Friday, March 13, 2020
The Flash #751 Video Review
The Flash battles Godspeed as "Flash Age" continues! In this issue, Paradox enlists Godspeed in his mission to erase the Flash legacy from existence! But when Godspeed's allegiance comes into question, Paradox proves he may be the strongest foe Barry Allen's ever faced!
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
The Dollhouse Family #5 Review

Writer: M.R. Carey
Layouts: Peter Gross
Finishes: Vince Locke
Colors: Cris Peter
Letters: Todd Klein
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 11th, 2020
The Dollhouse Family is almost over and that makes me sad because I've loved this miniseries. As we come to the home stretch, Alice's daughter Una has been fooled by Jenny and the Dollhouse to give Alice her leg back and live in the Dollhouse forever herself. Now Alice and Una's father Jake has to figure out how to get her back. To read my reviews of all of this series, click on The Dollhouse Family label.
Hawkman #22 Review
Getting Maced
Art By: Fernando Pasarin, Oclair Albert, Wade Von Grawbadger, Jeremy Cox, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 11, 2020
Release Date: March 11, 2020
The saga of the Sky Tyrant continues as Carter Hall's friends, Hawkwoman, The Atom and Adam Strange desperately try to find a cure for the Batman Who Laugh's Infection that now runs through our Winged Warrior's body, making him into his evil Earth-3 version from a past life. Yeah, it's a lot to take in, but that's nothing compared to the Sky Tyrant's plan to open up a doorway to another dimension that will end billions of lives throughout the Universe so that he can make sure the cosmic scales never even out and that he always has people's lives on his hands, making it so his curse or gift of resurrection never ends and that he'll continue to live on forever. Let's jump into this issue and see if our heroes are able to stop the infected Carter Hall from achieving his goals or if they'll all go down one by one by the hand of the Sky Tyrant. Let's check it out.
Batman and the Outsiders #11 Review

Writer: Bryan Hill
Artist: Dexter Soy
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 11, 2020
It seems that this is the story that Bryan Hill wanted to tell from the get-go on this book. It lines right up with his Detective Comics run, and while it still has some of the trappings remaining from the Year of the Villain stuff, the focus has changed a bit to Markovia and the alien tech that had me excited for this book in the first place. Plus, the last issue's cliffhanger was a badass setup to an epic battle royale! Did Edge come out of retirement for this one as well? Let's find out...
The Flash #751 Review and *SPOILERS*
Coming from a Mile Away
Written By: Joshua Williamson
Art By: Christian Duce, Luis Guerrero, Hi-Fi
Letters By: Steve Wands
Art By: Christian Duce, Luis Guerrero, Hi-Fi
Letters By: Steve Wands
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 11, 2020
Release Date: March 11, 2020
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
We have just begun a brand new story in The Flash and while the first issue served more as a jumping on point for new readers I am hoping that we finally dive into this story and it becomes something that excites me. That being said, I have very little faith in that. Our main villain for this story is Paradox who has just become a cookie-cutter villain at this point. We’ve already gotten his backstory and it is incredibly basic and he simply does the classic villain tropes. Typical monologues, letting his lackey take on the hero instead of him, and a couple other things make him extremely boring as a main villain but maybe I’ll be proven wrong. I’d certainly like to think that will happen as I have been wrong many times before, but I need to see this book take some big strides before we get to that point. Hopefully, we will see those strides in this issue. So, let’s jump into this latest issue and see where it takes us.
Young Justice #14 Review
Guest Stars Galore!
Art By: John Timms, Michael Avon Oeming, Gabe Eltaeb, Wes Abbott
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 11, 2020
Release Date: March 11, 2020
The questions continue as we jump back into Young Justice, where we wonder how this team not only remembers one another but how they were ever a team to begin with in this continuity....... not to mention, how the hell everyone they come in contact with seem to know them even though their fellow heroes don't. It's all odd and it's all weird, but we'll continue our story, where our Young Justice team, teamed up with the Wonder Twins and Dial H's Miguel and Summer and now Aqualad, Sideways, Spoiler and Arrowette to go after Dr. Glory and hopefully find Superboy as they take her down. Let's jump into this issue and see if anything has become clearer about how anything in this book makes sense or if it just digs itself into a deeper hole. Let's check it out.
Superman #21 Review
King Of The Earth
Art By: Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, Oclair Albert, Alex Sinclair, Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 11, 2020
It's time to deal with some repercussions for Superman revealing his identity to the world, or more accurately, it's time for Lois Lane to deal with those repercussions because now that a video has been sent to the Daily Star from the Unity Day speech that created the United Planets, people believe that Superman is declaring himself King of Earth because he said to a bunch of aliens that he would speak for the people of Earth........ Yeah, it's kind of ridiculous and that's not even talking about the idea of an alien live streaming the events and sending an email to the second-best newspaper in Metropolis. Let's jump into this issue and see if things work themselves up or if the press work themselves into a frenzy. Let's check it out.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Weird Science DC Comics Podcast Ep 270: DC Comics, Batman, Justice League, Weird Villains and Transmorphers
Jim and Eric are back for more DC Comics nonsense, and there aren't a lot of books this week, but they get right to them. If you would like to listen to more comic book shows and some that aren't even comic-based, check out the Patreon ( to listen to everything including this week's DC Comics Patreon Spotlight: The Flash #750
PREVIEW: The Terrifics #26

