Saturday, January 20, 2018
Weird Science DC Comics Podcast Spotlight: Batman #39
Check out our Patreon. For as little as $1 a month, you can help support the podcast! This week's Patreon Spotlight: Damage #1 & Super Sons #12
Days Of Hate #1 Review
Stonewalls and Steel bars
Written by Ales KotDrawn by Danijel Zezelj
Colored by Jordie Bellaire
Published by Image
Release Date: 17 January 2018
Reviewed by: Andrew McAvoy
So before I get into the review on this one, a quick warning. This is a very political book (it opens with a quote from Steve Bannon so it is no secret). So if you are sick, sore and tired of politics and see comics as a means of escape into the realms of superhero fantasy then this might not be the book for you. I'm not into politics either, but I do see how the comic book medium has a significant amount to offer in that arena. Let's see how this issue played out.
Ice Cream Man #1 Review
I Scream, You Scream, we all scream for ice cream!
Written by: W Maxwell Prince
Publisher: Image
Release Date: 17 January 2017
Reviewed by: Andrew McAvoy
Maybe its just me but I feel about Ice Cream men the way other people feel about killer clowns. Always something sinister about those weird dudes in their colorful little vans with their muzak tunes playing over a crappy PA system. Plus in my home city, Ice Cream Men usually find a profitable sideline in selling low-level drugs and stolen cartons of cigarettes. I remember seeing another adult going up to an Ice Cream van in our street and asking for two ice creams and laughing quietly to myself at the Ice Cream man's surprised face - "you want to actually buy an ice cream?". Anyway, I'm sure some are legit. Enough of this account of my life in the gritty streets lets see how this book was! Yay!
Friday, January 19, 2018
Arrow: "Divided" - Review and **SPOILERS**
Written By: James Bamford
Directed By: Ben Sokolowski and Emilio Ortega Aldrich
First Aired: January 18, 2018
Thursday, January 18, 2018
Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Batwoman #11 Review and *SPOILERS*
They Call Me Mr. Pyg!
Written By: K. Perkins
Art By: Scott Godlewski, John Rauch
Letters By: Deron Bennett
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 17, 2018
Art By: Scott Godlewski, John Rauch
Letters By: Deron Bennett
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 17, 2018
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Looks like we are taking a quick break from Marguerite
Bennett’s writing as this latest issue of Batwoman is being taken on by K.
Perkins. Perkins has written Supergirl in the past and has recently been connected
to the Superwoman book. While I am excited for a break from Bennett’s long dragging
path through the Many Arms of Death, I wouldn’t expect K. Perkins to deviate
that much as she is only being brought on for a single issue and Bennett will
return on issue 12. That said, maybe Perkins will shock us and give us some
quality Batwoman content that most of us have been starving for. Let’s just jump
right in and let the issue speak for itself.
Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #3 Review
Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #3 Review
Plot & Dialogue: James Tynion IV, Ryan Ferrier
Art Team: Freddie Williams II, Jeremy Colwell
DC Comics/IDW Publishing
Release Date: January 17, 2017
Cover Price: $3.99
Venom-agen or Mutagen-om
These are two of my favorite properties since childhood (Batman and TMNT) and I loved the first series by Tynion a lot. Admittedly there are obvious similarities between the two groups of characters but they really have no business being together in the same world, yet for some reason it all just worked, and this sequel so far has been no different. Right now Batman and Splinter are trying to determine exactly how to handle an attack at Bane but will they be too late by the time their meticulously laid plans come to action? Lets find out.
Wonder Woman/Conan #5 Review And Spoilers

Written by: Gail Simone
Art by: Aaron Lopresti and Matt Ryan
Colours by: Wendy Broome
Letters by: Saida Temofonte
Published by: DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
This series has been, the odd moment of uncertainty notwithstanding, a delight to read and review. As Conan and Wonder Woman head to Shamur to prevent the city's destruction at the hands of the vengeful Corvidae, this issue reveals that writer Gail Simone still has a few tricks up her sleeve. We see one longstanding mystery (sort of) solved, but another taking its place. It's the penultimate issue, people! Let's see what's going on!
Justice League #37 Review

