Saturday, August 11, 2018
Weird Science DC Comics Best Books of the Week 8/8/18
Hello and welcome to the Weird Science Best Books of the Week. To make the list, the book needs to get a score of 7.5/10, wear snazzy outfits...or both! Bribes will be accepted and are indeed expected! I may expand the list to include non-DC books that we feature on the site, but for now, sit back and enjoy the crazy ride we call Best Books of the Week...
Black Badge #1 Review

Scouts Honor
Written By Matt Kindt
Illustrated By Tyler Jenkins
Colors By Hilary Jenkins
Lettered By Jim Campbell
The Grass Kings creative team of Matt Kindt and Tyler Jenkins returns with a new series, in Black Badge the US Government is secretly recruiting the best and brightest kids in the Boy Scouts in order to run covert ops mission in places adults cannot operate.
The Dead Hand #5 Review
O.K. Computer
Written by: Kyle HigginsArt by: Stephen Mooney
Colors by: Jordie Bellaire
Letters by: Clayton Cowles
Publisher: Image Comics
Publication Date: August 8, 2018
I gotta confess. I've been a little worried about this book. It's not that the story was getting worse, or that there was a significant dip in the art. My spider-sense was, however, starting to tingle a little across the last two or three issues. The book was enjoyable but was about to hit that point at which it had to hit the next gear or it would be in danger of fizzling out. What would happen? Let's find out.
Death or Glory #4 Review
The Fast and the Furious
Written by: Rick RemenderArt by: Bengal
Letterer: Russ Wooton
Publisher: Image Comics
Publication Date: 8 August 2018
Oh boy. There has been quite a journey in only three issues so far this series. We have had stately Tarantinoesque cool, awesome cars, horrific violence and a tale of life on the open road. Will this issue give us some new qualities to tickle our fancy? Let's see!
Friday, August 10, 2018
Top Five Fridays: Five DC Characters Who Need a Solo Series (And Who I Want Doing Them)
Hello, I'm back again for a Top Five Friday all about characters that I think need a solo series...NOW! Not tomorrow, not next week or next month...NOW! Got it?!? Good, let's get going and let me know who you want to get a solo series (NOW!)...
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Throwback Thursday Reviews: Supergirl #36 (2014)
Making the Grade
Written by: K. Perkins and Mike Johnson
Art by: Emanuela Lupacchino
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: November 19, 2014
With the new creative team restarting Supergirl this week, I figured I'd go back to 2014 when K. Perkins and Mike Johnson jumped on Supergirl and while their run didn't last too long, I really liked what we got...Supergirl in Space...and in school!!! - Jim
I have only recently started reviewing Supergirl and the last two issues haven't been the greatest. However, this issue features a new creative team and a brand new direction. K. Perkins, Mike Johnson, and Emanuela Lupacchino are taking Supergirl to space. I love anything space and the thought of a bunch of heroes-to-be hitting the books and gossiping in the halls of Crucible Academy sounds like a win to me. Now, if there's a brain, a jock, a basket case, a princess and a criminal learning about life and themselves on a Saturday, I can die a happy man. Hey, a man can have a dream, right?
Throwback Thursday Reviews: Injustice: Year Two #1 (2014)
Written by: Tom Taylor
Art by: Bruno Redondo
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: January 7, 2014
Holy crap! I've been waiting months for the Injustice Year Two for what seems like ages. It's finally here and I am so glad to say that it was worth the wait. It is also bittersweet.
Throwback Thursday Reviews: New Suicide Squad #1 (2014)
Batter Up!
Writer: Sean Ryan
Artist: Jeremy Roberts
Publisher: DC Comics
Release Date: July 9, 2014
Cover Price: $2.99
The Suicide Squad is dead. Long live the Suicide Squad. The NEW Suicide Squad, that is. There may be some new members, but the song remains the same. Take some of the most popular DCU villains, throw them into over-the-top situations and watch the craziness ensue. It's mindless fun, but isn't that the point?
Throwback Thursday Reviews: Green Lantern #23 (2013)
No Time for Love, Dr. Jordan

