Power Source
Written by: Patrick MullhollandArt by: Patrick Mullholland
Colors by: Patrick Mullholland
Published by: Alterna Comics
Reviewed by: Andrew McAvoy
Zero Jumper is a new 4 issue mini-series from Alterna Comics, who as well as producing new and exciting comics also champion the cause of bringing back newsprint (although their comics are available digitally too). So for this review, I went back to my youth, walked to my local comic book store at lunchtime and read a new release on newsprint for the first time in a long time. Let's see how the issue was.
Gideon Falls #2 Review
Giddy Up!
Written by Jeff LemireArt by Andrea Sorrentino
Colors by Dave Stewart
Letters by Steve Wands
Publisher: Image Comics
Reviewer: Andrew McAvoy
Ever hear the one about the two priests, the garbage picker and the psychiatrist? That's right, after a great start to the series its time for a return to Gideon Falls with issue 2! The opening installment left us with quite an ending, so let's dive in and see how the story continued!
The Dead Hand #1 Review
Cold War, Dead Hand
Written by: Kyle HigginsArt by: Stephen Mooney
Colors by: Jordie Bellaire
Publisher: Image Comics
Review by: Andrew McAvoy
I feel as if we are being presented with an embarrassing amount of riches from Image Comics of late. This book looked like an intriguing prospect from the off, and I must state from the outset that I am attracted to a book with a Cold War element, so I was primed to enjoy this. Often though it is the books we look forward to the most that can let us down. Let's find out what it was like.
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Chris and Reggie's Cosmic Treadmill ep. 85 - Weird Western Tales #12 (1972)
Howdy, Pilgrim
Git along, little doggies! In this episodes, cowpokes Chris (@AceComics)
and Reggie (@reggiereggie) dip their toes into the genre of Western
Comics, when they read DC Comics' Weird Western Tales #12 from
1972! Concentrating on the first story, "Promise to a Princess!"
featuring Jonah Hex, they still give biographical information for each
creator involved in this anthology comic book, and detail every story
therein. Then, after a break, the intrepid frontiersmen look at the
history of Jonah Hex, and then America's Old West in total. They wrap
things up by dispelling some of the Old West's most enduring myths. This
episode is more fun than firing a six-shooter at a plugged nickel, you
don't want to miss it!
DC Comics Best Covers of the Week, April 11 2018
All These Covers Were Vetted
Sort of a shorter list of comic books coming from DC Comics this week, which of course means a shorter list of comic book covers. But I still picked five of 'em for this list! That's the deal I made with Neron, and I'm not about to break it now. Give it a peek see!
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Trinity #21 Review

Written by: James Robinson
Art by: Patch Zircher, Tyler Kirkham, Gabe Eltaeb and Josh Reed
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 11, 2018
I have gone on and on in these introductory paragraphs about how this book lost it's way due to Superman Reborn among other things. I won't bore with that and will just get right to the review. Was this issue any good? Let's find out...
The Flash #44 Review
This is (Almost) War

Written by: Joshua Williamson
Art by: Carmine Di Giandomenico, Ivan Plascencia, and Steve Wands
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: April 11, 2018
The Flash War is still a couple issues away, but at least Gorilla Grodd's in the house, right? I know that this arc has had less Grodd than most expected, but like my dead grandmother used to say, "A little Grodd goes a long way". She was a crazy woman, my grandmother, but that's not important here. Was this ending to the Grodd story good of did Joshua Williamson leave us all looking like a monkey's uncle? Let's find out...
Sideways #3 Review

Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: April 11, 2018
I've been waiting for this book to just move along already and unfortunately, my wishes have not been granted. According to Eric Shea's patented "Three Issue" rule, this book should be on the chopping block for those of you picking this up. Read on to find out why!
New Super-Man and the Justice League of China #22 Review and **SPOILERS**
If Everybody Had a Surfboard
Writer: Gene Luen Yang
Pencils: Brent Peeples
Inks: Matt Santorelli
Colors: Hi-Fi
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Cover: Philip Tan with Rain Beredo
Cover Price: $3.99
On Sale Date: April 11, 2018
This comic book continues to have content
seemingly ripped right from the headlines—because the real Aquaman of North
Korea just had tea with the biggest K-Pop star of South Korea! What? That
didn’t really happen? It was just a feverish dream I had? Well, dreams can come
true, and mine often do when I review New
Super-Man and the Justice League of China, which I’ve done, for issue #22,
right here!
Justice League of America #28 Review
The Immortal Men #1 Review
The Immortal Men's Day Out
Storytellers: Jim Lee, Ryan Benjamin, and James Tynion IV
Art Team: Jim Lee, Ryan Benjamin, Scott Williams,
Richard Friend, Jeremiah Skipper, Alex Sinclair
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: April 11, 2018
The New Age of Heroes continues this week with another new title as Immortal Men launches to the masses. I'll be honest, I don't know much about who's making up this team, but it's a new number one issue, so I'm here to find out and see what the purpose behind this title's release is. Join me and lets go on a journey of discovery together.
Supergirl #20 Review