Written by: Priest
Art by: Philippe Briones, Gabe Eltaeb, and Willie Shu
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: January 17, 2018
This is three issues into Priest's run on Justice League and after taking a bit to get acclimated to his Deathstroke run, I realize I have to sit back and relax. You see, I have not been a huge fan of this more humanized Justice League, but I am a fan of this imposter Batman that ended the last issue taking down Simon Baz. Give me more of him and I am sure that I can go full steam ahead with this run and put it right next to Deathstroke as one of my Rebirth favorites. So, did I get what I wanted this week? Let's find out...
Nightwing #37 Review

Written by: Sam Humphries
Art by: Klaus Janson, Jamal Campbell, Alex Sinclair and Carlos M Mangual
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: January 17, 2018
I have been lukewarm with this book since Sam Humphries jumped onto it. I do like his voice for Nightwing and enjoy the idea of the Grayson Cross-Fit's just this first villain, The Judge, I'm finding hard to get behind. Humphries hasn't fleshed him out enough and I really need to know what is going on with these golden casino chips. Are they magic? Are they some tech-based mumbo jumbo? Are they just poker chips? Well, this issue is supposed to go back to the beginning when Dick was Robin and him and Batman first crossed paths with the Judge, so hopefully, this is the issue with big reveals and lots of character work. Was it? Let's find out...
Trinity #17 Review

Written by: James Robinson
Art by: Patch Zircher, Gabe Eltaeb, and Josh Reed
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 17, 2018
Trinity has been a book without a real direction since (must be...) Superman Reborn. While the book seemed to be set up to allow the Pre Flashpoint Superman to get to know Batman and Wonder Woman and vice versa, that kind of went out the door when the continuities fused together and well, here we are. That being said, there is always room for a book where DC's Big Three go out and have adventures and fight evil and right wrongs, right? You better be shaking your head "yes" right now because there is room and it should be in this book. So, does this book give us that and does it make me happy? Let's find out...
Harley Quinn #35 Review and **SPOILERS**
On Leathery Quinn
Writer: Frank Tieri
Art: Inaki Miranda
Colors: Jeremiah Skipper
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Cover: Amanda Conner and Hi-Fi
Cover Price: $2.99
On Sale Date: January 17, 2018
New Harley
Quinn creative team, who dis? The last time I remember Frank Tieri on this
title was during that Gang of Harleys mini-series he wrote with Palmiotti…and
it had some storytelling problems. I remember it sorta wrapping up okay,
though. A mini-series I only dimly recall notwithstanding, I know Tieri is no
slouch in the comic book game, and Inaki Miranda has been steadily blowing my
mind and on covers and the interiors to Ragman most recently. So let’s take a
look at this book now that the series has a fresh coat of paint in my review
for Harley Quinn #35, just below!
Damage #1 Review and **SPOILERS**
The New Age of Heroes Begins!
Storytellers: Tony S. Daniel and Robert Venditti
Inks and Colors: Danny Miki, Tomeu Morey

