Saturday, October 8, 2016
Weird Science Episode 2: 'Inappropriate' by Toby Hagen
Toby continues his awesome series with one of the most iconic, hilarious and uncomfortable things that we have ever had happen on the podcast...Jess' Dildo incident. Yep, the outburst that gave me a handful of solid gold sound clips and Eric nightmares...and dreams. Thanks goes to Toby for doing such an awesome job of bringing everybody up to speed on the "That's inappropriate and I'm angry about that" sound clip and if you are looking for Branden, he's probably in the corner in the fetal position.
Injustice: Ground Zero Chapter #1 Review
Let's Do the Time Warp Again
Written by: Christopher SebelaArt by: Pop Mhan, Rex Lokus and Wes Abbott
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: October 4, 2016
Okay, I wasn't sure that I would be continuing on with Injustice now that the Five Years taking place Mhan is on art and that is always a plus in my book. So,was my return trip back into the Injustice world a pleasant one? Let's find out...
before the game are over. The decision came from a combination of burnout as well as the feeling that the last bit of Year Five was only setup for the series to continue here. Well, I guess I just can't stay away because here I am, ready to start up another round of Injustice and I'm actually pretty stoked about it. The idea of reading the video game's story through the eyes of Harley Quinn seems odd yet intriguing and Pop
Weird Science DC Comics Comic Books of the Week 10/08/16
Here we are, back for another week of comics and another week of the Weird Science Get Fresh Crew's Books of the Week! It looks like Reggie comes out on top again with the most it because he's a nice guy or does he just have the best books to review? I say it's a little from Column A and a little from Column B. I'd also like to welcome Branden to the party this week. He reviewed He-Man/Thundercats and if you thought that was not making the grade, you obviously don't know Branden! Well, enough talking and on with the picks...
Arrow Season 5, Episode 1 Review: Legacy
New Kids on the Block
Directed By: James BamfordWritten By: Greg Berlanti, Wendy Mericle and Greg Berlanti
Starring: Stephen Amell, David Ramsey, Willa Holland, Emily Bett Rickards...
Air Date: October 5, 2016
Channel: WB
Review by: Branden Murray
Arrow and the rest of the CW television shows that feature DC Comics mainstays as their characters lost me a little bit last year. I guess you could say that after following four seasons of Arrow, two seasons of Flash, and a season of Legends of Tomorrow, my interest is beginning to wane a bit in how the network presents its DC related material. The shows have fallen in a trap of all beginning to feel very much the same. However, when last season of the Flash ended, with that Flashpoint type situation, I was cautiously optimistic for all this seasons coming offerings. I really hoped they would use the opportunity for Arrow to mix it up a little bit giving us a different take on the character. Well the season five debut aired this past Wednesday, so let’s see what changes are in store for Ollie and who the Green Arrow’s shooting at now.
Generation Zero #2 Review
The First Foster Family in Rook,MI
Writer: Fred Van LenteIllustrator: Francis Portela
Color Artist: Andrew Dalhouse
Letterer: Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: September 28, 2016
Review by: Ryan Douglas
Check out Ryan's Podcast HERE
We continue the story arc "We Are The Future Part 2". This picks up where the previous issue ended, Generation Zero saving Keisha from the Cornermen. While Keisha is still on the ground after the attack, the team is attempting to figure out what the pillars are that the Cornermen left behind. Telic isn't able to pick up any sort of reading to tell where the statues were in the past. Cronus notices Keisha's arm had been injured after the Cornermen arrived. As she is picking herself up off the ground. He attempts to touch her with his glowing hand he just used to blast the Cornermen with. She's uncomfortable and puts her hand up to stop him from getting closer. Cronus tells Keisha the same energy his body generates can be reversed and used to heal her wound.
Friday, October 7, 2016
Top 5 Fridays: Top 5 Teenage Marvel Heroes
Welcome back to another teenage filled Top 5 Fridays! Before we begin, I want to get one thing out-of-the-way… This is a MARVEL list that plays off of last week's list(click HERE if you haven't read it). If you don't want a Marvel list to read, you'll have to wait till next week.
So why am I making this list? Well as I made it apparent in the Marvel mention last week, Marvel has some great teenage heroes in their roster. With their book, the champions, a team consisting of teenage heroes, being released this week, I felt it was time to show some of those heroes some love. Same rules apply from the last list, but Spidey won't be a part of it as he was already a Marvel mention. As always this is an opinion based list, so if you don't see any heroes you like I apologize. Enough talk! Let's dive in...
Thursday, October 6, 2016
Weird Science DC Comics Podcast Spotlight: Midnighter and Apollo #1
All hell broke loose for the Get Fresh Crew this week and Jim was forced to record the spotlight on his own. He talks about Midnighter and Apollo #1 and does it in very quick fashion. Take it easy on him...he is a sensitive man!
DC Comics Best Covers of the Week 10/5/16
You'll Always Win Me Over With Parody and Satire
Boy, were there a lot of freaking comics from DC this week! And due to variants, there were twice as many covers on those comics! That makes putting this list together more difficult. There are so many artists flexing their skills on all of these covers! Only five can make the cut, however, due to an arbitrary reason I will not reveal, so let's see what made the short list!
Lucifer - Season 2, Episode 2: "Liar, Liar, Slutty Dress on Fire" Review and *SPOILERS*
Mother May I
Created By: Tom Kapinos
Directed By: Louis Shaw Milito
Written By: Ildy Modrovich
Starring: Tom Ellis, Lauren German, Tricia Helfer, Lesley-Ann Brandt, D.B. Woodside, Kevin Alejandro, Aimee Garcia, and many more
Air Date: October 3, 2016
Channel: FOX
Directed By: Louis Shaw Milito
Written By: Ildy Modrovich
Starring: Tom Ellis, Lauren German, Tricia Helfer, Lesley-Ann Brandt, D.B. Woodside, Kevin Alejandro, Aimee Garcia, and many more
Air Date: October 3, 2016
Channel: FOX
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Well, this show took what I assume is a much needed break
after they stumbled out the gate with the first episode of the new season. Not
sure if it was because they actually needed it, but I certainly did. Honestly,
there are a couple things about this show that I do like but every time I start
to get invested, the show does something that I dislike. Here’s the thing,
there are dozens of cop procedural shows on television right now and there are
so many that do very little to distinguish themselves. However, due to decent
show runners, these shows are able to thrive. There’s clearly an audience for
these types of shows. So when a new cop procedural like Lucifer comes along
with a new twist that should distinguish it apart from all the others, it
shouldn’t be too hard to attract an audience and have one hell of a hit.
However, this show just seems to be doing the bare minimum and even as far as cop
procedurals go, it doesn’t find itself anywhere near the top. However, this is
just the beginning of the season, it could still be finding its stride. Could
the show raise its game this episode? Let’s find out.
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
Green Lanterns #8 Review and *SPOILERS*
Smell My Feet

