It's the big book of the week, so the spotlight is on the Justice League vs Sicide Squad #1. Hear Jim and Eric talk all about it and don't forget to check out the regular podcast every Sunday Night! Enjoy!
Friday, December 23, 2016
Weird Science DC Comics Podcast Spotlight: Justice League Vs Suicide Squad #1
It's the big book of the week, so the spotlight is on the Justice League vs Sicide Squad #1. Hear Jim and Eric talk all about it and don't forget to check out the regular podcast every Sunday Night! Enjoy!
Thursday, December 22, 2016
DC Comics Best Covers of the Week 12/21/16
Christmas, Christmas Time is Here, Time for Fun and Time for Variant Covers
It's that time of the week again, folks, when we nurse our New Comic Book Day hangovers by lazily plucking through the covers that came out the day before and rate them arbitrarily based on preference. And boy, do I have a batch for you this week! Normally, I pick only five covers to get the esteemed honor of Best of the Week, but this time I've picked seven in total--one Honorable Mention (below) and two covers tied for #1! And they're from the same book! Curious? Read on and see what malarkey I've wrought.
But first, last time Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye came out, I didn't pick the variant cover that looked like a mock-up of a classic Silver Age cover, and Repairman Jack rightfully called me out on it. While I don't think this is a uniquely great cover, I do love satire and parody so I have to give this a nod. The allusion to this non-existent war comic tickles me to no end, and I would certainly like to see more stuff like this from the Young Animal camp!
Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye #3 variant
Paul Rentler
Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Injustice: Ground Zero Chapter #12 Review
I Can’t Even… AGAIN
Written by: Chris Sebela
Art by: Daniel Sampere
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: December 20, 2016
Reviewing this shit show of a comic is not what I want to be doing during the week before Christmas weekend but I’m Grinch McScrooge right now and I love to torture myself with shit comics. I’m not reading a lot of DC Comics that isn’t Rebirth right now, but I gotta say, this has to be the worst DC comic right now. With that said here is “Black Hearts Part 2.” Merry Fucking Christmas.
Suicide Squad Most Wanted: El Diablo and Amanda Waller #5 Review and **SPOILERS**
It’s Real in the Field
Cover Art:
Mike Huddleston
Cover Colors: Rico Renzi
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: December 21, 2016
Hey, here’s something I haven’t reviewed before! Or
even read! But I figured since I am the Suicide Squad guy, I should pick this
up and see if it’s pertinent. It’s essentially two comic books bound together,
so I’ve reviewed them separately but combined scores at the bottom for handy
reference. So let’s stop pussyfootin’ around, and get to the review!
Injustice: Ground Zero Chapter #11 Review
I Can’t Even...
Written by: Chris Sebela
Art by: Marco Santucci
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: December 6, 2016
This has been an absolutely terrible comic and that’s why this review is so late. It’s so bad it took a week to actually start writing. I really had no motivation to write this other than to tell you guys what’s up with the issue. So, here we go. “Muscle Car Part 3” oh wait, I mean “Black Hearts Part 1.”
Harley Quinn #10 Review and **SPOILERS**
Deck the Halls With Boughs of Harley
Writers: Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner
Writers: Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner
Moritat, Joseph Michael Linsner, Bret Blevins, Inaki Miranda
Dave Sharpe
Amanda Conner & Alex Sinclair
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: December 21, 2016
Hey! What’s the big idea of having Harley Quinn host
the whole Rebirth Holiday Special and
barely be in it herself? I mean, she was there, but there could have been a
whole lot more! This is Harley Quinn,
after all. Come on, DC, you know on what side your bread is buttered. It’s on
the side of a sexy, psychopathic clown. I don’t make the rules here. Luckily,
the fine folks at Team Harley saw fit to rectify DC Comics’ mistake with a
holiday special—right in the regular series! And here’s my review of it!
Raven #4 Review and **SPOILERS**
Daddy Issues
Marv Wolfman
Alisson Borges
Diogenes Neves
Inker: Ruy
A Larger World
Cover Artists: Jorge Jimenez and Blond
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: December 21, 2016
She broods
in her bedroom all day long
‘bout her poppa and singing this song
All the
teeny-boppers at the San Francisco wharf
Love to hear
that demonic magic go off
Rock, Rock,
Go, Rockin’
Trigon’s gonna kill us all tonight!
Aquaman #13 Review and **SPOILERS**
Quit Busting My Chops, Superman
Writer: Dan Abnett
Writer: Dan Abnett
Scot Eaton
Inker: Wayne Faucher
Colorist: Gabe Eltaeb
Letterer: Pat Brosseau
Cover: Brad Walker, Andrew Hennessy & Gabe Eltaeb
Cover Price: $2.99
On Sale Date: December 21, 2016
Inker: Wayne Faucher
Colorist: Gabe Eltaeb
Letterer: Pat Brosseau
Cover: Brad Walker, Andrew Hennessy & Gabe Eltaeb
Cover Price: $2.99
On Sale Date: December 21, 2016
Whoo-wee! The seas were a-bubbling last issue, I tell
you what! And not just from all the Atlanteans farting. Nope, the action was
hot and heavy last issue (more heavy, less hot) and it all concluded with the
Justice League floating into the scene with Superman all “WE GAVE YOU A CHANCE”
and you just know the sparks are going to fly! Or their underwater equivalent.
Actually, you can have sparks underwater, what am I saying? It’s just got to
have a super-high flashpoint. Well, let’s stop jawing, and get right back to
the action with my review of Aquaman #13! Right here!
Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye #3 Review and **SPOILERS**
We're Off to See Muldroogans
Written By:
Gerard Way & Jon Rivera
Art By:
Michael Avon Oeming
Colors By:
Nick Filardi
Letters By:
Clem Robins
Backup By:
Tom Scioli
Cover By:
Michael Avon Oeming and Nick Filardi
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: December 21, 2016
For a comic book titled Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye, there isn’t much happening with
the cybernetic eye. Don’t get me wrong, it figures into things often enough,
but you’d expect it to be the crux of the story instead of just an incidental
fact of life. Cave Carson has a cybernetic eye, Wild Dog has a hockey mask, and
Chloe has an attitude. I have been enjoying this series more with each issue—will
that trend continue to the third?? Read on and find out!
Superman #13 Review and *SPOILERS*
Domestic Dispute