Writer: Robert Venditti
Artist: Billy Tan, Richard Friend
Publisher: DC Comics
Release Date: August 7, 2013
Cover Price: $2.99
Hal Jordan has not been a great Green Lantern Corps leader. Since assuming command Lanterns have died, Larfleeze stole Lantern property and a high level prisoner has escaped from her Sciencell. To make things right, Hal decides to bring the prisoner back to face justice. Although Hal is the leader of a whole Corps of Green Lanterns, he decides to attack the problem the way he usually does...alone.
DC Comics Best Covers of the Week: August 8, 2018
![]() |
Oh Jenny Frison, you are a treasure |
Okay, I missed last week's Best Covers list. I had a good reason for it, though: I was catching a tan! I was also hanging loose and getting jiggy, as one does on vacation. But I'm back, and DC's seen fit to throw a slew of those comic book wrappings at yours truly. So what did I make of 'em? Well, I liked so many that I threw one right here for your amusement!
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Superman Giant #1 Review
Superman Endurance Part 1

Written by: Jimmy Palmiotti
Art by: Tom Derenick, Trevor Scott, Stephen Downer and Travis Lanham
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: July 1, 2018
Also Includes:
Superman/Batman - World's Finest
Green Lantern - Airborne
The Terrifics - Meet the Terrifics Part 1
Obviously, if you are DC Comics, you want to push the Trinity in this first round of books and I've already reviewed the Batman and Justice League Giants that featured Batman (guess which on has the Dark Knight in it...) and Wonder Woman (yea, she was in the JL Giant!). If you go with the idea that these books are meant to get new readers fired up, then that makes sense. However, I've already said in my other reviews, these kind of are a "mixed message" type of deal. So, is this part one of Jimmy Palmiotti's two-parter a good story for new readers and better yet, younger readers? Let's find out...
Sideways #7 Review

Storytellers: Kenneth Rocafort and Dan DiDio
Art by: Kenneth Rocafort, Ivan Plascencia, Dan Brown, and Travis Lanham
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: August 8, 2018
Following a mostly gripping and grim previous issue, surely the team will be able to provide genuine character moments as well as a strong plot to continue the growth of DC's latest youngster? The short answer? Nope.
The Wild Storm: Michael Cray #10 Review and Spoilers

Written by Bryan Hill with Warren Ellis
Art by N Steven Harris with Dexter Vines
Colors by Ross Campbell
Letters by Simon Bowland
Cover price: $3.99
Release Date: August 8, 2018
Over the last few issues, this title has become a lot more of a character study of its titular character than anything else and it is all the better for it. Writer Bryan Hill has, with no little skill, put Michael Cray through a wringer that, I suspect, still has one or two turns before it's done. A few weeks ago on Twitter, Hill expressed his belief that heroism is in large part about suffering and endurance, in which case Cray might just be about to become the biggest and baddest hero of them all. With a psychotic John Constantine showing up at his love interest's door at the end of the last issue and an uppity sentient tumor in his head, Cray's got his work cut out. And that's not including a boss who doesn't trust him and an insane version of Wonder Woman intent on bringing back some extra-dimensional entities and destroying half the world in the process. Let's see how he gets on, eh?
Catwoman #2 Review
Nine Lives Minus a Couple
Writer: Joelle Jones

Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 8, 2018
Gotham’s a toxic litter box for Selina Kyle of late, so she hits the road looking to clear the air, change her look and clear her name, too—there’s a copycat burglar swiping her M.O. who needs sorting out. In her hometown, Catwoman runs afoul of a crime boss who’s also hunting this impostor. Can the two declare a truce to hunt a mutual enemy, or will Selina end up just more roadkill?
The Immortal Men #5 Review
Must be Immortal Man Reborn