Cover Price: $2.99
Well even though Dark Nights Metal hasn't quite wrapped up just yet, the books coming out of the event title are starting to trickle out. For reasons I can't quite comprehend or explain in words before I peaked at any previews or anything for these New Age of Heroes books coming, the concept art for Damage appealed to me the most. I immediately got on Twitter and marked my territory for the rights to review it with the boss man of clicks Jim. So here I am. What unfolds in the next 20 pages? Join me and find out.
P.S. - Don't worry there aren't any spoilers concerning Dark Knights Metal and its ending in this issue.
Aquaman #32 Review and **SPOILERS**
Ready, Get Set, On Your Marks, Counting Down…
Story: Dan Abnett
Artist: Riccardo Federici
Breakdowns: Rick Leonardi
Color: Sonny Gho
Lettering: Steve Wands
Cover: Stjepan Sejic
Cover Price: $3.99
On Sale Date: January 17, 2018
I’ve been giving this current story arc, now bulging
at around more than a dozen individual comic book issues, for being a little
slow and plodding. I mean, in monthly comics, that’s more than a year spent on
essentially the same story. In truth, though, actual political revolutions take
a longer time to put together. There would be a series of injustices, building
up in the minds of a certain segment of the public, who would then gain each
others’ confidence over years while sliding the necessary components for
revolution into place. In truth, a political coup might happen in one day, but
it will have been preceded by a decade’s worth of planning. And you know what
the revolutionary force would not
STORY TWELVE TIMES! Sigh. Okay, I hope I haven’t buried the lede, but read my
review of Aquaman #32, right here!
Tuesday, January 16, 2018
Superman #39 Review and *SPOILERS*
Good Will
Art By: Barry Kitson, Scott Hanna, Gabe Eltaeb, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: January 17, 2018
Release Date: January 17, 2018
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
It looks that we got ourselves a one-shot here after Superman's exploits in the Super Sons of Tomorrow crossover and really...... There isn't much to say to fill anyone in on this. It's a one-shot, plain and simple so I'm not going to beat around the bush to try and fill up this opening paragraph. Let's jump on in and check it out.
Green Lanterns #39 Review and *SPOILERS*
One-Hit Wonder
Art By: Ronan Cliquet, Hi-Fi, Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: January 17, 2018
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Let's finish up this arc and see if Simon will ever be able to trust anyone again after Liseth Vok went and betrayed him after he saved her life and fell for her. Hopefully he'll have the chance because at the end of the previous issue it was looking bleak for our Lantern heroes after we discovered that Liseth Vok was the real leader of the Red Tide and that her and her followers had developed a way to take the traits of alien species and meld them into their DNA. Thankfully though, Liseth seems to be the only one fighting for the Red Tide left. Let's just hope that our heroes have enough Green Lanterns light to send her pop singing ass to the bottom of the charts. Let's check it out.
Batman #39 Review and *SPOILERS*
Art By: Joelle Jones, Jordie Bellaire, Clayton Cowles
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: January 17, 2018
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Let's jump back into the Super Friends arc, where previously we explored Bruce and Clark's friendship and the budding friendship of their spouses, but now it's Diana's turn, but instead of double dates, it looks like Batman and Wonder Woman are going to be spending a lot of time together in a war without end....... and without the people closest to them. Now, before I proceed, it's been brought to my attention that this issue is very similar to Action Comics #761 from 2000, but instead of Superman and Wonder Woman battling hordes of monsters, it's Batman in the Man of Steel's position and while I'd like to review this issue on its own merits, it's going to be hard now that I read that Action Comics issue....... which as of right now, was done way better. Hopefully, I can keep my mind on this issue as we jump into it, but man it's going to be hard for how similar they are.
Super Sons #12 Review and *SPOILERS*
What The Future Holds
Art By: Tyler Kirkham, Tomeu Morey, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 17, 2018
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
It's time to get to the finale..... or the epilogue.... or whatever this is to a story that started out with endless possibilities in my mind and then slowly started falling into the realm of mediocre.... Especially, after last issue. That being said, let's get you all caught up on what's been going down in the Super Sons of Tomorrow crossover. In our previous issue, we saw Jon Kent get all emotional from Red Kryptonite for some reason, which caused him to explode again in a solar flare that couldn't be contained and threatened to not only kill Superboy, but everyone else involved as well. Out of nowhere though, Tim Drake of Tomorrow decided that he wanted to be a hero and absorbed all the energy into himself as Hypertime was pulling him back into the time stream, saving everyone in the process. Now, let's jump into this issue and see what's going on with the Titans of Tomorrow and if we're going to get our missing characters back into continuity.
Weird Science DC Comics Podcast Ep 158: DC Comics, Booster Gold, Wonder Woman and Daddy Issues
- Check out our Patreon. For as little as $1 a month, you can help support the podcast! This week's Patreon Spotlight: Mister Miracle #6 & New Superman #19
PREVIEW: Wonder Woman/Conan #5

Written by: Gail Simone
Art by: Aaron Lopresti and Matt Ryan
Colours by: Wendy Broome
Letters by: Saida Temofonte
Published by: DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics
Cover Price: $3.99
The road to Shamar is long—and thralls of the Corvidae threaten every step. But Conan will persevere in Diana’s quest to protect the town…though he might be equally interested in revenge against the slaver who sold them into peril on the high seas! Co-published with Dark Horse Comics!
PREVIEW: Damage #1