Written by: Steve Orlando and Jody Houser
Art by: Robson Rocha, Daniel Henriques, Michael Atiyeh and Steve Wands
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 11, 2018
Steve Orlando's run of Supergirl comes to a close and while I haven't given it the greatest of scores, I have liked the last bunch of issues a lot more than the start of the series. Orlando certainly has a whole lot to tie up in this last issue so I'm going to jump right into it. Was it any good? Let's find out...
Eternity Girl #2 Review and **SPOILERS**
But Doctor, I
Am Pagliacci
Script: Magdalene Visaggio
Pencils, Inks, Cover: Sonny Liew
Colors: Chris Chuckry
Letters: Todd Klein
Cover Price: $3.99
On Sale Date: April 11, 2018
Why, it seems an…eternity since we last saw an issue of this book! Just kidding, it
feels like it’s only been four weeks. Which is actually how long it’s been.
Look, I was pressed to make some kind of reference to the word “eternity’ and I
biffed it. Okay? Are you happy now? I screwed up. But I am totally honed and in
deep concentration for my review of Eternity
Girl #2! Just check it out below and find out!
Suicide Squad #39 Review and **SPOILERS**
Stall The Wall
Writer: Rob Williams
Artist: Neil Edwards
Colors: Ulises Arreola
Letters: Pat Brosseau
Cover: Andy Kubert and Brad Anderson
Cover Price: $2.99
On Sale Date: April 11, 2018
Uh oh, the Suicide Squad is gonna…do something.
I forget exactly what. Intercept The Wall, I think? I recall Amanda Waller was
miffed about it, whatever the plan is. Hopefully my review of Suicide Squad #39 will bring me up to
speed, or we’re all screwed!
Detective Comics #978 Review