Art By: Doug Mahnke, Jaime Mendoza, Keith Champagne, Norm Rapmund, Wil Quintana, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: December 21, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Who would have thought that with all the family stuff that we've seen from this title that we'd be getting a Frankenstein story showing up here?........... I mean, it makes perfect sense to me. We had a lot of Frankenstein in my household growing up, but that was only because my father loved scaring me, but if you would have asked me at the beginning of Rebirth if I thought we'd be seeing the main monster himself showing up in Superman this early in the series, I would have scoffed and then probably laughed in your stupid looking face.............. I'm sorry that was uncalled for. Anyway, in our previous issue of Superman, we saw our Man of Steel and Frankenstein battle it out because Frankenstein was trying to apprehend the Editor in Chief of the Hamilton Horn Newspaper, but it seems that the fight was all for not because once big Frank gets his hands on her we find out that this is simply an alien in disguise. Let's jump into this issue and see what's the deal with this impostor and hopefully find out if the integrity of the Hamilton Horn has in anyway been compromised. Let's check it out.
Justice League #11 Review

Game Over
Written by: Bryan HitchArt by: Neil Edwards, Daniel Henriques, Adriano Lucas and Richard Starkings
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: December 21, 2016
Okay, I have not been a fan of Bryan Hitch's Justice League, but I am here to tell you that I go into every issue with an open mind and heart. I want to love this book so much, but like my Parents, it keeps ignoring my love and making my life a living hell. Please, Justice me. LOVE ME!!!! Okay, now that I've worked out a few problems, let me tell you that this issue is the finale to the "Outbreak" story and unless Hitch gives us a kick ass two minute drill, this one is going in the loss column. Was it any good? Let's find out...
Trinity #4 Review

