What a Sucky Liar

Written by: Peter J. Tomasi
Art by: Doug Mahnke, Ardian Syaf, Tom Derenick, Jaime Mendoza, Jordi Tarragona, Mark Irwin, Will Quintana and Tom Napolitano
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 30, 2015
The Superman/Wonder Woman book has been hit hard by the whole Truth storyline. Of course, Superman doesn't have his powers or identity, but that's the least of the power couple's problems. While Diana dealt with Clark's depowerment with grace and discretion, Superman has been a self centered prick and went so far as to dump everyone's favorite Amazon. While Lois Lane fans could be seen dancing on the rooftops, I had no idea where this book would go without the world's great power couple not being...you know, a couple. Peter Tomasi skirted the issue a bit by having them maintain their working relationship and that's what lead them to team up with Parasite and take on Mr. Bend. Last issue ended with Parasite kicking much ass and Wonder Woman being taken prisoner in a power sucking suit. Where does that leave Superman? Right in the middle of the shit! I really enjoyed last month's issue and while I haven't been looking forward to any of the Truth Superman titles lately, I wasn't upset that I had to read and review this here. So, does this month's issue continue the fun and maybe, just maybe, make me slightly more positive about the state of Superman books in general? Let's find out...