Annual Pine Ridge Zombie
Written By: J.T. Krul
Art By: V. Ken Marion, Sean
Parsons, Andrew Dalhouse & Sotocolor
Lettered By: Sal Cipriano
Cover Price: $2.99
On Sale Date: August 3, 2016
You know, the 80s
nostalgia revival seemed to last a couple of years, but this 1990s revival has
been going on forever. It’s like people can’t get enough of Zubaz pants and
wraparound mirrored sunglasses and feel good, peppy music about nothing in
particular. I wonder if that was the pinnacle of American civilization, since
it’s clearly all been downhill since. I guess it would be in poor taste to
review the turn of the century, like, “Remember when 9/11 happened and everyone
got really paranoid and xenophobic for a while? Let’s have a party where we
cover the walls in missing persons flyers!” But still, there was some good
stuff in there. Jay-Z released the Black
Album and retired from hip-hop for about a year. The Westboro Baptist
Church gave people of all skin colors something they could come together to
denounce and ridicule. And it was pretty much the last decade before the
Western Hemisphere became suffused with social media and real-time smart phone
culture, which is definitely the worst thing to happen to the human race since
cholera. When you read Bloodlines,
despite it taking place in the present day, it has a very retro feel: it’s like
an 80s horror movie in 90s comics dress and a dash of more recent times for
technology’s sake. I like visiting the town of Pine Ridge, won’t you join me in
my recap of this, the penultimate issue of the Bloodlines miniseries?