Island Time
Written by: Francis Manapul
Art by: Emanuela Lupacchino, Ray McCarthy, Hi-Fi and Steve Wands
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: December 21, 2016
This book was going to be my Justice League book and became a part of my pull list immediatley. I love Francis Manapul's art and while he hasn't kept up on that front, the artists who have stepped in have all kicked ass. The story, on the other hand, hasn't really grabbed me and I have to admit, this book is in danger of being dropped by me. So, does this issue get me back onboard as we head off to Wonder Woman's dream world? Let's find out...
He-Man/ThunderCats #3 Review
Written by: Rob David and Lloyd Goldfine
Art Team: Freddie E Williams II, Jeremy Colwell
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 21, 2016
Release Date: December 21, 2016
The crossover, straight from our childhood dreams come true,
continues with issue three this month, meaning we should get ourselves a
healthy dose of the Thundercats (or Thunder Cats) finally. If you remember we
ended up with Skeletor appearing to have a hand up on everyone. So with He-Man
out of the way, the Sword of Power in his possession, and Mumm-Ra straight down
the ol’ gullet, we better see the damn Thundercats, they’re our only hope at this
point damnit. I mean who else can we count on Orko and Snarf? Let’s get busy here.
Green Lanterns #13 Review and *SPOILERS*
His Emotions Are Out of Control!

Art By: Ronan Cliquet, Blond, Dave Sharpe
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: December 21, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
It's time to get back to the ongoing adventures of Frank Laminski, at least that's what he'd have you believe. Yeah, in old Frankie's mind, he's the hero of the story and Simon and Jessica are trying to tear him down by stealing his power. We all know that Frank isn't right in the head and that the Phantom Ring is feeding off of his emotions and with that knowledge............. We pretty much know things aren't going to turn out well for the would-be Green Lantern, but that doesn't stop us from screaming at Simon and Jessica to hurry the hell up and take the Phantom Lantern down so that they can go take care of Volthoom before he does something terrible to Rami. That's exactly where we are right now in the story and hopefully we'll get to see just that. Let's jump into this issue and see if Simon and Jessica can battle their worst feels in the form of yellow constructs and if they'll be able to get to Rami before Volthoom goes back to getting his revenge on against all Guardians. Let's check it out.
Green Arrow #13 Review
Written by: Ben Percy

Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: December 21, 2016
The Green Arrow book was one of the biggest surprises for me when Rebirth started. Sure, Ben Percy still had a bit of a SJW perspective on things, but he was telling it in a comic book type of way. Instead of a grey area between right and wrong, we were getting some more well defined evil for Ollie to shoot arrows at. Also, if we weren't careful, we might have even learned a lesson or two...hey, hey, hey. I liked it and having Dinah back in Oliver's life wasn't a bad thing either. However, since that first arc, things kind of went south to the point of me really not caring too much about Green Arrow's adventures and that's a shame because he really is a great character. So, does the continuing "Emerald Outlaw" get us back on more solid and enjoyable ground? Let's find out...
Nightwing #11 Review and *SPOILERS*
How To Get A Gorilla Off.......... of Murder Charges

