Art by: Robson Rocha, Matt Banning, Daniel Henriques, Cam Smith and Blond
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: September 2, 2015
Seeing Red
It's a shame that not more people gave this new Lobo a chance. Actually, it's a shame that they didn't give these last couple issues a chance because after a rough start, this book has finally found it's footing and adding Sinestro to the mix has only made it better. The Lobo Annual was hands down my favorite issue this rebooted Main Man has starred in and I couldn't wait for this issue to continue the story. There are certain pairings that just make sense in a holy sh** kind of way and this is one of those in my book. Don't ask what the others are because nobody gets a peek into my book. So, does the great lead in and awesome pairing equal a must read issue? Let's find out...