Artist: Sergio Davila, Vicente Cifuentes
Publisher: DC Comics
Release Date: March 11, 2020
Cover Price: $3.99
A bold new direction for The Terrifics begins here! Following the events of the T-Finity experiment, Mr. Terrific has at last gained control of his long-defunct company Terrifictech, with the help of a mysterious benefactor. Seeking to redefine the concept of super-heroics with bleeding-edge technology and targeted global problem-solving, Michael Holt and his team of outcasts are expanding their horizons to a bright new future. But as the Terrifics evolve, the remnants of evils past just won't let them go...
PREVIEW: Wonder Woman #753

Artist: Max Raynor
Publisher: DC Comics
Release Date: March 11, 2020
Cover Price: $3.99
After a tumultuous start to their relationship, Wonder Woman and the ferocious warrior known as Valda have agreed to put their differences aside to hunt a mythical beast determined to destroy Boston. Now it's a race against time to save the city and complete Valda's quest. Meanwhile, Warmaster has set her sights on the final member of her team hellbent on revenge...Genocide! Does Wonder Woman stand a chance against her former ally's growing army?
PREVIEW: The Green Lantern: Season Two #2

Artist: Liam Sharp
Publisher: DC Comics
Release Date: March 11, 2020
Cover Price: $3.99
Hal Jordan is stuck on the worst possible planet he can imagine: Earth! Reassigned by the bold new Guardians to patrol his home planet, Hal finds himself a bit bored with his familiar haunts versus the infinite expanse and adventure of outer space. But when an invasion from the dawn of time strikes the planet, can Hal stop...the Ornitho-Men?!
PREVIEW: The Flash #751

Artist: Christian Duce
Publisher: DC Comics
Release Date: March 11, 2020
Cover Price: $3.99
The Flash battles Godspeed as "Flash Age" continues! In this issue, Paradox enlists Godspeed in his mission to erase the Flash legacy from existence! But when Godspeed's allegiance comes into question, Paradox proves he may be the strongest foe Barry Allen's ever faced!
PREVIEW: Catwoman #21

Artist: Fernando Blanco
Publisher: DC Comics
Release Date: March 11, 2020
Cover Price: $3.99
In this action-packed conclusion to the Villa Hermosa epic, Catwoman and Raina Creel go head-to-head. Win or lose, this is a crossroads for Catwoman. Will she stay with her sister in their new home, or return to Gotham City and the life she hoped she had left behind?
PREVIEW: Batman's Grave #6

