Planet Mother Box
Written By: Daniel H. Wilson
Art By: Jorge Jimenez, Allison Borges, Alejandro Sanchez, Blond, Travis Lanham
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: December 9, 2015
Art By: Jorge Jimenez, Allison Borges, Alejandro Sanchez, Blond, Travis Lanham
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: December 9, 2015
*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

Explain It!:
Our issue begins with Val-Zod, Batman and Flash exactly where we left them last issue, with our heroes going up against the newly introduced Hourman. As we saw in last issue, Flash went and looked at the face of Johnny Sorrow and Batman doesn't think that he'll ever be able to recover from looking at that kind of ugly.......... but apparently Batman doesn't know shit because immediately after that; Flash is cracking jokes and even grabs Hourman's belt, containing his supply of Miraclo so Val-Zod can heat vision that shit....... Even though Hourman was introduced as a villain in this title, I was happy as hell to see him because he's one of my favorite Golden Age heroes, but what I can't explain is why after Val-Zod destroys his supply of Miraclo, Hourman just straight up vanishes. I mean, he still had like forty minutes of power going on and we just never see the character again in this issue...... It's just really confusing. I guess there isn't any reason to stick around since Hourman is just gone and the rest of the villains have been taken care of, so our heroes head off to New Gotham....... because I guess they just know where shit is going down in this issue.
Over in New Gotham, shit has gotten real as Jimmy Olsen, Huntress and Red Arrow try to engage the Genesis Machine with their new Source Vault because Green Lantern comes stomping in like a goddamn Godzilla to save the planet from the machinations of Doctor Impossible (Jimmy Olsen). Again, I'm not sure how the flow of knowledge spreads out in this world because up until the point where Jimmy starts cackling like the goddamn villain that he is, everybody simply thinks that he's just going to terraform this planet into their lost home world of Earth 2....... and even though most seem to be against the idea, I'm not sure why. Yeah, Green Lantern doesn't want the world to change, but even if it does, he can just tap into that Green and continue to be the emotionless sentinel of plant life on the planet and all's well that ends well, but even before the device is activated, he seems to know that Jimmy is up to no good and we find out that when Green Lantern plays a hunch, you better listen because as it turns out, Jimmy plans on turning the planet into a Mother Box........ for some reason.
In the end, all of heroes eventually converge on the WayneCorp building and the fight for the Earth begins........ and our heroes pretty much get their asses handed to them and even though Green Lantern ripped through the top floor of the WayneCorp building...... destroying the Genesis Machine, I guess Jimmy is still able to keep the Source Vault going, even when he's trying to shove it inside Green Lantern's chest....... Again no idea. The moral of the story seems to be that if you have an ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend that you continue to have a problem with, well get over that shit because the two of you could save the world if you just get past your bickering because Val-Zod and Power Girl work together and hit Jimmy Olsen, giving Red Arrow and Huntress the opportunity to stick three arrows into the Source Vault, shutting it down.
As our issue closes, Green Lantern traps Jimmy Olsen and says that he'll remain that way forever and strokes the heroes' egos a bit, while using the words Justice and Society in the same sentence........ as if that was enough to make this issue worth reading.
That's it for this issue of Earth 2: Society and if we at Weird Science didn't review every damn book that DC put out, I would seriously just drop this title because it's just a series of things happening without any real rhyme or reason, that comes off really underwhelming overall. We've got all these characters that should be great individually and beyond awesome together, but after all the shit that's gone down from all the titles concerning them, it feels like we've lost something along the way and I'm not sure if they'll ever be able to get it back because as of right now, they all seem like damaged, unlikable heroes and being stuck on a binary world, that constantly seems dark as hell....... with it's cities made out of crashed space ships...... well, it's just not helping them any. If Terry Sloan at the beginning of this series would have told me that the Source Vault would have brought back Earth 2, it's people and it's cities, I would have said fuck it....... Yes, retcon all of this shit and let's start over because continuing these characters down this road is doing nothing but hurting them and making it so nobody will want to see them ever again. Okay, rant over. As for the art in this book, it's not bad, but with some panels coming off way cartoonier than others, it just doesn't have a consistent feel and even the parts that came together really well don't make up for this really lackluster ending to this really disappointing story........ and series.
