Saturday, May 28, 2016
Emergency Podcast: The Good, Bad and Ugly of the New 52 -- Listener Picks
It's time for the Listeners to speak out on The Good, Bad and Ugly of the New 52 and they do just that! Jim, Eric and Reggie read your picks and boy, did it take a long time. That's okay though, we have nothing better to do for hours and hours on a Friday night. Actually it ran deep into Saturday Morning, but who is counting?!?! Actually, they have a great time with it and loved the huge response. Enjoy!
Friday, May 27, 2016
Well, I guess it was a hit after all, shocking!!! While it is no surprise at all, I guess the announcement of a second printing coming so soon might be. I don't know about the Print Industry at all. I imagine some squinty eyed, mole looking dude in a dark basement busy putting letters together to make a forme and placing it in the coffin. Yea, I just looked that up on Wikipedia. I do wish that I I could run into said basement and yell, "Stop the presses" and ruin that guy's whole day. I'm a jerk like that! Also, can I get a hat with a "Press" card attached to it? Those are so cool!!! Maybe someday, but in the meantime, here is DC Comics official Press Release with may or may not contain some pretty dead on balls accurate quotes...
Top 5 Fridays: Top 5 New 52 Superman Moments
Welcome back to the final New 52 Top Five Fridays. If you didn't know I have been making lists for the new 52 Trinity. We first started with the Dark Knight, more specifically Scott Snyder's run on him (click HERE), then we followed it up with a top five of Wonder Woman's best moments (click HERE). It's time to finish this Trinity of lists by going to the most important member of all: Superman. Sadly his final days weren't actually a metaphor, and he is no longer with us, leaving a spot for our time displaced Man of Steel to fill in. Before we truly say goodbye, let's send him off with a list of his Top 5 moments. As always this is an opinion based list, so if you didn't see something you liked, I apologize. Enough dilly dallying! Let's wrap this up!
Justice League 3001 #12 Review
Na Na Na Na Hey Hey Hey Goodbye
Art by: Colleen Doran, Timothy Green II, Hi-Fi and Sal Cipriano
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: May 27, 2016