Art By: Ed Benes, Blond, Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 5, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
It's Halloween in Dearborn, Michigan and you know what that means? It's time to hunt down a little blue runt who has taken off with the Phantom Ring because the Dominators are on the hunt........ Yeah, Dearborn is a weird place. After having a low key, day in the life of issue previously, it's time to get our Lanterns back into action so that they can save the world and possibly the Universe from the Dominators getting their hands on a weapon that could possibly rival the Green Lanterns'. I say possibly because we really don't know a lot about the Phantom Ring besides for the fact that it can be wielded by anyone. So let's jump into this issue and see if the rogue Guardian Rami can blend into the costumed populace of Dearborn, Michigan or if he stands out like a sore blue thumb. Let's check it out.
Green Arrow #8 Review
Pretty Bird
Written by: Ben PercyArt by: Otto Schmidt and Nate Piekos
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 5, 2016
I really enjoyed the just finished "Sins of the Mother" story arc mainly because I love Emiko. I also
love Ollie and laughed out loud when he woke up on the Island after the Inferno sunk, yelling, "Not again!" Not again, indeed!!! I guess it doesn't matter what we all think, Ollie is on the Island and we will have to deal with it. So, is this beginning of the Island of Scars any good? Let's find out...
Shade the Changing Girl #1 Review and *SPOILERS*