Bits and Pieces:
Earth 2: Society continues to disappoint as we get done this story arc, that really didn't feel like it served a purpose. Yeah, we got introduced to some villains, but with characters magically knowing where to go and what was going down out of nowhere, I have to wonder if DC thinks it's readers are too stupid to care about a coherent story. I love all the characters that are depicted in this book, but I'm on the verge of never wanting to see them again because of how poorly they're represented here.
I am so done with this book!
ReplyDeleteI don't like it either
Deletethis book did seem to rush things to a conclusion, but I am still excited to see where they go, and I did enjoy the book a lot. the art is always fantastic , whether it's Jorge Jimenez or Alison Borge. And I don't think little things like "what happened to hourman" should be of concern when we got the greater picture by the end: we finally have a solid team, with a history for the ages. compared to whatever the hell is going on with the justice league in the new 52, this world shows a group of heroes who didn't get off easy, and had to deal with not only losing a world, but building another one and even though their world isn't perfect or suited for a Kryptonite, they protect it and I'm more than ready to see what kind of stories we will get with a human superman and power girl. batman having a disability is a lovely ode to fans who share the same plight, and making him dick Grayson is just flattering beyond belief. I guess this book is not for small minded reviewers or readers, sorry.
DeleteThanks for putting up a defense, because I love the series, too. Though you're a little harsh at the end...
DeleteI liked issue #1. Then after the second issue I dropped it. It could have been a really good series.
ReplyDeleteI think, after this issue I can drop this book. Wilson is one of the WORST writers to ruin comics in a long time. He's his own worst enemy...he can't keep his own continuity straight ( like, where did Thomas Wayne's/Batman's leftover Miraclo come from? He ran out of it during WORLD'S END and started shooting up with everythin else he could get his hands on. There shouldn't be anything for Hourman to steal).
ReplyDelete...and where the shit did Hawkgirl disappear to (or Hawkwoman..I've forgotten what they call her and don't even care enough to check)?
Fuck you, Daniel Wilson, for taking characters that I've loved for over 20 years, in multiple versions, and making them unreadable.
On a side note, I can't help but hate the idea that whole lived-in looking cities, complete with fully-functional infrastructure were built from the wreckage of the Earth 2 space-ships. I mean, they are on was COVERED with cities literally moments before the refugees arrived. Telos couldn't leave some behind? Telos killed the whole population of more than one city before he decided to turn on Braniac. They were sitting around, EMPTY, waiting for some alien population to occupy. It would have been much more interesting than what was done. But, that's just one point on a long list of problems I have with EARTH 2: SOCIETY.
To those who said theyre dropping the writer next month
ReplyDeleteHer comes Manship with some bullpoop... I really like this book and loving the art. I like it so much that I want to pick up the begining issues in trades as I haven't read them. Anyone know if the trades are out get? Talking about pre-Convergence.
ReplyDeletevolumes 1-5 of Earth 2 are out, not sure about 6 and worlds end
DeleteJust looked, I started with Worlds End #10. So I have just a few issues to complete the story ha ha. But according to Eric I would enjoy the beginning issues better.
ReplyDeleteOh, I still feel that way. That whole story gets so off the rails it's crazy
DeleteSo whatever happened to Fury, and the people Constantine busted out of Arkham? Did they even make it to the planet?
ReplyDeleteI'm pretty sure that Jonni Thunder died...... or it could just be that it looked like she died, but was fine the next panel. World's End was weird like that and the only answer I have for you is........ I have no idea
DeleteIf the cover is correct: Fury returns next issue
DeleteJody: You mentioned a new writer. Any idea as to who it will be? Is he/she ongoing or fill-in?
DeleteAs my hopes have been raised by this, I'm dreading a Twilight Zone-esque twist when the new writer is announced to be Jeff King.
His name is Dan Abnett. Most recent thing he's done at DC is the JSA Convergence 2 parter
DeleteThank you. I am very familiar with Dan Abnett and am really looking forward to what he does with EARTH 2. He can handle cosmic stories and straight-up superhero books equally well and is terribly underrated as a writer (the work he and Andy Lanning did on GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY was light years ahead of anything that Marvel has put out since the movie).
DeleteThanks again, Jody. That's great news.