Saturday, April 11, 2020

Convergence: World's Finest #1 (2015) Review

Scribbly Jibbet...The Constant Victim

Written By: Paul Levitz
Art By: Jim Fern, Joe Rubinstein, Paul Mounts
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 29, 2015

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

I'd like to tell you now that we're past all that awful nonsense of the New 52's Worlds' Finest title that originally showed us the overly sexualized and bumbling team of Power Girl and Huntress and then showed us the uninteresting times that an agent of Apokolips showed up in the lives of Superman and Batman of Earth 2, that now we could get back to basics and see our World's Finest duo in some serious dome action........... That isn't the case though.  Don't fret though gentle reader because while we don't get the Man of Steel and The Dark Knight kicking ass and taking names, we get The Seven Soldiers of Victory in their year-long attempt to keep Scribbly Jibbet from becoming a corpse.  So let's pull our smiling faces together while we jump into this Earth 2 story and see how our heroes are dealing with their time under the dome.

Convergence: Blue Beetle #1 (2015) Review

Down and Out In The Dome

Written By: Scott Lobdell
Art By: Yishan Li, Dave McCaig
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 29, 2015

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

Continuing with the trend this week of Convergence, we're heading to another world in the Multiverse and this time it's Hub City from the Charlton world of Earth-4.  The world where Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, Peacemaker and Question inhabit........ Not to mention a shit ton more but I'm not in the listing superhero game, no I'm in the reviewing game and even with that a lot of people would cry foul.... Why is everyone so mean?  Anyway, my feelings aside, let's do what we've done all month and dive into a dome scenario and see how our heroes of Earth-4 are handling their powerlessness.  Let's check it out.

Convergence: Shazam! #1 (2015) Review

Holy Moly!

Written By: Jeff Parker
Art By: Evan "Doc" Shaner, Jordie Bellaire
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 29, 2015

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

It's time to forget about the current Shazam with his cursing and attitude problem and go back to a simpler time.......... and being from the Philadelphia area like the current Shazam, I have to say a simpler place.  That's right, we're heading back to Fawcett City to see what Billy Batson and the rest of the Marvel Family have been up to since the dome has taken them out of time and space and left them powerless......... Even with all of that, they're probably still doing something wholesome.  Okay, let's check back in with the Big Red Cheese and get the holy molys rolling as we dive into this issue.

Convergence: Justice Society of America #1 (2015) Review

Cocoon 3: The Dome

Written By: Dan Abnett
Art By: Tom Derenick, Trevor Scott, Monica Kubina
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 29, 2015

I'm getting redundant when talking about Earth 2 and how much I love the characters that inhabit it but screw it, I'm going to say it again.  The whole reason that I got on board the New 52 and went ga-ga over DC Comics again was when they announced Earth-2 to the line-up of comics because I just loved the Golden Age heroes and thinking of them reimagined for a modern age was something that perked my curiosity.  Yeah, the last bunch of months have been hard to remain optimistic about it, but keep the faith people, our Earth-2 Wonders have the ability to be great again......... and here we'll see our original characters keeping on keeping on.  Man, they're getting old but these old dogs still have a few tricks to show us.  Let's grab our denture adhesive and our Bengay as we jump into this geriatric issue.

Convergence: Plastic Man and The Freedom Fighters #1 (2015) Review

Nazis, I Hate These Guys

Written By: Simon Oliver
Art By: John McCrea, John Kalisz
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 29, 2015

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

Oh man, the Nazis have won the war and have taken over New York, not to mention the rest of the formerly Free World.  This looks like a job for...Plastic Man?  Yeah, the Freedom Fighters I can see but good old Plas doesn't strike me as one of the Inglorious Basterds and even though he was a walking, talking, stretching Nazi fighter back in the day....... It's still hard for me to see it.  Anyway, Earth-X's New York is trapped under the dome and like I said, it's under Nazi control, so let's see how our Freedom Fighters are dealing with the Nazi menace in a world without their powers.  Let's check it out.

