Friday, December 2, 2016
Episode 100 of Weird Science DC Comics Podcast will be LIVE!!!
The Weird Science DC Comics Podcast is reaching the 100 episode mark on Saturday, December 3rd and we want to celebrate with YOU! Yes, we will be recording the first 3 hours of the show LIVE on Mixlr. If you haven't checked it out yet and want to join in on the fun, go to and sign up. The fun begins at 8:00 PM EST and will include a live chatroom, call-ins and trivia as well as the normal nonsense that is the podcast. Hope to see you there!
Just for the Hell of It Podcast Ep 8: F-Marry-Kill Part Deux LIVE!
Jim, Eric and Reggie get together for their first live show with Part Deux of the F-Marry-Kill. Of course, things get a bit out of hand as Jim and Eric fight over rules and angles while Reggie rolls his eyes. Good Times! If you want to get involved in the next Live show, go on over to and sign up.
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Injustice: Ground Zero #9 Review
I Don’t Even Remembered What Happened
Written by: Chris Sebela
Art by: Tom Derenick
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: November 29, 2016
Review by: Dillyn Chadwick
Check out Dillyn's Podcast, DC Bros. Podcast HERE
Dillyn here back again with another Injustice: Ground Zero review. Here we are again with Chapter 9 and boy is this going nowhere really fast. It’s “Muscle Car” Part 1, and I don’t even remember there being a car in this one. Maybe I’ll remember as we go. So, let’s jump in and get this out of the way.
DC Comics Best Covers of the Week 11/30/16
By Default
I just woke up from my Thanksgiving nap, and it's New Comic Book Day already! And you all know what New Comic Book Day brings, don't you? No, not just a negative balance in your bank accounts, it brings us new comic book covers! DC didn't put out a lot of books this fact, they essentially put out five covers in total, which makes my job a lot easier! So here are this week's covers, save for the cover to the New Talent Showcase which was just ludicrous.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016
Suicide Squad #7 Review and **SPOILERS**
A Quinn to Save Them All
Rob Williams
Jim Lee
Scott Williams, Jonathan Glapion, Sandra Hope
Jeremiah Skipper
Pat Brosseau
Backup Art & Color: Christian Ward
Backup Letters: Dave Sharpe
Lee, Williams and Sinclair
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: November 30, 2016
Everything’s going haywire at Belle Reve—except for
Harley Quinn, who has somehow become sane and reverted back to Dr. Harleen
Quinzell! Though she already makes this transition at will in the pages of her
own series…but I’ll go with it. Last we left her, Harley was being menaced by a
rabid Katana—so let’s dispense with the preamble and get to the review!
New Talent Showcase #1 Review
Final Exams
Written by: Michael McMillian, Hena Khan, Joëlle Jones, Emma Beeby, Vita Ayala, Adam Smith, Chris Sebela, Erica Schultz and Michael MoreciūArt by: Khary Randolph, David Messina, Sonny Liew, Juan Ferreyra, Barnaby Bagenda...
Cover Price: $7.99
Release Date: November 30, 2016
Annuals Week is a weird one around the Weird Science Clubhouse. On one hand it gives us a bit of a rest, but on the other hand, the books are sometimes not the greatest. Well, DC has stepped up their game and given us something completely different...the New Talent Showcase! Sure, it may feel like you're dropping eight bills to read a bunch of final exams, but I love the idea. Like Kool & the Gang sang, it's fresh and exciting and that's a-ok to me. So, let's dive into it and find out the good, the bad and the ugly of it all...
Superman Annual #1 Review and *SPOILERS*
Let Swamp Thing Inside of You Superman!

