Monday, September 11, 2023

Green Lantern #3 Review


Written by: Jeremy Adams
Art by: Xermánico
Colors by: Romulo Fajardo Jr.
Letters by: Dave Sharpe
Cover art by: Xermánico
Cover price: $4.99
Release date: September 12, 2023

Green Lantern #3 gets back to the business of ring-slinging when Hal saves himself from a death fall to learn an important limitation of his current ring. Meanwhile, Sinestro sets a plan in motion.
Is Green Lantern #3 Good?

Green Lantern #3 is exactly, precisely what Jeremy Adams needs to do with this title after enduring a pointless hiatus for Knight Terrors. Less creepy behavior towards Carol, more ring-slinging, fun, imagination, and the planted seeds of a Sinestro who's up to no good. Adams seems intent on taking Hal Jordan back to basics with positive results.

When last we left Hal Jordan... Wait, where DID we leave Hal Jordan? He was piloting a plane with Carol and Nate on board when they ran smack dab into the Nightmare Wave from Knight Terrors. But now, they're back in Coast City somehow. Whatever. Just go with it.

The issue splits between a flashback from issue #2, where Hal's ring cuts out during a flight into the atmosphere and the present. In the flashback, Hal saves himself during his plummet to Earth by willing his ring to activate, proving that his new ring won't allow him to leave Earth. He also uses the opportunity to try out the construct limitations of his ring, including making shapes in different colors.

In the present, Hal settles into a simple life as a simple hero when Carol reports footage of Sinestro and a group of hired hands breaking into a research hangar. Hal's simple life suddenly becomes more complicated with a ringless Sinestro back in action.

What's great about Green Lantern #3? To Adams's credit, he gets right back into the swing of the Dawn of DC by focusing on a good-humored Hal who enjoys being a hero. Hal uses the ring to do good and has fun doing it. His personality is charming, eager, and perhaps a little too rascally for his own good, which is on-brand for Hal. Overall, you get a vibe of lightness and fun, right up to the point where Sinestro starts causing trouble.

What's not so great about Green Lantern #3? Getting back into the swing of things after an ill-advised hiatus feels disjointed and clunky, especially with the freefall flashback. The ending of issue #2 doesn't quite line up with the beginning of issue #3, recognizing that the Knight Terrors tie-in had something to do with that. Still, if a reader decided to skip out on Knight Terrors, you'd feel like you missed a step.

How's the art? Xermánico style, designs, and overall layout look great. Hal's ring-slinging antics look exactly as you'd hope, the pencils/inks are clean, and the action is energetic. Plus, Fajardo Jr's colors are amazing.

(Backup) Rise of the Revenant Queen, Pt. 3

Guardian Stewart and Lantern Shpherd fight off the Revenant Queen with an overwhelming display of the Guardian's power. Unfortunately, the Revenant Queen escapes into the multiverse to hunt down every John Stewart she can find.

As a backup that sets up John Stewart: War Journal, this is fine. You get to know the players, both good and evil, and their motivations. The Revenant Queen's origin is teased with a familiar symbol at the end, which could lead to some interesting outcomes. Montos's art style is solid in a gritty sort of way, which could work for the War Journal motif.

About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.

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Bits and Pieces:

Green Lantern #3 quickly dispenses with the nightmare of Knight Terrors to get Hal Jordan settled in with his new ring by learning what it can and can't do while he has fun figuring it out. Adams is playing it smart by returning to a simple yet cool Lantern story, and the art by Xermánico is fantastic.


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