Convergence: Hawkman #1 (2015) Review

Thanagarian Nonsense

Written By: Jeff Parker
Art By: Tim Truman, Enrique Alcatena, John Kalisz
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 22, 2015

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

Hawkman's Shadow War has ended but that doesn't mean his adventures have ended.  No, instead of kicking back and curating the hell out of some museums with his lady love, Hawkman and Hawkwoman were unfortunate enough to be in Gotham on Dome Day and since their flight is powered by Nth metal and not from an internal power, it remains active and our Hawks are still out on the prowl, stopping crime wherever they can.  So let's check out this issue and see how Carter and Shiera are dealing with their year under the dome and let's hope they don't run into any Thanagarian invaders!

Convergence: Green Lantern Corps #1 (2015) Review

Working Through Some Issues

Written By: David Gallaher
Art By: Steve Ellis, Andre Parks, Hi-Fi
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 22, 2015

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

It's time to get into a Pre-Crisis On Infinite Earths story featuring our favorite Green Lanterns....... favorite because Kyle Rayner hadn't been created yet....... but still, Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner, and John Stewart are pretty okay.  While all three of these Lanterns are present here, this is a Guy Gardner story through and through and I love seeing our rage-filled ginger getting the limelight here and exploring this timeline is just a bonus.  So much of Guy's past has been forgotten and or retconned that this serves as a really fun stroll down memory lane for fans of DC Comics in the '80s.  Let's get into this and check out what Convergence: Green Lantern Corps has in store for us.

Convergence #3 (2015) Review

Be A Little More Kandor and A Little Less Kan'tdor

Written By: Jeff King
Art By: Stephen Segovia, Jason Paz, John Starr, Peter Steigerwald
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 22, 2015

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

We're back with another installment of Convergence, where we hope beyond hope that we can finally get past the Earth 2: World's End stuff and can get on with our lives and our superhero stories.  In the last issue, we saw our Earth 2 Wonders take on the mad planet Telos......... and believe it or not, they did a bit of damage against him.  After that, they sought out a city where Green Lantern (after tapping into the planet) believes lies something that might put an end to the Thunder Dome madness.  I actually liked all of that, it's just the World's End revised recap that got me fuming but after that it was smooth sailing with everything that I've already stated and it even had Thomas Wayne reconnect with a version of his son from the Pre-Flashpoint Universe.  As the issue ended our Wonders found the city they were looking for and saved the sorcerer Deimos from Telos' metallic goon squad and he offered to get our Wonders off the planet as a way to show his gratitude.  Let's jump into this issue and see if Deimos is a man of his word and see if Telos returns for a little payback.  Let's check it out.

Convergence: Justice League of America #1 (2015) Review

Stretching Their Legs

Written By: Fabian Nicieza
Art By: ChrisCross and Snakebite
Nameless "Grunt" Who Worked on the Color: Paideia Productions Media Design
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 22, 2015

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

Any of you remember the Justice League Detroit team?  Well, I hope that some of you at least do because that's what we have here and while I might not have been the biggest reader of this team.  I sure had a whole lot of fun at the comic book shop, pulling out old back issues of it and laughing about Aquaman leading a team and Paco Ramone.  Well, just laughing at Paco Ramone.  So it's been a year under the dome, let's see how our Detroit team who are in Gotham for some reason, get re-acclimated to having powers and getting back into super-heroics.  Let's check it out.

Convergence: Superboy and The Legion of Super-Heroes #1 (2015) Review

Future World Problems

Written By: Stuart Moore
Art By: Gus Storms, Mark Farmer, John Rauch
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 22, 2015

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

You know what's cool about this story right from the get-go?  The fact that it takes place in the Thirtieth Century.  Yeah, it's a Pre-Crisis story but instead of just having our character stuck in Gotham, we're actually in the future and I dig that aspect to this.......... Yeah, maybe it's expected because it's a Legion story but it's a bit different than the norm and at this point a bit different is good.  So yeah, we've got Superboy and a bunch of Legionnaires all stuck in future Metropolis when the dome came down, so let's see how they're coping and if Brainiac 5 has lost his mind after a year of not knowing what's going on.  Let's check it out.