Cyborg #11 Review and *SPOILERS*
Wi-Fi-in and Profilin'
Art By: Felipe Watanabe, Daniel HDR, Julio Ferreira, Oclair Albert, Adriano Lucas, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: May 25, 2016
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: May 25, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
While I was up and down with David F. Walker's run of this book, I have to say that I really wasn't a fan of Marv Wolfman's conclusion to the Cyber Registration Act story...... which I'm still not positive if that is over because the solicits are telling me some strange shit. Besides that though, this series is kind of lackluster in that it takes a hero, who I pleaded to get a book and when he finally does, they really don't do much with him. Yeah, we've got this whole new power set for Vic, but what have we really done with it? He's shape shifted into a human a few times, but mostly when he's alone and besides for that it's been same old Cyborg solving every problem by hacking into it........ Which I'm sure will happen again here because even though Marv Wolfman created the character, that seems to be the only thing that anyone can do with him. When in doubt, hack it out. Let's jump into this penultimate issue of Cyborg before it gets a Rebirth upgrade and see what's going on with our hero and if he can quit being a one trick cybernetic pony. Let's check it out.
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Deathstroke #18 Review
You're Next!
Written by: James Bonny
Art by: Paolo Pantalena, Arif Prianto and Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: May 26, 2016
I have been a big fan of Deathstroke though most of its run, especially since she James Bonny took the reigns. So when I heard that it would up until the continue through the summer up until the characters Rebirth in August, I put my usual irritation of new 52 books mixing and mingling with Rebirth ones aside and striped in for a wild ride. I've mentioned it before, but I'll repeat myself...I enjoy this book every month because James Bonny keeps giving me an action movie comic and boy, I love action movies and I love comics. I don't watch Bloodsport three times a week because of the acting chops of Pierre Rafini and I don't read Deathstroke to find out the answer to “Deathstroke is…” Nope, I do both to have fun...bloody, limb breaking and severing fun. We continue the story of Deathstroke doing right by his family and throwing Jericho and Ra’s al Ghul in the mix just ups the action ante. Kind of like when Frank Dux met Jackson playing Karate Champ before the Kumite...Actually, it's nothing like it, but I get a quarter every time I reference Bloodsport. I’ve already put two kids through college with my sweet, sweet Bloodsport money. Now for the review of Deathstroke #18…
Omega Men #12 Review and **SPOILERS**
Cover Price: 2.99
Release Date: May 25, 2016
I don't know about you guys, but when I think of the DC You line as a whole and it's critical and commercial failure, The Omega Men stands out by far as the brightest spot in it's ranks. So bright in fact, that it's own commercial failure didn't even matter. For once we get to see DC Comics put more weight in it's universe than in it's Net Present Value. And sure, one could say that this was a PR move, but ultimately the goal of good PR is consumer satisfaction, consumer happiness. And isn't that we all want? A company that can keep us happy via the promotion of good stories?
Either way, this write up is somewhat bittersweet. Because even though in comic books nothing truly ends, even though Batman will always be Batman, Superman will always be Superman, and the Omega Men will undoubtedly come back, Tom King has given us an ending. Tom King has given the ending of a journey. For eleven issues we have followed Kyle Rayner's story; from hero, to hostage, to hero again and now finally to man. What does the future hold for him? How does his journey end? Let's find out...
Release Date: May 25, 2016
I don't know about you guys, but when I think of the DC You line as a whole and it's critical and commercial failure, The Omega Men stands out by far as the brightest spot in it's ranks. So bright in fact, that it's own commercial failure didn't even matter. For once we get to see DC Comics put more weight in it's universe than in it's Net Present Value. And sure, one could say that this was a PR move, but ultimately the goal of good PR is consumer satisfaction, consumer happiness. And isn't that we all want? A company that can keep us happy via the promotion of good stories?
The Flash #52 Review
Requisition Me This
Written by: Van Jensen
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 25, 2016
I guess this is the end...or is it the beginning? Or is it the beginning of the end?!? With Rebirth #1 on the shelves this week, reading and reviewing some of these books is becoming a little bit odd to do. I would think that most people have packed the New 52 down in the musty old basement and are waiting for all the shiny, new Rebirth titles to arrive to make the house look all fancy and modern. Well, I'm not most people! I am a miserable man who hates change, but more importantly, I am a guy who has enjoyed Van Jensen and Robert Venditti's time on the Flash and want to see how it all ends. Will it lead right into Rebirth? Will Jensen put the toothpaste back in the tube to give Joshua Williamson (he is taking over for Rebirth) a completely fresh start? Will I stop asking questions to nobody in particular? Yes...yes I will. Let's get on with the review...
Dan Abnett Signs Exclusive Deal With DC Comics
The good news just keeps coming in! One of the biggest mistakes that DC was guilty of during the past five years was letting some really great writers jump ship and go right to the open arms of the competition. Thankfully, those days appear to be over. Leading into Rebirth, DC signed a bunch of big names to exclusive contracts and that continued today with Dan Abnett inking a deal to keep him writing comics for DC Comics and only DC Comics!!! Actually, I have no idea what the contract says, maybe we can get a lawyer in here to read it. Anywho, I think this is a big win for DC Comics, Mr. Abnett and us fans. Bring on Rebirth and hopefully Mr. DC keeps signing up all the talent. SIGN EVERYONE!!! SIGN EVERYONE!!!
I hope this puts a smile on Dan's face because looking up images for this news article leads me to believe that he does not like to smile much. Gives us a big smile Dan! Here is the official DC Press Release...
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Secret Six #14 Review and **FEW SPOILERS**
It’s a Family Affair
Art By:
Tom Derenick, Jason Wright and Rex Lokus
Letters By:
Travis Lanham
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: May 25, 2016
This will be
our last song together, words will only make us cryyy. This will be our last
song together, there’s no other wayyyy we can say goodbyyyyye! This is it, folks, end of the line for Secret Six, at least this volume.
Personally speaking, I hope Gail Simone does get another crack at this team,
but without the external meddling. I’ve said it before: I don’t think Secret Six was ever given a real chance,
what with it being strangely restarted after Convergence, then it seemed like
the last arc lost an issue along the way…I feel this title never had its
“moment,” always being eclipsed by robot Batman or asshole Superman or
whatever. In my perfect world, most of the books would be like Secret Six:
funny, weird, and containing fully-realized, sympathetic characters that I
actually want to care about. The bloodshed and murder in Secret Six might not be necessary across the board, but I
definitely dig it coming from this band
of irascible knuckleheads. Well, there’s no sense in stalling any longer, this
ride has reached its conclusion and I’ve got to go back and pick up all of the arms
that got ripped off people that DIDN’T KEEP THEM IN THE CAR AT ALL TIMES LIKE
THEY WERE TOLD. Yeah, I’m talking to you, Shoulders. Read my review of the Secret Six finale while I hose down the
We Are Robin #12 Review and *SPOILERS*
There's No "I" In Team....... But There Is A "We"