Writer: James Tynion IV
Art Team: Tyler Kirkham, Arif Prianto
Letterer: Carlos M. Mangual
DC Comics
Release Date: August 8, 2018
Cover Price: $2.99
Immortal Men, if you haven't heard already, has received the dreaded guillotine drop from the DC higher-ups, meaning issue five here serves as the penultimate issue to the series. While I haven't been a fan of the series much at all, it always sucks for the fans that are out there, that one of their stories is ending sooner than it should be. So without further ado, let's see what James Tynion can salvage, from a series that once held such promise based on concept alone.
Eternity Girl #6 Review and **SPOILERS**
Eternity Never Ends
Script: Magdalene Visaggio
Pencils, Inks, Cover: Sonny Liew
Colors: Chris Chuckry
Letters: Todd Klein
Assistant Editor: Maggie Howell
Editor: Andy Khouri
Cover Price: $3.99
On Sale Date: August 8, 2018
It’s the end of Eternity Girl as we know it, and I feel fine! Actually, find out
how I really feel by reading my review of issue #6, commencing below!
Suicide Squad #45 Review and **SPOILERS**
We’re Gonna Raze the Roof
Story: Rob Williams and Dan Abnett
Script: Rob Williams
Pencils: José LuÃs
Inks: Jordi Tarragona and Vicente
Colors: Adriano Lucas
Letters: Pat Brosseau
Cover Price: $3.99
On Sale Date: August 8, 2018
here’s a thing: Suicide Squad and Aquaman crossing over. I happen to
review both books, and they could both certainly use a shot in the hazootsiz,
so I’m all for it. Let’s take a look at part one of this Reggie Reviewed event
in my review of Suicide Squad #45,
conveniently commencing below.
Wonder Woman #52 Review
The Invisible Labyrinth of Tezcatlipoca
Art By: Aco, David Lorenzo, Romulo Fajardo Jr., Saida Temofonte
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 8, 2018
Release Date: August 8, 2018
Now that Steve Orlando has gotten his "thesis statement" of who Wonder Woman is out of the way, maybe now we can get to an actual story of any substance, but right away I'm kind of apprehensive about it because for this story we not only have Wonder Woman, but Artemis and Aztek. Three women of three different religious backgrounds and I'm sure we're going to get all three of those thrown at us with willy nilly dialog that won't present what any of it truly means. I know I sound negative right off the bat, but I've already read the issue and my fears came true. Let's see what else this story has in store for us. Let's check it out.
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #50 Review and **SPOILERS**
You’ve Been Jordaned
Writer: Robert Vendetti
Penciller: Rafa Sandoval
Inker: Jordi Tarragona
Colorist: Tomeu Morey
Letterer: Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $3.99
On Sale Date: August 8, 2018
Yes, the Green Lantern series, starring John Stewart but featuring Hal Jordan in the title, has come to a close. But fret not! There’s some more Green Lantern stuff around the bend. And Green Lanterns is going to continue I think? I really need to pay more attention to comics news. For now, check out my review of Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #50, right here!
Plastic Man #3 Review and **SPOILERS**
Stretching My Heart Strings
Writer: Gail Simone
Artist: Adriana Melo
Colorist: Kelly Fitzpatrick
Letterer: Simon Bowland
Cover Price: $3.99
On Sale Date: August 8, 2018
Wacky good times and probaby broken noses ahoy, when Plastic Man comes steamboatin’ through town! And he could do that, you know, because he can take pretty much any form. Just saying. If he wanted to be a steamboat on dry land, he totally could. Have a look at my review of Plastic Man #3, how about it?
Flash #52 Review and *SPOILERS*
Use the Force, Trickster!
Written By: Joshua Williamson
Art By: Christian Duce, Luis Guerrero
Letters By: Steve Wands
Letters By: Steve Wands
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 8, 2018
Release Date: August 8, 2018
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Joshua Williamson’s run on The Flash hasn’t been perfect but it’s one of the few books that I can expect a high quality from since Rebirth began. We’ve just come off of the Flash War storyline which I found very entertaining. Now, the previous issue was an epilogue for that storyline and that was really a waste of everyone’s time but now we are officially going into the post-Flash war part of this book and I’m excited to see how these new additions to the universe and book will change things for us going forward. Barry and Wally have unleashed new forces on Central City when they broke through the Speed Force. In addition, Commander Cold from the future is now stuck in the present. Let’s stop talking about it and just jump right into this issue to see what is in store for us.
Supergirl #21 Review and *SPOILERS*