Convergence: The New Teen Titans #1 (2015) Review

Trouble In Paradise

Written By: Marv Wolfman
Art By: Nicola Scott, Marc Deering, Jeremy Cox
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 22, 2015

It's time to get into some Teen Titans fun and not just any ole Teen Titans, we have ourselves the "New" Teen Titans and besides for Kole and Jericho, that's a pretty badass team. Sorry if you're a fan of those two, I just can't get behind those characters, especially being in the Titans.  Not a lot to say, we've spent a year under the dome and our Titan heroes have done their damnedest to keep Gotham safe while the team were powerless, let's see how they do when the dome drops and have to face the Tangent Doom Patrol.  Let's check it out.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Convergence #2 (2015) Review

World's End.......... Continued

Written By: Jeff King
Art By: Carlo Pagulayan, Jason Paz, John Starr, Peter Steigerwald
Cover Price: $3.99

Release Date: April 15, 2015

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

Alright, we're back with the second issue of Convergence and man do I hope that we get some actual story going on here because in the last issue it seemed that we were only told things that we already knew, like Telos pitting domed cities against one another to find out which doomed timeline city is the greatest of them all. We also got to see a bunch of our Earth 2 Wonders pops up on the planet after it looked like they were omega beamed to death at the end of World's End, but even that part seemed like the past nonsense we had to deal with from that series, like Yolanda Montez being alive and still having Avatar powers and just like in World's End, it happened just because.  So let's see what's going on here and what Telos is going to do with our Earth-2 Wonders since they don't have a city to represent.  Let's check it out.

Convergence: Superman: Man of Steel #1 (2015) Review

Adventures In Babysitting

Written By: Louise Simonson
Art By: June Brigman, Roy Richardson, John Rauch
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 15, 2015

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

We're in Metropolis, the dome is up.......... or down, however you might think about it, Superman is nowhere to be found, so that means this looks like a job for The Man of Steel.......... or just Steel but I've always liked calling him The Man of Steel especially during this timeline with this Pre-Zero Hour story.  So a little background.  After the death of Superman, John Henry Irons decided to put his mind and his body to the test of honoring Superman by building a mechanical suit and being the hero that Metropolis needed at the time and right now it seems that he was visiting Metropolis with his niece and nephew when the dome trapped everyone in Metropolis.............. Making him a super babysitter.  Let's see what happens a year later when Steel seems to be the only one with powers due to it stemming from his mechanical suit.  Let's check it out.

Convergence: Green Arrow #1 (2015) Review

Oliver Queen...You Are The Father

Written By: Christy Marx
Art By: Rags Morales, Claude St-Aubin, Nei Ruffino
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 15, 2015

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

What are the chances that Green Arrow would be stuck in Metropolis on Dome Day?  Probably about as much as all the other heroes that got stuck in a city that wasn't their own.  Luckily, unlike last week's Pre-Flashpoint Gotham, we can kind of say that these heroes are around because of Hal Jordan  going all Parallax crazy and that's what I'm going to go with.......... Cause I like it and it has a certain ring to it.  Yeah, I don't have much to say here so let's get into this story that's actually really interesting because since the Dome came down, Oliver Queen wouldn't go on to meet his son Connor Hawke in the proper way that we saw it happen years ago and instead it offers us a new meeting that works pretty well.  Let's check this out and see how father and son unite.

Convergence: Batman: Shadow of The Bat #1 (2015) Review

A Whale of A Tale

Written By: Larry Hama
Art By: Philip Tan, Jason Paz, Rob Hunter, Elmer Santos
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 15, 2015

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

To give you a little background here, we're dealing with a world where Bruce Wayne has just recovered from having his back broken and has taken the mantle of the Bat back from Jean-Paul Valley and his ridiculously awesome Azrael Bat-suit.  Both are in Metropolis when the Dome came down in this Pre-Zero Hour story, so let's what's going down as the Dome drops and shit gets real with these two!  Let's check it out.

Convergence: Green Lantern/Parallax #1 (2015) Review

Beware His Power!