Art By: Marcus To, Chris Sotomayor, Carlos M. Mangual
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: December 21, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Nightwing has been a weird Rebirth title for me because while I love the character and want to read anything he's in, this series just hasn't really felt right to me and even the art has felt off. Luckily, we had last issue come about and smack me in the face with Bludhaven, some fun and in my mind a promise that I could finally get back on the Nightwing trolley and start enjoying myself with the character again. Yeah, there were a few references that made me fear that we were going to get a revamped rehash of when Nightwing originally went to Bludhaven, but I'll put those fears on the back burner for now with the hope that all of my worries are for not and just take the the stories as they come. Previously, we saw our hero wrapped up in a murder investigation that seemed to be perpetrated by Gorilla Grim, but after talking to the big ape, Dick believes he was set up and is now on the case and going to one of Grim's friends for some answers. Too bad that friend also happens ot be Dick's new boss and also happens to be a villain from Gotham named Defacer. Let's jump into this issue and check it out.
Cyborg #7 Review and *SPOILERS*
The Cyborg Who Loved Me

Art By: Paul Pelletier, Tony Kordos, Guy Major, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: December 21, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
There have been so many subtle and not so subtle references to the Frankenstein series in this initial arc, what with the blind musician who befriends Cyborg, our main character wondering if he's a monster or not and as we saw in the previous issue, the bride. Yeah, I don't see Vic tying the knot anytime soon, especially with Variant betraying our hero, but with all these references flying around, I'm really starting to get scared that John Semper Jr. is going to end this arc like the Bride of Frankenstein ended, with Cyborg realizing that he's a monster and possibly the mastermind behind this arc is one as well and sends everyone out of STAR Labs, while claiming that "We Belong Dead" before he activates the self destruct on the lab. Yeah, it's a bit far fetched, but there's so much Frankenstein in this arc so far, it's not all that far fetched really. Let's jump into this issue and see what Vic is going to do now that he knows Variant is working for some kind of warlord and also what he'll do since she siphoned all his power from him in the previous issue. Let's check it out.
Justice League Vs. Suicide Squad #1 Review and *SPOILERS*
Are We Looking At A New Sort of Trinity War?

Art By: Jason Fabok, Alex Sinclair, Rob Leigh
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 21, 2016
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*
Now, don't go and think of Night of The Monster Men as Rebirth's first event because that's be a terrible place to start your thinking when coming into this. All that Monster Men nonsense was just a crossover, it's here where you'll get your first event and hopefully if everything works out and the comic book gods are smiling down at us, this will be the event that you'll remember for years to come and make you reminisce fondly of the early days of Rebirth. So yeah, if you haven't already, you'll want to read Batman #13 before this......... simply because it's Batman, but also because we have a couple page prologue leading into this that will explain why Batman's taking action against Amanda Waller and her Suicide Squad in this event. Okay, let's jump into this issue and see what all the hubbub is all about and see how the Suicide Squad will do against the world's greatest superheroes. Let's check it out.
Batman #13 Review

Written by: Tom King
Art by: Mikel Janin, June Chung and Clayton Cowles
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: December 21, 2016
It's the end of "I am Suicide" and I'm sure most of you reading this review are with me in wanting to find out what the hell Batman's plan really is and how it is all going to end. I know it's gotten a little crazy, but I have spent my reviews here and on our podcast telling naysayers to calm down and trust in King and I really do think that. He is one of my favorite writers and he's never let me down yet. So, is there a first for everything or does the man come through as usual? Let's find out...
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
PREVIEW: He-Man/Thundercats #3
Art Team: Freddie E Williams II, Jeremy Colwell
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: December 21, 2016
The ThunderCats team up to combat a new foe: Skeletor! And as young King Lion-O battles this evil from another world, he distracts Skeletor from an important fight against Mumm-Ra. With the Power of Grayskull hanging in the balance, who can possibly turn the tide of battle?
Release Date: December 21, 2016
The ThunderCats team up to combat a new foe: Skeletor! And as young King Lion-O battles this evil from another world, he distracts Skeletor from an important fight against Mumm-Ra. With the Power of Grayskull hanging in the balance, who can possibly turn the tide of battle?
PREVIEW: Justice League #11