Up, Up, and Away
Written By: Marc Andreyko
Art By: Kevin Maguire, Sean Parsons, FCO Plascencia
Letters By: Tom Napolitano
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 8, 2018
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
It’s a brand new beginning for the Supergirl book and from what I hear, it was needed. I admittedly did not read Orlando’s run with this book and according to most, I dodged a bullet. Now, I’ve never been a huge fan of Supergirl. I like the television show enough but I’m just not that familiar with the character. However, I like to think that I know good writing when I read it. Now, I wasn’t the biggest fan of Marc Andreyko but after returning to his Batwoman run, I like it more. As we have finally separated the book from the controversy that surrounded it when it was being released, I have to say that I quite enjoy it. It’s not the best story ever but there are some solid ideas in it and that gives me hope for this new series. Hopefully, we will finally get a Supergirl book that we can be proud to read. Let’s jump right into it.
Superman #2 Review
Krypton's Trash Can
Art By: Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, Oclair Albert, Alex Sinclair, Josh Reed
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 8, 2018
It's time to jump back into the new Brian Michael Bendis world of Superman and while I wasn't completely sold on this series from the first issue, I'll tell ya that I'm way more interested in this than Action Comics at the moment. That being said, we have all the action going on in this book anyway and now it's time to see how much action we can possibly get now that the Earth has been transported into the Phantom Zone. I say that because it seems that each writer has their own idea of what the Phantom Zone means because where sometimes you get an intangible world, where no one can hurt or effect anyone, other times you get a brutal free for all of criminals. Let's jump into this issue and find out what BMB likes his flavor of Phantom Zone.
Red Hood and the Outlaws #25 Review
Family Matters
Art By: Dexter Soy, Trevor Hairsine, Ryan Winn, Phil Hester, Ande Parks, Veronica Gandini, Rain Beredo, Madpencil Studio, Taylor Esposito
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: August 8, 2018
It's the end of an era with this issue of Red Hood and the Outlaws....... Well..... is twenty-five issues really an era? Either way, it's the end of the Outlaws as we know them and that really upsets me because even though we never really got as much as I would have liked out of Artemis in this series and we spent so long with Smarty-Pants Bizarro without really going anywhere with it....... I've really grown to love this team and look forward to them month to month. Let's jump into this issue and see what becomes of our Outlaws and how Batman will react to Jason after he shot the Penguin in the previous issue.
Titans #24 Review and *SPOILERS*
Dungeons and Titans
Written By: Dan Abnett
Art By: Brent Peeples, Matt Santorelli, Ivan Plascencia
Letters By: Dave Sharpe
Art By: Brent Peeples, Matt Santorelli, Ivan Plascencia
Letters By: Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 8, 2018
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
When the Titans book first started, I was a huge fan. I really loved these characters and the stories that Abnett was writing were great. After a little while though, things started to slip. However, I was still invested the book and where these characters were going. Then No Justice happened. Suddenly the main character that we were focusing on for the previous 4 issues wasn’t a part of the team anymore. Don’t get me wrong. I like the team. I do. But it feels weird that Roy Harper isn’t at least in the book considering how much we focused on him. The last issue was a bit… underwhelming to say the least. However, this is a new issue and I’m ready to hop back on the Titans train. Let’s jump right in and see what we’ve got this month.
Hawkman #3 Review
Going Wild On Dinosaur Island
Art By: Bryan Hitch, Andrew Currie, Paul Neary, Alex Sinclair, Jeremiah Skipper, Starkings & Comicraft
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: August 8, 2018
So you want to know about Hawkman? Well, so does he in this series where Carter Hall has realized that he's forgotten more than you'll ever know, but he plans on rectifying that because if he can remember his past, he may be able to stop a future he fears is coming. With that, we saw Carter head off to Dinosaur Island at the end of the last issue to continue his journey, but will time let him? I say that because he was forced to fight himself in ancient Egypt last issue and while I wish I understood exactly why that happened, I won't say that it wasn't fun. Let's jump into this issue and check it out.
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