Meta Madness in a swanky vest
Shade the Changing Girl #1
earth girl made easy, chapter 1: running off to the great blue
Writer: Cecil CastellucciArtist: Marley Zarcone
Colorist: Kelly Fitzpatrick
Letterer: Saida Temofonte
Main Cover Artist: Becky Cloonan
Variant Covers Artists: Duncan Fegredo & Tula Lotay
Cover Price: $3.99
On Sale Date: October 5, 2016
Megan Boyer is not a nice girl... Loma Shade is not a nice, um, bird-faced kokopelli thing. One's fleeing from boredom, the other's clinging to life.
He-Man/Thundercats #1 Review
Xtreme 80’s Toy Story
Written by: Rob David & Lloyd GoldfineArt by: Freddie E. Williams II, Jeremy Colwell and Deron Bennett
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 5, 2016
Review by: Branden Murray
If you were a boy that grew up in the 1980’s, the chances are strong that you either had a toy box or other special place in your house that your stash of He-Man and/or Thundercat action figures would call home. I know I personally spent many cold Saturday afternoons in Buffalo, NY, constructing carefully aligned battlegrounds where toy blood would be shed for hours. I also feel confident stating that if you never possessed these toys, as a child that when man cards are handed out later in life you were simply told “NO! You failed to meet the established requirements”. Hopefully, you’re not one of those poor, bitter people, without a man card because for the rest of us, we get to relive that magical period once again with He-Man/Thundercats #1. So, let’s all dust off our 30 year old Power Sword (you know you have it somewhere) and get down to business.
Cyborg #2 Review and *SPOILERS*
You're Either With Us Or Against Us
Art By: Paul Pelletier, Tony Kordos, Tom Palmer, Guy Major, Hi-Fi, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 5, 2016
Release Date: October 5, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
It's time to check back in on Cyborg because after the dilemma that he's been facing about whether his father sees him as a metal monster or his little boy........ Well, he should be put on some sort of watch or something. Make sure to keep the metal cutters away from him. Besides for that nonsense, we had our hero contemplating on whether or not he had a soul in the previous issue and after hearing some improvisational jazz music, it seems that he's found his soul. It was just at the worst possible time though because a big bad mamma jamma named Kilg%re has come to eradicate the humanity right out of our hero. Let's jump into this issue and see if we can find out anything more about the mystery machine behind Kilg%re's resurrection and why the hell it looks like Dr. Silas Stone. Let's check it out.
The Flintstones #4 Review and ** SPOILERS**
Marriage Lets You Annoy One Special Person for the
Rest of Your Life
Mark Russell
Steve Pugh
Chris Chuckry
Dave Sharpe
Cover Artist: Dan Panosian
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: October 5, 2016
As faithful listeners to the podcast already know, I
am married. Eric is not married, but he is in a soul-crushing relationship so
it’s practically the same thing. And Jim was born married, and had his first
child at age eleven and has been having another one, all boys, exactly nine
months after each is born. He has fifty-six children, and the oldest of them is
collecting Social Security. Jim aside, it turns out that my generation and the
one after it (you cuddly Millennials) are getting married a lot later than our
parents did, and this sort of changes the dynamic of marriage from being two young
bumblers doubling the effect of their early life mistakes to two older bumblers
that know how to mitigate the damage their stupidity causes. All joking aside,
being married is pretty cool, unless you don’t want to be married, in which
case I don’t recommend it. Instead, check out my review of the Flintstones #4,
they’d never have an issue about marriage! Would they?
Aquaman #8 Review and **SPOILERS**
The Bigger they Are, the Longer they Float
Dan Abnett
Scot Eaton
Wayne Faucher
Gabe Eltaeb
Pat Brosseau
Cover Artists: Brad Walker, Andrew Hennessey & Gabe Eltaeb
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: October 5, 2016
Hey, Arthur Curry of Amnesty Bay, Maine! The Red Sawx
made it inta the World Series playoffs! You gotta be ecstatic, this is wicked
awesome! How d’ya think they’re gonna do? D’ya think they could end up facing
the Cubs in the Series? I’m gettin’ chills, bro! I dunno if you get reg’lar
television down in Atlantis, so if you need ta know a score or somethin’, gimme
a holler! I owe you one for the latest issue of Aquaman, I thought it was freakin’…y’know what? Lemme tell ya about
Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love #1 Review and **SPOILERS**
Werewolf Bar Mitzvah, Spooky, Scary
Sarah Vaughn
Lan Medina
Color Artist: José Villarubia
Janice Chiang
Cover Artist: Stephanie Hans
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: October 5, 2016
We’re now in October, and you know what that means,
kiddies! Apple picking! And also
Halloween. I like the holiday, but I think October gets kind of a bum rap as
being the “scariest” time of year, when much of it is rather pleasant. As the
leaves change color or, if you live in California, front lawns turn from yellow
to brown, Mother Nature’s wond’rous cycle plays out like fireworks before our
very eyes, while all the succulent summer fruits wither on the vine, and are
replaced at our tables by gourds and hardened fruits…okay, I’ll admit it.
October is the season of death. But that doesn’t have to be a spooky thing.
Leaves must fall and turn to mulch in order to propagate new growth in the
spring. Mangoes must go out of season or Reggie will eat too many of them and
be unable to fit into his winter clothes. But we still regard October as the
month of haints and spooks. Let’s reinforce that gimmick, with a review of Deadman: Dark Mansion of Forbidden Love—book number one!
Nightwing #6 Review and *SPOILERS*
With Your Monsters Combined....... I'm A Bigger Monster