Written by: Bryan Hitch
Art by: Neil Edwards, Daniel Henriques, Adriano Lucas and Richard Starkings
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: December 21, 2016
“OUTBREAK” conclusion! Beaten, battered and outnumbered, the Justice League faces utter annihilation when Amazo and a host of the team’s deadliest enemies are released from prisons around the world as part of one man’s revenge against the world’s greatest superheroes.
PREVIEW: Green Arrow #13
Written by: Ben Percy

Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: December 21, 2016
“EMERALD OUTLAW” part two! Snow falls on Seattle as its mayoral race heats up with a rash of murders that implicate a deadly archer. As a city wonders what’s become of its Emerald Archer, Green Arrow and Black Canary race to rule out their prime suspect: Emiko Queen.
Emiko?!? Say it isn't so! I'd rather it be Ollie himself, but I know that's not happening. I also don't think it's Emiko and using exclamation points to create more drama. More DRAMA?!?!? Yes!!!!
PREVIEW: Batman #13

Art by: Mikel Janin, June Chung and Clayton Cowles
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: December 20, 2016
“I AM SUICIDE” conclusion! Batman and the remains of his team come face to face with Bane and the Psycho-Pirate in a final battle at Santa Prisca—and learn whether this was truly a suicide mission!
It's the moment we have all been waiting for...seeing the end result of Batman's big plan. Will he get Psycho Pirate? We he break Bane's back? Will he even live? We will all find out tomorrow.
PREVIEW: Harley Quinn #10
Moritat, Joseph Michael Linsner, Bret Blevins, Inaki Miranda
Dave Sharpe
Amanda Conner & Alex Sinclair
Variant Cover: Frank Cho & Laura Martin
Cover Price:
Sale Date:
December 21, 2016
Come spend the holidays with Harley in issue #10’s collection of wintry
short stories—just don’t expect to make it to New Year’s in one piece!
I suppose since Harley didn't get the proper face time in last week's DC Rebirth Holiday Special, they'd give Quinn her own holiday-themed book, right in the regular series! Suits me fine, looks like the usual impressive roster of artists and I'm sure it will be full of gross holiday cheer. Read on for some preview pages!
PREVIEW: Aquaman #13
Scot Eaton
Wayne Faucher
Gabe Eltaeb
Pat Brosseau
Brad Walker, Andrew Hennessy & Gabe Eltaeb
Variant Cover: Joshua Middleton
Cover Price:
Sale Date:
December 21, 2016
“THE DELUGE” part two! The war between the United States and Atlantis
takes a turn for the worse when the U.S. activates its newest weapon to
assassinate Aquaman and dismantle his undersea kingdom: the Aquamarines,
super-soldiers who have been biologically enhanced to combat the
abilities of any Atlantean.
The phony war waged by N.E.M.O. continues! And as I recall, the Justice League showed up in Atlantis at the end of the last issue, so I assume there will be something there. I'm definitely looking forward to what's next, and maybe we'll see those freaky Shark-Human Marines change to PHASE TWO! Read on for some preview pages, that I hope don't give phase two away.
PREVIEW: Cave Carson Has a Cybernetic Eye #3
Art By:
Michael Avon Oeming
Colors By:
Nick Filardi
Letters By:
Clem Robins
Backup By:
Tom Scioli
Cover By:
Michael Avon Oeming and Nick Filardi
Variant Cover By: Paul Rentler
Cover Price:
On Sale Date: December 21, 2016
Cave and his ad hoc team of spelunkers (his daughter Chloe and best-bud
mechanic Jack Wheeler) have answered the call to adventure! But as they
search for the lost city of Muldroog, Cave’s employer sends a crack team
of his own in the latest in subterranean transportation: the Mighty
Mole MK 2, led by a famed explorer from Cave’s past. And it looks like
they’re out for more than just the return of EBX property...
Last thing I remember is Wild Dog blasting these guys' heads in two and then being chased by a giant fungus monster, so of course I'm quite interested to read this issue. Maybe Wild Dog will splatter the interiors of some more craniums? One can only hope. Read on for some preview pages!
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