Art By: Jorge Corona, Rob Haynes, Trish Mulvihill, Jared K. Fletcher
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 25, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
The biggest problem about this book ending is that my mood is going to be greatly affected because every time I think about this book, talk about this book and read this book, I just end up gushing over it and I'm not too much of a Negative Nancy to admit that it makes my day. It's over now though so Rebirth better be this fantastic thing that DC is making it out to be because I got pretty into feeling feelings and I'm not about to let that go and start questioning whether the world is out to get me again........ Especially that one eyed Russian lady who lives a floor below me.... She's real by the way and she creeps the hell out of me...... and I may or may not actually think that she's some kind of Baba Yaga....... So yeah, I need a book like this to keep my mood bright and my mind occupied because when I don't have either of those things....... Well, Baba Yaga. In our previous issue we saw our Midtown Robins get their heads out of their asses and finally start working together again for the first time since Robin War and it was awesome. With grappling guns in tow and a needs of the many out way the needs of the few attitude, we saw our heroes take down Smiley and his band of Jokerz. All that's over now though so let's jump into this issue to see how our Robins are doing in the aftermath of the almost school shooting and if they plan on continuing working together to make Gotham a safer place. Let's check it out.
The biggest problem about this book ending is that my mood is going to be greatly affected because every time I think about this book, talk about this book and read this book, I just end up gushing over it and I'm not too much of a Negative Nancy to admit that it makes my day. It's over now though so Rebirth better be this fantastic thing that DC is making it out to be because I got pretty into feeling feelings and I'm not about to let that go and start questioning whether the world is out to get me again........ Especially that one eyed Russian lady who lives a floor below me.... She's real by the way and she creeps the hell out of me...... and I may or may not actually think that she's some kind of Baba Yaga....... So yeah, I need a book like this to keep my mood bright and my mind occupied because when I don't have either of those things....... Well, Baba Yaga. In our previous issue we saw our Midtown Robins get their heads out of their asses and finally start working together again for the first time since Robin War and it was awesome. With grappling guns in tow and a needs of the many out way the needs of the few attitude, we saw our heroes take down Smiley and his band of Jokerz. All that's over now though so let's jump into this issue to see how our Robins are doing in the aftermath of the almost school shooting and if they plan on continuing working together to make Gotham a safer place. Let's check it out.
Batgirl #52 Review
Written by: Brenden Fletcher
Art by: Eleonora Carlini, Minkyu Jung, Serge LaPointe and Steve Wands
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: May 25, 2016