Art By: Jorge Jimenez, Alejandro Sanchez, Saida Temofonte
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: November 30, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
It's so hard coming up with a way to open these reviews when the book is an annual because unless the annual ties directly into a story that we've been dealing with, it's just me wasting time and filling some space so that this part doesn't look completely empty. This annual has nothing to do with anything that we've dealt with so far............ So yeah, I'm wasting time. All you have to know going into this issue is that Superman and his family are living in Hamilton County, where they've taken the name Smith and have taken up farming like Ma and Pa Kent........... Hell, I guess you don't even need to know the "Smith" part, but it doesn't hurt to know and plus, I'm trying to fill up space here. Let's jump into this annual and see what's in store for our Man of Steel since Swamp Thing is apparently coming to town. Let's check it out.
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: November 30, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
It's so hard coming up with a way to open these reviews when the book is an annual because unless the annual ties directly into a story that we've been dealing with, it's just me wasting time and filling some space so that this part doesn't look completely empty. This annual has nothing to do with anything that we've dealt with so far............ So yeah, I'm wasting time. All you have to know going into this issue is that Superman and his family are living in Hamilton County, where they've taken the name Smith and have taken up farming like Ma and Pa Kent........... Hell, I guess you don't even need to know the "Smith" part, but it doesn't hurt to know and plus, I'm trying to fill up space here. Let's jump into this annual and see what's in store for our Man of Steel since Swamp Thing is apparently coming to town. Let's check it out.
Justice League of America #10 Review and *SPOILERS*
It's Finally Over!
Art By: Tom Derenick, Daniel Henriques, Jeremiah Skipper, Clayton Cowles
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 30, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
It's finally come, after almost a year and a half, we've come to the conclusion of one of the most convoluted, over the top, shit shows that I've read during the time since we started this site. I'm sure that there are fans of this series, even if I don't really know how, but with the story itself and the ridiculous delays, it's those sad shlubs that I feel sorry for the most here because where they might have been holding out hope that the story would come to a close with a strong, meaningful ending.......... Well, it doesn't look like that's what you're going to get. In the previous issue, we saw Rao meet his younger self on ancient Krypton and combine the Forever Stones with the Life Stones to make him the Master of the Universe...... or some such nonsense and with that power we saw the mad god transport ancient Krypton to present day Earth so that he could take his revenge on the Justice League and take control of the planet like he had originally planned. Let's see if Rao can complete his plan........... or since it was totally spoiled in The Final Days of Superman, see how the Justice League whoop his godly ass. Let's check it out.
Batman Annual #1 Review
Bat for the Holiday

Art by: Riley Rossmo, David Finch, Bilquis Evely, Declan Shalvey and Neal Adams
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: November 30, 2016
It's Annuals Week again and while I usually let out a huge groan at such a thing, this one is a bit different. Why? Because we are far enough into Rebirth to finally get annuals of the books we are currently reading. Sure, it's still not exactly our ongoing tales, but it is a step up from what we've been getting from the past couple of 5th week offerings. what makes this Batman Annual even more exciting (to me at least) is that it's an anthology to boot. Batman stories from Tom King, Scott Snyder, Paul Dini and more? Yes Please! So, does this Annual make the week a winner and also have me looking forward to future extra week months? Let's find out...
Tuesday, November 29, 2016
PREVIEW: Superman Annual #1

Art By: Jorge Jimenez, Alejandro Sanchez, Saida Temofonte
Cover Price: $4.99Release Date: November 30, 2016
“EARTH TO EARTH, ASHES TO ASHES”! Mr. Oz told Superman he was not what he thought. Now, Swamp Thing comes hunting for the Man of Steel to discover what strange connection this new Superman has to the planet. But their contact is something neither is prepared for, leading to Kal-El battling the Earth elemental who wants to bury him.
Superman has been an excellent series so far and I hope that our creators give us all they can surrounding the mystery of the Pre-Flashpoint Superman with this over sized issue.
PREVIEW: New Talent Showcase #1

Art by: Khary Randolph, David Messina, Sonny Liew, Juan Ferreyra, Barnaby Bagenda...
Cover Price: $7.99
Release Date: November 30, 2016
In this new one-shot, Wonder Woman unleashes her true god of war against a parade of monsters! Superman discovers a new threat that might be bigger and badder than The Joker himself! Hawkgirl solves crimes in the weird weapons unit for the GCPD! Carol Ferris and Kyle Rayner fight about ice cream in space! You’ll find all of this and so much more in NEW TALENT SHOWCASE #1, where recent graduate writers from the inaugural DC Talent Development workshop showcase some of their strongest work yet! See what they’ve learned from masters of the craft Scott Snyder, Jim Lee and Klaus Janson.
It's final exam time...or is it midterms...or the end of the marking period? What the hell am I getting at? Oh yea, this book is a graduation present...for the reader! So, throw your pointy hat in the air and scream and yell, but before you go off to that party at Eric's house, check out this book. Also, will you sign my yearbook?
PREVIEW: Batman Annual #1