Art By: Roge Antonio, Chris Sotomayor, Carlos M. Mangual
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 5, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Well, from what we saw in the previous issue, it seems our Monster Men threat is coming to a close........ at least on the city wide scale that we saw because the evacuated populace in Gotham's cave systems had the altering algae burned off of them and Duke came through with a cure for Gotham Girl. I guess all we have left are Nightwing and the original Monster Men themselves and by my count, we only have one more left. It's just too bad that the one left happens to be the biggest baddest looking one of them all. Let's jump into this Night of the Monster Men story and see if the hurricane plays a bigger role or if it was just there as window dressing and if our heroes can cure Nightwing and take down the last mammoth monster man. Let's check it out.
Superman #8 Review and *SPOILERS*
Weird Science

Art By: Doug Mahnke, Jaime Mendoza, Wil Quintana, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 5, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
After getting that day in the life of the Superman family issue we got previously, it feels like everyone and their sexy ass mamas should be on the Superman trolley and picking this book up. I know I say over and over again that I refuse to give a comic a perfect 10/10 because if that happened, what would be the point of continuing..... it would all just be downhill from there, but even with that, Superman #7 was probably the closet I came to wanting to give that score in a long time and because of that, I'm super excited about this issue. This is usually where I give a lead in by telling you what happened previously, but that doesn't really matter going into this, except for the fact that Jon has been given an extension on his science project............ because goddamn is that pretty significant here. Let's jump into this issue and see what our favorite Superman family is up to in this new story arc, Escape From Dinosaur Island. Let's check it out.
Death of Hawkman #1 Review and *SPOILERS*
Love Is A Zeta Beam

Art By: Aaron Lopresti, Livesay, Blond, Josh Reed
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 5, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Well, it's finally happened! After begging for years to get another Hawkman series I've finally got it....... even though it's a Hawkman/Adam Strange series...... and also just a mini, but you know what? After all this time, I'll take what I can get. Really though, there's not a lot to say about this going in because there's nothing before hand that leads to this........ except for maybe Justice League United, where we saw Hawkman and Adam Strange working together, but even that feels strange with this book because while that seems to have happened in this continuity, Alanna has a more classic parentage here and no longer seems to be the grad student of Earth that she once was in the New 52....... or she was and learned that Sardath was her father somewhere off panel. Either way, let's check out this mini and see if it truly is the Death of Hawkman.
Batman #8 Review
You're the Disease and I'm the Cure
Written by: Steve OrlandoArt by: Riley Rossmo, Ivan Plascencia, Deron Bennett
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 5, 2016
The Monster Men story has not been the over-the-top fun fest that I was hoping when it was
announced. In general, it has been disappointing and only making me want the regular stories back even more than ever. I can't complain too much, however, as it's almost over and last issue's cliffhanger was pretty damn crazy. Nightwing and Gotham Girl are Monster we're talking! Does Steve Orlando build on that goodness and attempt a strong finish to the arc? Let's find out...
Justice League #6 Review
Don't Fear the...
Written by: Bryan HitchArt by: Matthew Clark, Tom Derenick,Sean Parsons, Trevor Scott, Ariano Lucas and Richard
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 5, 2016
Justice League has been a complete and utter mess! I really have hated this book since Rebirth and if you asked me to pick an early Christmas present it would be to get some new faces working on what should be DC's biggest book. That said, this issue starts a new arc, State of Fear, and with that comes hope of something good, if not better. So, does Bryan Hitch right the ship and set course to better seas? Let's find out...
Harley Quinn #5 Review and **SPOILERS**
Writers: Amanda Conner & Jimmy Palmiotti
Artist: John Timms
Colors: Alex Sinclair
Letters: Dave Sharpe
Cover Art: Amanda Conner & Alex Sinclair
Cover Price: $2.99
On Sale Date: October 5, 2016
Here begins a three-part story arc that I’m really excited about for two reasons: one, it’s a three- and not a five- or six-part arc. Hooray for shorter multiple-issue tales and one-shots! The other reason I’m excited about this is that it has Harley Quinn infiltrating the New York punk rock scene, which, though not really in existence today, is something near and dear to my heart. Mind you, I was a dumb little baby when the scene was actually in existence during the late 1970s, but a lot of the bands that broke out of the CBGB’s circuit like the Ramones, Talking Heads and Blondie comprised the soundtrack to my grade school days. Those who listened to last week’s podcast know that Blondie is a particular favorite of mine, and the fact that this story is titled “Eat to This Beat” tickles me tremendously. So basically, expect higher scores than usual if this book continues to pander to my interests. If the next couple of arcs have Harley visiting pre-20th Century New York City or eating Cuban sandwiches, then I’ll probably name it Book of the Year. But for the moment, check out my review of Harley Quinn #5!
Midnighter and Apollo #1 Review
God-Train of Love
Written by: Steve OrlandoArt by: Fernando Blanco, Romulo Fajardo Jr and Josh Reed
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 5, 2016
I was not the biggest fan of the recently canceled Midnighter series. I am not going to go on and on here about how I think that most of the other reviewers who sung the book's praises never put their money where their pens were or graded on a curve that I wasn't told about, but I will stick to my opinion just as much as others will to theirs. Now that that's over with, we can move on to Midnighter and Apollo with an open mind and a clean slate. Is Steve Orlando's new book good enough to warrant a continuation of this story? Let's find out...
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
PREVIEW: Midnighter and Apollo #1