Teen Titans #20 Review and **SPOILERS**
Never Read the Comments Section
Art By:
Ian Churchill, Norm Rapmund, Tony Aviña
Letters By:
Corey Breen
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: May 25, 2016
Here we are back with…more Teen Titans? Seemed to me the last issue was a good ending point
before heading into Rebirth, but now
we know that Teen Titans: Rebirth won’t be out until October, so I guess we’re
stuck with this fairly unlikable and ineffectual team of petty criminals and
their bungled search for redemption for a few issues more. Not that I think the
comic is completely terrible, I just think the team as it stands is somewhat
beyond repair, and a couple of the team members might need to go back to their
home planet like Poochie did on Itchy
& Scratchy. But you know what? I was wrong once—and the world paid
dearly for that mistake. Still, I can admit that sometimes my preconceived notions
have hindered my appreciation, like whenever Bill Paxton is in a movie. Yeah,
he’s almost always playing a douchebag character, but Aliens is a great film. And the his portrayal of Chet in the very
movie for which this website is named is pitch perfect for the cruel older
brother he is meant to be. The question is: are we getting the Bill Paxton from
Full Metal Jacket, or from Tombstone in this issue of Teen Titans? I doubt I’ll remember to
use that metaphor again, but you can read on to find out!
Superman: Lois and Clark #8 Review
The Sense of an Ending

Art by: Lee Weeks, Scott Hanna and Jeromy Cox
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 25, 2016
I have really enjoyed reading about Lois and Clark going all the way back to when they "premiered" in Convergence about a year ago. I got my wish that their story would continue and even if the science behind it all was a little weird, I have let story trump continuity...Eric be damned! Well, now it's all ending to head into Rebirth, but this is one of those weird situations...this book is ending, but the characters are continuing in the main Superman title. Plus, these characters are involved in the Final Days of Superman story also ending this week. Can Dan Jurgens juggle all of that and finish it up with a satisfactory ending? Let's find out...
Superman #52 Review
It's So Hard to Say Goodbye
Written by: Peter J. Tomasi

Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 25, 2016
I guess the title for this should be "The Final Day of Superman"...or should it?!? This two month long crossover is at an end and after a strong start, has gone downhill as far as I'm concerned. While Peter Tomasi has given us some pretty good character moments throughout, the actual story has been lackluster to say the least. It just hasn't gone anywhere and each chapter seems to only exist to remind us of what little has happened and to shuffle the main players in and out of the story. The worst thing, though, is the inconsistencies between chapters. It seemed like DC was trying to avoid just that by having Tomasi write every chapter, but low and behold, that monster has still reared it's ugly head. You know what, though? Everything can be wiped clean if the story can end on a positive note. I would be so happy to head into Rebirth with a smile on my face and hope in my heart that the Superman books are ending and then starting back up again on a good note. Will they be? Let's find out...
Grayson #20 Review
Turn Out the Lights When You're Done
Written by: Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly
Art by: Roge Antonio, Jeromy Cox and Carlos M. Mangual
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 25, 2016