Artist: Bryan Hitch
Publisher: DC Comics
Release Date: March 11, 2020
Cover Price: $3.99
The Batman is trapped in the most dangerous house in Gotham City, trying to protect Commissioner Gordon from a secret army out to kill anyone involved in the justice system. The war on the law has only just begun.
PREVIEW: Batman and the Outsiders #11
Writer: Bryan Hill
Artist: Dexter Soy
Publisher: DC Comics
Release Date: March 11, 2020
Cover Price: $3.99
Black Lightning is an Outsider no more! It's up to Katana to take up the reigns of leadership as things look their darkest for the team-and the new addition of Babylon has thrown the team into flux. Plus, Batman is far from thrilled with the secrets that the Signal and Orphan are keeping from him. And this is exactly what Ra's al Ghul wants: a broken team that doesn't stand a chance against his new League and their deadliest assassin yet.
PREVIEW: Superman #21
Art By: Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, Oclair Albert, Alex Sinclair, Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 11, 2020
It’s Mongul versus Superman in the battle for the survival of the United Planets! The Man of Steel must confront Mongul in front of all the powers of the galaxy, or peace will never be achieved. During one of the most private moments in Superman’s existence comes one of his biggest challenges. If Superman fails, the whole of the United Planets falls!
It’s Mongul versus Superman in the battle for the survival of the United Planets! The Man of Steel must confront Mongul in front of all the powers of the galaxy, or peace will never be achieved. During one of the most private moments in Superman’s existence comes one of his biggest challenges. If Superman fails, the whole of the United Planets falls!
PREVIEW: Young Justice #14
Art By: John Timms, Michael Avon Oeming, Gabe Eltaeb, Wes Abbott
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 11, 2020
Now that Young Justice has figured out who the bad guys are, it’s time to bring the fight to S.T.A.R. Labs’ front door! But the combined forces of Dial H for Hero, the Wonder Twins, Naomi, and the entire Young Justice roster may not be enough to defeat these evil scientists. It’s time to call in some super-powered backup…the new Young Justice! Plus, how will Superman revealing his secret identity affect Conner Kent?
Release Date: March 11, 2020
Now that Young Justice has figured out who the bad guys are, it’s time to bring the fight to S.T.A.R. Labs’ front door! But the combined forces of Dial H for Hero, the Wonder Twins, Naomi, and the entire Young Justice roster may not be enough to defeat these evil scientists. It’s time to call in some super-powered backup…the new Young Justice! Plus, how will Superman revealing his secret identity affect Conner Kent?
PREVIEW: Hawkman #22
Art By: Fernando Pasarin, Oclair Albert, Wade Von Grawbadger, Jeremy Cox, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 11, 2020
Sky Tyrant comes home to roost-whether he likes it or not! Hawkwoman, Adam Strange, and the Atom have trapped Sky Tyrant and desperately work to find a cure for their beloved friend Carter Hall’s Dark Multiverse infection. But they’re running out of time as Sky Tyrant, who controls Carter Hall’s body, makes a play for the ancient and powerful artifact that could lead to the deaths of untold billions…and ensure his immortality for good!
Release Date: March 11, 2020
Sky Tyrant comes home to roost-whether he likes it or not! Hawkwoman, Adam Strange, and the Atom have trapped Sky Tyrant and desperately work to find a cure for their beloved friend Carter Hall’s Dark Multiverse infection. But they’re running out of time as Sky Tyrant, who controls Carter Hall’s body, makes a play for the ancient and powerful artifact that could lead to the deaths of untold billions…and ensure his immortality for good!
Superman #21 Video Preview
It's Mongul versus Superman in the battle for the survival of the United Planets! The Man of Steel must confront Mongul in front of all the powers of the galaxy, or peace will never be achieved. During one of the most private moments in Superman's existence comes one of his biggest challenges. If Superman fails, the whole of the United Planets falls!
Young Justice #14 Video Preview
Now that Young Justice has figured out who the bad guys are, it's time to bring the fight to S.T.A.R. Labs' front door! But the combined forces of Dial H for Hero, the Wonder Twins, Naomi, and the entire Young Justice roster may not be enough to defeat these evil scientists. It's time to call in some super-powered backup...the new Young Justice! Plus, how will Superman revealing his secret identity affect Conner Kent?
Monday, March 9, 2020
The Flash #751 Video Preview

Artist: Christian Duce
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 11, 2020
The Flash battles Godspeed as "Flash Age" continues! In this issue, Paradox enlists Godspeed in his mission to erase the Flash legacy from existence! But when Godspeed's allegiance comes into question, Paradox proves he may be the strongest foe Barry Allen's ever faced!
Check out our Video Preview of Batman and the Outsiders #11 and be sure to subscribe to out channel for all sorts of reviews and previews!
Batman and the Outsiders #11 Video Preview

Artist: Dexter Soy
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: March 11, 2020
Black Lightning is an Outsider no more! It's up to Katana to take up the reigns of leader-ship as things look their darkest for the team-and the new addition of Babylon has thrown the team into flux. Plus, Batman is far from thrilled with the secrets that the Signal and Orphan are keeping from him. And this is exactly what Ra's al Ghul wants: a broken team that doesn't stand a chance against his new League and their deadliest assassin yet.
Check out our Video Preview of Batman and the Outsiders #11 and be sure to subscribe to out channel for all sorts of reviews and previews!
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