Art by: June Brigman
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 27, 2015
Infinitely Confusing, Inc.
This has been such a hard tie-in for me to review. First off, it's the one I am the least familiar with. I have NO previous interaction with the Infinity Inc. team besides laughing at Eric for liking the Star Spangled Kid. Second, Jerry Ordway (who co-created the team) didn't hold any hands when it came to jumping in. I'm sure that if you are an Infinity Inc. fan, you were sitting in your mansion, eating strawberries the size of hand fruit, enjoying one last fling with your favorite team while I sat here, struggling to follow this book while eating stupid, regular sized strawberries. Why did I review it then? We only have two guys on the site and I promised myself we would review every book. Stupid promises lead to stupid reviews. I apologize in advance. And away we go...