Inks and Colors: Danny Miki, Tomeu Morey
Release Date: January 17, 2018
Cover Price: $2.99
Tasked as the government’s own living, breathing, ticking time bomb, Ethan retains no control when the monster takes over. Cheaper than a nuclear warhead and twice as effective, Ethan fights to rein in the damage he unleashes when the beast inside him springs free for one hour a day. With everyone around him in danger, Ethan struggles to contain the DAMAGE he inflicts on the DC Universe.
PREVIEW: Batman/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II #3
Art Team: Freddie Williams II, Jeremy Colwell
DC Comics/IDW Publishing
Release Date: January 17, 2017
Cover Price: $3.99
Batman and the Turtles go on the offensive in the belief that they can take Bane down while he’s weakened, due to a lack of Venom on the Turtles’ world. But that’s not true any more! The Turtles’ foe Baxter Stockman has found a way to reproduce the deadly substance that feeds Bane—which means the Dark Knight and the Heroes on a Half-Shell are in for the fight of their lives.
Batman and the Turtles go on the offensive in the belief that they can take Bane down while he’s weakened, due to a lack of Venom on the Turtles’ world. But that’s not true any more! The Turtles’ foe Baxter Stockman has found a way to reproduce the deadly substance that feeds Bane—which means the Dark Knight and the Heroes on a Half-Shell are in for the fight of their lives.
PREVIEW: Trinity #17

Written by: James Robinson
Art by: Patch Zircher, Gabe Eltaeb, and Josh Reed
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 17, 2018
“No Home for you Here” part one! Batman and Superman embarked on a quest to help Wonder Woman rediscover Themyscira, but finding Diana’s lost homeland proves more difficult than these three heroes expected. While on their journey, a distress call from a nearby ship turns out to be more than meets the eye, and the Trinity find themselves marooned on the dread island of Skartaris. To make their way back home, our heroes will have to overcome Deimos, who will stop at nothing to seal off Skartaris from the rest of world forever!
PREVIEW: Justice League #37

Art by: Philippe Briones, Gabe Eltaeb, and Willie Shu
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: January 17, 2018
“JUSTICE LOST” part four! As public confidence in the League continues to fall, strained relationships within the team are set aside when Simon Baz is kidnapped by the mysterious figure known as the Fan: a zealous Justice League acolyte who was inspired by the team as a youth and who now deals death to the League’s enemies. The Fan knows literally every detail about the League membership’s powers and tactics, and easily turns their own systems and resources against them “for their own good.”
PREVIEW: Nightwing #37

Art by: Klaus Janson, Jamal Campbell, Alex Sinclair and Carlos M Mangual
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: January 17, 2018
“THE UNTOUCHABLE: RUTHLESS”! Nightwing’s investigation leads him to a former costumed crimefighter and ally! In a special flashback issue illustrated by superstar artist Klaus Janson, Dick Grayson will revisit his time as Robin and see if his past mistakes are the key to the mystery he must resolve today!
PREVIEW: Super Sons #12
Art By: Tyler Kirkham, Tomeu Morey, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 17, 2018
“SUPER SONS OF TOMORROW” epilogue! Superboy and Robin must face the repercussions of the events of “Super Sons of Tomorrow” and how the emotional toll will affect their relationships with each other, their parents and the Teen Titans. Meanwhile, the past rears its ugly head to haunt Damian Wayne—in the form of his mother, Talia Al Ghul!
Includes a code for a free digital download of this issue.
“SUPER SONS OF TOMORROW” epilogue! Superboy and Robin must face the repercussions of the events of “Super Sons of Tomorrow” and how the emotional toll will affect their relationships with each other, their parents and the Teen Titans. Meanwhile, the past rears its ugly head to haunt Damian Wayne—in the form of his mother, Talia Al Ghul!
Includes a code for a free digital download of this issue.
PREVIEW: Green Lanterns #39
Art By: Ronan Cliquet, Hi-Fi, Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: January 17, 2018
“A WORLD OF OUR OWN” finale! Green Lanterns Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz face down a Chimera monster as the conflict on Ungara comes to a head. With the power of a hundred alien races, this beast plans to wash Ungara and the Green Lanterns clean with a red tide of blood and violence.
“A WORLD OF OUR OWN” finale! Green Lanterns Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz face down a Chimera monster as the conflict on Ungara comes to a head. With the power of a hundred alien races, this beast plans to wash Ungara and the Green Lanterns clean with a red tide of blood and violence.
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