The Flash Season 2 Episode 23 “The Race of His Life" Review and **SPOILERS**
Written By: Todd Helbing, Aaron Helbing & David Kob
Directed By: Antonio Negret
First Aired: May 24, 2016
Before we jump into the
finale let’s get caught up on last week's episode.
Caitlin is back and she is hells traumatized, but friendship grounds her and she'll be ok. Cisco is all science-y and awesome. Jesse is there. Wells doesn't do much outside of listen to a fucked up frequency to save Jesse's ears. Wally goes all vigilante with it, and then feels betrayed when finding out Barry is the Flash and kept it secret while he drowned in guilt. Barry and Iris decide to get down with the get down. And once again Barry fails to kill Zoom despite ample opportunity to do so. Instead they just talk and shit which leads to Zoom killing Henry in front of Barry.
Barry that's on you.
Your superheroing around Zoom has been suspect as fuck. Your failure to act is weak as shit and you are a dick. That said the episode was awesome and if Flash was on AMC would have been the season finale, because you know, good TVing happens there. As it is the CW, I am girding my loins for this week because the preview for the finale looked wack as fuck. Zoom killed your pops and instead of merking his bitch ass you are gonna have a foot race. Fuck you Barry.
Caught up? Good. Let's get into tonight's proceedings.
DC Universe Rebirth #1 Review and *SPOILERS*
What We've Lost
Art By: Gary Frank, Ethan Van Sciver, Brad Anderson, Jason Wright, Ivan Reis, Joe Prado, Hi-Fi, Phil Jimenez, Matt Santorelli, Gabe Eltaeb, Brad Anderson, Nick J. Napolitano
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: May 25, 2016
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: May 25, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
It's finally here boys and girls and it's about time because I was seriously getting burnt out by the comics that were just winding down and waiting for this moment to happen. Besides for getting the legacy and meat and potatoes back into our heroes and their stories, the biggest thing to me about this book being out is that all of us fools on the internet can stop speculating about what Rebirth will be and can just sit back with a couple of RC Colas........... maybe a pinata for good measure....... because who doesn't enjoy a good pinata? Anyway, we can sit back with those things now and just enjoy ourselves some DC Comics the way that they were meant to be........ or at least the way Geoff Johns thinks they were meant to be..... and honestly, I'm all good with that because I don't know about you, but in Geoff Johns I trust when it comes to my comic books. Let's jump into this over-sized Rebirth and see what our Universe will look like from here on out and how the New 52 was never what we were meant to get. Let's check it out.
Oh, and if you're looking for a *SPOILER FREE* review, why don't you check out Jim's HERE
Oh, and if you're looking for a *SPOILER FREE* review, why don't you check out Jim's HERE
DC Universe: Rebirth Splash Page Welcomes Heroes and Villains...
Can You Name Them All?!?
To celebrate the beginning of Rebirth, DC Comics has released this splash page by Ivan Reis, Joe Prado and Hi-Fi and challenged fans to see if they can name all the characters on it. I usually have to go to Reggie for such things and will defer to him once again. Hey, Reggie...Who the hell are all these crazy people in this picture?
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Scooby Apocalypse #1 Review
Scooby Don't!
Written by: Keith Giffen and J.M. DeMatteis
Art by: Howard Porter, Hi-Fi and Nick J. Nap
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 25, 2016
When these Hanna-Barbera books were first announced, I called dibs on this one immediately. I am a big Scooby-Doo fan and the idea of the Scooby Gang fighting off the Apocalypse just seemed like an easy slam dunk. I mean, a similar thing worked for Archie, but I'm sure nobody at DC paid attention to that...wink, wink. Hey, who care if they are late to the "(Insert Title Here) meets the Walking Dead" party, at least they finally made it. Plus, they brought Scooby and Shaggy with them so it's just got to be the most fun since the invention of digital watches that look like Cylons, right? You may be very surprised as we jump into my review for Scooby Apocalypse.
Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Five Chapter #23 Review
Written by: Brian Buccellato
Art by: Marco Santucci, Rex Locus and Wes Abbott
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: May 24, 2016
With all the hoopla surrounding Rebirth, it seems like everything else is getting ignored. Of course, the Digital First books seem to get ignored by DC Comics itself most of the times so who would blame us common folk for following suit. Please don't! If you do, you'd be missing out on some great stories including the one that Brian Buccellato is cooking up in Injustice. This is the last Year of the story and the longer length has let Buccellato settle in and tell a longer form story than previous years. He's used the expanded space to give fans some awesome character moments that have been missing for a while and it's been so good. Do the good times continue this week? Let's find out...
PREVIEW: Batgirl #52

Art by: Eleanor Carlini
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: May 25, 2016
With her friends starting new lives and Burnside changing all around her, it’s time for Batgirl to decide what her next adventure will be—and it just might take her around the world!
This solicit reminds of when one of my friends had to move and even though it was hard at first, it did lead to a whole bunch of adventures. It all started on the playground (that's where he spent most of his days) when a couple of guys (they really were up to no good) started making trouble in his neighborhood. Now, his mom wasn't an unreasonable woman, but when he got in one little fight, she got really scared and sent him to live with his aunt...I think she lived in Kansas or something. I know I said he was a friend, but he was more of an acquaintance. I did hear from a guy on Facebook that he eventually got married and had a couple kids who are real Looney Tunes. One of them thinks she can control time or something like that...enjoy the Batgirl preview!
PREVIEW: Cyborg #11