Art by: Fernando Blanco, Romulo Fajardo Jr and Josh Reed
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 5, 2016
You wanted it? You got it—six more issues of Midnighter madness! Together again after too long apart, Midnighter and Apollo take on subway pirates in Los Angeles and demons in Opal City…but their reunion is about to take a shocking turn and send them both on an epic journey beyond all belief!
PREVIEW: Green Lanterns #8

Art By: Ed Benes, Blond, Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 5, 2016
“TRICK OR TREAT!” Rookie Green Lanterns Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz face their most daunting mission yet: a night of Halloween trick or treating with Simon’s young nephew and a on-the-run Guardian of the Universe.
Like the previous issue of Superman, the last issue of Green Lanterns really got me on board with this series because not only was it a "day in the life of" issue that I love to see, but it also dove deeper into Simon's character and showed our two Lantern heroes being a team even when they aren't fighting a world threatening evil. From the looks of this solicit we're going to get more of that and I can't wait. Plus, it's Halloween and who doesn't love Halloween?
PREVIEW: He-Man/Thundercats #1
Written by: Rob David & Lloyd Goldfine
Art by: Freddie E. Williams II, Jeremy Colwell and Deron Bennett
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 5, 2016

Nerds Ho!!! Seriously, this is the book for all of us who never grew up, never left our mom's basement, never talked to the opposite sex, never...Oh, screw it, it looks awesome!!!!
PREVIEW: Cyborg #2

Art By: Paul Pelletier, Tony Kordos, Tom Palmer, Guy Major, Hi-Fi, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 5, 2016
“THE IMITATION OF LIFE” part three! Vic Stone’s quest to save his soul is threatened by an attack from Kilg%re, an artificial alien life form that wishes to purge Cyborg of any remnants of his humanity.
I saw a lot of similarities to the Bride of Frankenstein in the previous issue and hopefully that won't continue because at the end of that flick, the monster realizes that he is an abomination and decides that he belongs dead........ but if that was the case, this would be a short ass series.
PREVIEW: Nightwing #6

Art By: Roge Antonio, Chris Sotomayor, Carlos M. Mangual
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: October 5, 2016
“NIGHT OF THE MONSTER MEN” part five! The hunt for Hugo Strange rages onward as the Manipulator rises and uses the citizens of Gotham City to shield itself from the Bat-Family. All while the monstrous version of Nightwing looms over Gotham City.
The Night of The Monster Men continues....... and hopefully it starts wowing. Also, there are some spoilers in these preview pages so if you want to keep the story a mystery until you read Batman #8, then maybe skip out on these.
PREVIEW: Death of Hawkman #1

Art By: Aaron Lopresti, Livesay, Blond, Josh Reed
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: October 5, 2016
Residing on Earth and out of the hero game, Adam Strange finds himself trying to live a “normal” life, until he’s literally pulled back into adventure again when a seemingly normal Zeta beam transmission returns him to the planet Rann, where he hopes to be reunited with his beloved Alanna. But instead he finds the once-great city of Ranagar in ruins, with millions dead, and the once peaceful Alanna is now calling for the blood of Rann’s oldest enemy, Thanagar, home of the Hawkmen. Sensing something is amiss, Strange finds an ally in Hawkman, who also is trying anything possible to avert war. Don’t miss the start of this sensational new six-issue miniseries!
Well, this seriously seems like more of a series overview than just a synopsis for this first issue, but either way...... We're getting a Hawman series! I've been begging for a new Hawkman series since his last one was cancelled and while he'll probably have to share some panel play with Adam Strange....... I'll take it!
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