I to Eye
Art by: Javier Fernandez, John Kalisz, and Sal Cipriano
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: April 10, 2018
I am looking forward to this last arc of Tynion even as I anticipate something new in this book. I think that Tynion's Detective is one of the strongest books in Rebirth, but everything runs it's course eventually and I think a change of scenery will do him good. Meanwhile, he continues to put a bow on his run this week and that means more Ulysses, Brother Eye, Colony and who knows what else. So, was it any good? Let's find out...
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #42 Review and **SPOILERS**
The Final ScienSolution
Writer: Robert Vendetti
Artist: Ethan Van Sciver
Colorist: Jason Wright
Letterer: Dave Sharpe
Cover: Rafa Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona, Morey
Cover Price: $2.99
On Sale Date: April 11, 2018
Let’s shake off those “last arc” dust bunnies
and see what’s in store for the next stretch…oh, the Darkstars are back? Well,
I’m glad we’ll get some conclusion there, at least. I wonder if we’ll ever see
Saint Walker again? Heck, it could be in this very issue! Find out by reading
my review of Hal Jordan and the Green
Lantern Corps #42, or the actual comic book if you’re so inclined.
Wonder Woman #44 Review and *SPOILERS*
Paradise Or Bust
Art By: Emanuela Lupacchino, Ray McCarthy, Romulo Fajardo Jr., Saida Temofonte
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: April 11, 2018
Release Date: April 11, 2018
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Wow, I haven't been a fan of this series in a long time and I don't know how that's even possible. We have Darkseid, the reveal of Diana's twin brother Jason, which took forever....... and somehow...... this series is still lacking. Hopefully, this issue changes all of that now that we saw Darkseid tired of his servants failing him in acquiring the New God relics he needed to open an ancient portal to Themyscira and because of that, he simply opened a giant boom tube over the ARGUS headquarters and brought them to him. Yeah, I don't get how a boom tube could do this, but it did and it brought all of our heroes to Darkseid as well. Let's jump into this issue and see Diana vs. Darkseid. Let's check it out.
Batgirl and the Birds of Prey #21 Review and *SPOILERS*
Canary's Cry
Art By: Roge Antonio, Marcelo Maiolo, Saida Temofonte
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 11, 2018
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
It's the penultimate issue of Birds of Prey and previously we saw Calculator lose his shit at Oracle (Barbara Gordon) hacking his system so in retaliation he somehow went and built himself a burning robot called Burnrate, who has been going around trying to find out Oracle's identity for her master. This led to the Birds not really trusting one another because Barbara kept this from her team and their former protege Gus Yale was killed by the robot because he wouldn't give up Oracle's identity. Calculator's really turning up the heat now though because he's broken Blackbird and Huntress' mother Fenice out of Arkham and he intends to use his new team to not only discover Oracle's identity, but to take out the Birds once and for all. Let's check out this issue to see how our team will counter Calculator's move and what Huntress' reunion with her mother will look like. Let's check it out.
Titans #22 Review and *SPOILERS*
The Big Brain
Art By: Paul Pelletier, Andrew Hennessy, Adriano Lucas, Carlos M. Mangual
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 11, 2018
Release Date: April 11, 2018
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
While I hate that Titans is coming to an end, I do have to say that I've been enjoying this arc so far....... even if it doesn't really involve all our team. Thankfully, Roy Harper's journeys are enough on their own, but now that he's completely separated from everyone else and The Brain is about to take full control of the world, I don't know if Arsenal is enough to tackle this threat on his own. Hopefully, everyone starts getting their heads out of their asses and moves past Roy's past and sees that he's a hero through and through and come to his aid to stop The Brain and save the world. Let's jump into this issue and check it out.
Red Hood and the Outlaws #21 Review and *SPOILERS*
First Steps
Art By: Dexter Soy, Veronica Gandini, Taylor Esposito
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 11, 2018
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
While I initially was all about this Smarty-Pants Bizarro story, I have to say that its gone on way too long at this point and it seems that Scott Lobdell at this point is just using it as a way to pad out the series and that's a shame for all the cool adventures we could be having with our trio of anti-heroes. Instead though, it seems that we only move a couple of minutes with each installment that we get and it's just getting really old now. Previously, we saw Artemis discover Bizarro's hidden Kryptonite room and our big cloned lug showed up and didn't seem too happy about her discovery. Let's jump into this issue and see how that plays out. Let's check it out.
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
PREVIEW: Red Hood and the Outlaws #21
Art By: Dexter Soy, Veronica Gandini, Taylor Esposito
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 11, 2018
Looking to make his mark on Gotham City’s crowded underworld, Red Hood infiltrates the Iceberg Lounge in an attempt to further annoy the Penguin. But it might be the Penguin who gets the drop on Red Hood this time. Plus, the truth about Bizarro’s condition finally comes out—and the consequences could be catastrophic for Artemis!
Looking to make his mark on Gotham City’s crowded underworld, Red Hood infiltrates the Iceberg Lounge in an attempt to further annoy the Penguin. But it might be the Penguin who gets the drop on Red Hood this time. Plus, the truth about Bizarro’s condition finally comes out—and the consequences could be catastrophic for Artemis!
PREVIEW: Justice League of America #28

Art by: Hugo Petrus, Hi-Fi and Clayton Cowles
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: April 11, 2018
“DAWN OF TIME” part two! Chronos starts traveling through time with the Justice League in hot pursuit. At the same time, he’s taunting Ryan Choi, getting in his head and trying to convince him he’s never going to be the real Atom. Will Ryan be able to overcome Chronos’s attack and help his team or will time itself forever belong to Chronos?
PREVIEW: Titans #22
Art By: Paul Pelletier, Andrew Hennessy, Adriano Lucas, Carlos M. Mangual
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 11, 2018
“Titans Apart” part three! As Arsenal follows the trail of a conspiracy that no one else can see, he finds himself at the mercy of Cheshire, who’s both a deadly assassin and his ex! Only Donna Troy takes Roy at his word, but she’s trapped in the Watchtower…and must escape to save the man she loves!
Release Date: April 11, 2018
“Titans Apart” part three! As Arsenal follows the trail of a conspiracy that no one else can see, he finds himself at the mercy of Cheshire, who’s both a deadly assassin and his ex! Only Donna Troy takes Roy at his word, but she’s trapped in the Watchtower…and must escape to save the man she loves!
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