Started From the Bottom, Now We Here
Writers: Jimmy Palmiotti & Amanda Conner
Artist: John Timms
Colors: Jeremiah Skipper
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Back-Up Writers: Jimmy Palmiotti & Paul Dini
Back-Up Pencils: Bret Blevins
Back-Up Inks: J. Bone
Back-Up Colors: Alex Sinclair
Cover: Amanda Conner & Alex Sinclair
Cover Price: $2.99
On Sale Date: July 5, 2017
I hope everyone had a great Fourth of July yesterday,
or however many days ago it was from the date that you’re reading this. And
yes, that can go for every person on Earth! For you see, while the Fourth of
July may hold special significance to Americans, I wish everyone a pleasant
day, every day of the year—and that includes July 4! The only day I don’t wish
you well is February 29. That date is an abomination and it should not exist,
and people born on that date are automatically demons. Having taken care of
that formality, check out my review of Harley Quinn #23, right here!