Written by: Scott Williams, Steve Orlando, Paul Dini, Scott Snyder and Tom King
Art by: Riley Rossmo, David Finch, Bilquis Evely, Declan Shalvey and Neal Adams
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: November 30, 2016
“SILENT NIGHT”! A hush of winter snowfall has fallen over Gotham City…but a quiet night in this place is never truly quiet. Batman and his allies—and his many foes—stalk the streets in this icy showcase of top talent.
"Deadly Night"! I have never been a fan of Annuals Week, but having the first wave of Rebirth Annuals has me pretty pumped! Plus, look at the talent involved...It's a who's who of who's who! Seriously...WHO'S WHO?!?!?!?
Monday, November 28, 2016
Star Wars: Han Solo #5 Review - Marvel Monday
Written by: Marjorie Liu
Art by: Mark Brooks, Sonia Oback and Joe Caramagna
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 23, 2016
Review by: Josh Vermillion
We’ve reached the end of Han’s solo story. Han has had his hands full throughout this entire Dragon Void race, and it doesn’t seem like this last issue is going to be any different. Which informant is the traitor? Will Han win the race? Will Chewie and Dorae finally hook up? Let’s find out.
Empress #7 Review - Marvel Monday
Written by: Mark Millar
Art by: Stuart Immonen, Wade Von Grawbadger, Ive Svorcina, Sunny Gho
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 23, 2016
Review by: Josh Vermillion
There’s a reason this series is going to be turned into a movie. There’s a reason Mark Millar has his own little corner of the comic world. There’s a reason people were excited to see him and Stuart Immonen working on this book together. This has been a non-stop roller coaster ride of action since the first issue. Let’s see if the finale was as good as the setup.
Prowler #2 - Marvel Monday
Pill a Day, Keeps the Jackal Away!
Writer: Sean RyanArt Team: Javier Saltares, Jamal Campbell
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 28, 2016
Review by: Branden Murray
I’m back to bring you another tie-in from the Clone Conspiracy crossover peppered throughout the Spider-Books until February. To catch everyone up who’s possibly curious on where I stand so far regarding the event in question; At first I was digging the flow to the setup of our Clone Conspiracy stories but lately I find myself deeming this all to similar to Spider-Events of the recent past … which isn’t a great thing because it doesn’t feel fresh. Anyway we left our title character, Prowler, caught in the clutches of a mystery character, while trying to complete some dirty work for Jackal. So let’s jump right into the fray from there and discover just exactly what Prowler got mixed up into.
Civil War II #7 Review - Marvel Monday
REJOICE! The End Is Near
Written by: Brian Michael BendisArt by: David Marquez, Justin Ponsor, Andrea Sorrentino and Marcelo Maiolo
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: November 23, 2016
Review by: Branden Murray
Civil War II has reached the ever important penultimate issue status. However instead of excitement we’re all left with a neutered story, limping to the finish line, with a melting bag of peas on its groin, all because Marvel Comics went ahead and decided to release new #1 issue’s spoiling the books ending weeks ago. I just feel like there’s just not much drama left to discover inside the pages of this story but let’s dig in anyway and hope my intuition is proven wrong … I don’t want to continue to question the reasons why I’m a completionist after all.
Death of X #4 Review and *SPOILERS* - Marvel Monday
All In Your Mind
Written By: Charles Soule, Jeff Lemire
Art By: Aaron Kuder, Javier Garron, Jay Leisten, Morry Hollowell, Jay David Ramos
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 23, 2016
Publisher: Marvel
Art By: Aaron Kuder, Javier Garron, Jay Leisten, Morry Hollowell, Jay David Ramos
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 23, 2016
Publisher: Marvel
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Up to this point, I’ve been quite a fan of this series. It
has given me a lot of hope for the upcoming Inhumans vs. X-men crossover that’s
about to start. That said, we only got the beginnings of a battle between the
two groups in the last issue. I’m a bit surprised that we haven’t gotten more
yet and I’m worried that this last issue will feel too rushed because of this.
That said, this is the final issue of this series and plenty is going to happen
in this issue so I’m really excited. How will Cyclops die? How will he turn the
world against Mutants again? How will this story set up the upcoming event? Let’s
find out.
Doctor Strange and the Sorcerers Supreme #2 Review and Spoilers - Marvel Monday
Merlin’s Heroes
Robbie Thompson
Javier Rodriguez
Álvaro López
Jordie Bellaire
VC’s Joe Caramagna
Javier Rodriguez, Álvaro López & Jordie Bellaire
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: November 23, 2016
You know, if Marvel just pluralized the last word
instead of the second-to-last word in the title, then this book could be about
legendary R&B singer Diana Ross’ back-up band—with magic powers!
Another missed opportunity. Read on for the review of
what is, and not what might have been.
Cage! #2 Review and **SPOILERS** - Marvel Monday
Marathon Man
By Genndy
Stephen DeStefano
Bill Wray with Genndy Tartakovsky
VC’s Clayton Cowles
Genndy Tartakovsky and Scott Wills
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: November 23, 2016
Who's the black hero for hire
That Hell’s Kitchen ladies desire?
You're damn right
Who is the guy
That’s impervious and strong, besides?
Can ya dig it?
Who's the self-made business-
You're damn right
Who is the guy
That’s impervious and strong, besides?
Can ya dig it?
Who's the self-made business-
Man that likes to say “Sweet
Right on
You see this cat Cage is a bad mother
(Shut your mouth!)
But I'm talkin' about Cage
(Then we can dig it)
He's a complicated man
But no one understands him but his partner
Right on
You see this cat Cage is a bad mother
(Shut your mouth!)
But I'm talkin' about Cage
(Then we can dig it)
He's a complicated man
But no one understands him but his partner
(Iron Fist)
The Uncanny Inhumans #15 Review - Marvel Monday
Written by: Charles Soule
Art by: R.B. Silva, Adriano Di Benedetto, Java Tartaglia
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 16th, 2016
Review By: Christian Faulds
*Non-spoilers and review at the bottom*
So Charles Soule’s run on the Inhumans has been a lot of fun. He has brought back the crazy politics that the Inhumans are known for. Now with the Iron Man storyline wrapped up with Maximus leaving after nearly getting Stark to bring hellfire and damnation on Queen Medusa. We shall see where this issue takes us. More Maximus shenanigans? More royal family politics? Will we go into space? All these questions will hopefully be answered let us dig in and find out what is going down.
The Dame Walked In