Art By: Felipe Watanabe, Daniel HDR, Julio Ferreira, Oclair Albert, Adriano Lucas, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: May 25, 2016
The epic conclusion of the “Cybernetic Registration” epic is here! The Cyforce’s true masterminds are finally revealed! How will Cyborg ever regain the trust of our citizens, the government or the JLA again?
And here I thought the last issue was the conclusion to this arc, but I guess you can't keep a good Cybernetic Registration Act down. It really seemed like the Technosapiens were the ones behind all the funny business going on here, but now that I know that we're not done yet....... well, I'm kind of intrigued.
PREVIEW: Superman: Lois and Clark #8
Written by: Dan Jurgens
Art by: Lee Weeks, Scott Hanna and Jeromy Cox
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 25, 2016

I am officially calling this issue, "The Final Days of Ranger" and it's bittersweet to see the old, fleabag again. He never asked for anything except for love and maybe a milk bone now and again. Instead, he was dropped from thousands of feet somewhere between California and Colorado. Sure, the Whites continue to act like it ain't no thang, but let me tell you this...It is a thang. IT IS A THANG!!! So, smile when you see him in this issue because that's what he'd want you to do. Oh yea, the cat also died, but nobody really liked that cat. Enjoy the preview...
PREVIEW: We Are Robin #12

Art By: Jorge Corona, Rob Haynes, Trish Mulvihill, Jared K. Fletcher
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: May 25, 2016
The Robins go after Smiley and the Jokers, who have taken their brand of chaos beyond the walls of Middletown High. Can Duke, Riko, Izzy, Dax and Dre take him down before all of Gotham City falls?
Well, that solicit can't be remotely right, but your boy Eric Shea will help you out by simply telling you that this is the final issue of this amazing series and you'd have to be a fool not to pick this one up........ and if you haven't picked up any of this series...... well, you're even more of a fool because We Are Robin is one of the best books to come out in the DCYou. Go get some.
PREVIEW: Teen Titans #20
All Hail the Brotherhood of Evil!
Art By:
Ian Churchill, Norm Rapmund, Tony Aviña
Letters By:
Corey Breen
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: May 25, 2016
The Fearsome Five is back! These deadly Teen Titans villains are gunning for Raven as if their lives depended on it. What dark secret drives their mission? It’s one Red Robin doesn’t want the team to learn! A new game-changing epic begins in “All For One.”
Do you see what I see? It's the Brotherhood of Evil! Everyone knows that things related to the Doom Patrol are like Reggie catnip, so you can bet I'm excited for this issue. Hey, maybe the Teen Titans will be replaced by the Doom Patrol for this issue! And then maybe the Doom Patrol will take over the entire series and these jerkwad Teen Titans can go to Juvenile Detention, where they belong? A guy can dream.
PREVIEW: Justice League #50

Art By: Jason Fabok, Brad Anderson, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $5.99
Release Date: May 25, 2016
This is it!! The massive, 48-page conclusion to the critically-acclaimed “DARKSEID WAR” can hardly be contained between two covers! Don’t miss the final fates of the world’s greatest heroes and villains, along with world-changing revelations for Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. It doesn’t get bigger than this as DC’s monthly super hero event comic sets the stage for the next year and beyond!
It's books like this that make me remember why I picked this title up as a kid even though I was submerged in Marvel at the time. No matter what comics you're into, the Justice League always pays out and even though this issue is a bit more pricey than it normally is, the content is usually well worth the cover price...... You know, because of all the epic-ness.
Sinestro #23 Review and *SPOILERS*
Punk Ass Red Lanterns

Art By: Martin Coccolo, Oscar Bazaldua, Scot Eaton, Wayne Faucher, Blond, Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: May 18, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
It's time to say goodbye to Sinestro and his wacky terrifying Corps of monsters and murderers and with any luck we'll get a great send off to this comic because for the most part, it's been just wonderful. We've come a long way in this series, what with the Paling and then the New Gods....... and then back to The Paling and a whole lot of other stuff in between that I could go on and on about, but what I'm trying to get to is the fact that Soranik is now the leader of the Sinestro Corps and that's the craziest thing to happen to this comic since we learned that Sinestro was fused with Parallax. I never could have predicted that. Let's jump into this issue and see how this awesome series will end and hopefully find out what role the Sinestro Corps will play in Rebirth. Let's check it out.
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