Art by: R.B. Silva, Adriano Di Benedetto, Java Tartaglia
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: November 16th, 2016
Review By: Christian Faulds
*Non-spoilers and review at the bottom*
So Charles Soule’s run on the Inhumans has been a lot of fun. He has brought back the crazy politics that the Inhumans are known for. Now with the Iron Man storyline wrapped up with Maximus leaving after nearly getting Stark to bring hellfire and damnation on Queen Medusa. We shall see where this issue takes us. More Maximus shenanigans? More royal family politics? Will we go into space? All these questions will hopefully be answered let us dig in and find out what is going down.
Thanos #1 Review - Marvel Monday

Thanos Returns
Written by: Jeff Lemire
Art by: Mike Deodato, Frank Martin, VC Clayton Cowles
Release Date: November 16, 2016
Review by: Bryan Trevitt
I never thought about reading a Thanos book before until I saw that Jeff Lemire was going to be
writing it. If you have ever read anything by Lemire then you can understand my excitement over this book. I really enjoyed this issue and I think it’s a great starting point for this series lets hop in and see where this bad boy goes.
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Weird Science DC Comics Podcast Ep 99: DC Rebirth Week 24, Comics and Pajamas
The gang get together for one of the longest episodes to date and it's all about comic books, the Get Fresh Crew (whoop whoop!) and guys in pajamas. Jim, Eric and Reggie are joined by their brothers in arms to discuss a ton of stuff before the podcast graduates into triple digits next week. Enjoy!
Weird Comics History Podcast ep. 15 - Piranha/Paradox Press
Because Reggie couldn't get it together to finish up the History of Underground Comix, Chris (@AceComics) and Reggie (@reggiereggie) bring you a classic episode from way back when Weird Comics History was a segment of the Weird Science DC Comics Dot Com Podcast! This combines two parts from episodes 76 and 77 of that podcast, and they're all about DC Comics' first imprints mean to appeal to independent creators: Piranha Press and Paradox Press! These are relevant to Underground Comix in that it was another venue for people to showcase their non-superhero work, and of course some of the lessons learned from these imprints would be applied to Vertigo later on. So consider this your extra credit work!
Weird Science DC Comics Comic Books of the Week 11/26/2016
It's Thanksgiving time here in the States and I think even our international readers should sit back for a few moments and think of what they're thankful for. While I would usually insert something about being thankful for this weeks comic haul from DC, as you will see, it was pretty slim pickins' this week. In fact, it is just me, myself and I when it's all said and done. That's why I'm officially calling this week's picks "Jim's Comics of the Week." I like the sound of that!
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