Written By: Tony Bedard
Art By: Ron Wagner, Bill Reinhold, Paul Mounts
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 15, 2015

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

I feel like I've said this a thousand times now but Pre-Zero Hour is right when I started reading Green Lantern so going into this issue feels like catching up with an old friend I haven't seen in a while........ Well, at least since the last time that I read my Emerald Twilight/Emerald Dawn trade... So at least eight months.  Anyway, I love this era of DC Comics because it's at this point where I started becoming less of a Marvel kid and growing hair in strange places that I hadn't had it before............. Okay, that' getting a little weird, All I'm saying is it's at this point where I started noticing DC more and thus changing my life forever........... Who knows, without the Pre-Zero Hour events this might be called "The Lost Boys Marvel Comics Blog.  That's enough jibber-jabber, let's head back in time to when Hal Jordan was Parallax and Kyle Rayner was just starting to get his ring slinging groove on.  Let's check it out.

Convergence: The Question #1 (2015) Review

Face To Face To No Face

Written By: Greg Rucka
Art By: Cully Hamner, Dave McCaig
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 8, 2015

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

It's time to get back into the Pre-Flashpoint Dome and see what's going on with some of the ladies of Gotham and what they're doing to keep life under the Dome safe for the citizens of Gotham.  It's time for a return of characters like Two-Face.......... Man, I love Two-Face, Renee Montoya and The Huntress.......... Are you pumped yet?  Well, stop being a Sideline Sally and get into the game as we jump into this issue of Convergence: The Question, where hopefully we finally get some answers from the one person who knows how to ask them.  Let's check it out.

Convergence: Superboy #1 (2015) Review

Big Shoes To Fill

Written By: Fabian Nicieza
Art By: Karl Moline, Jose Marzan Jr., Hi-Fi
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 15, 2015

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

Oh man, the Metropolis Kid is back in this Zero Hour story where we get our young Superboy back with his cocky attitude and his badass hair.......... Yeah, it's not fashionable now but back in the '90s.......... well, it wasn't that cool then either but I loved it.  Not a lot to say for this recap section except for getting ready to see Superboy back when he was arrogant as hell and dealing with a Superman complex.  Let's check it out.

Convergence #1 (2015) Review

Who Runs Convergence?!........... Well, It's Not Master Blaster

Written By: Jeff King, Scott Lobdell
Art By: Carlo Pagulayan, Jason Paz, John Starr, Peter Steigerwald
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: April 8, 2015

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

Alright, it's finally time to get into this Convergence thing and after seeing the prologue to this story in last week's issue #0, I have to tell you I got pretty pumped.  As it turns out, when Superman spent that time in the black hole at the end of Superman: Doomed, we find out that he went to a world outside space and time, where he came face to face with the Brainiac God that we all saw get spanked in Futures End.  As it turns out, when that Brainiac went to collect Superman's city and got "spanked", the sentient planet where Brainiac kept his domes went a little crazy when his "God" didn't return.  Without the guidance of it's "God", the planet decided to create a body of it's own and put Brainiac's collection to the test to see which one is the best........ So yeah, some Thunder Dome like action is going down.  Superman was sent away, having his mind erased by the trip and the once planet became Telos: the bringer of Convergence.  Let's check out what this issue has for us and see what Convergence is all about.

Convergence: The Titans #1 (2015) Review

We All Have Our Reasons

Written By: Fabian Nicieza
Art By: Ron Wagner, Jose Marzan Jr., Chris Sotomayor
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 8, 2015

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

Let's all get back to the Pre-Flashpoint Dome and see what our heroes are up to........ This time around it seems that our Titan heroes are just Donna Troy, Starfire, and Roy Harper but that's at least here....... It all goes back to where the hell is everyone else during this opening of the Dome if it's the same Pre-Flashpoint Dome that we keep dealing with this week in Convergence comics......... Okay, I guess that doesn't matter.  We're here to see some Titans and some Titans are what we see, so let's check out this issue and see how this trio of former sidekicks are dealing with life a year after the Dome.

Convergence: The Atom #1 (2015) Review

Bizarre...Just Bizarre

Written By: Tom Peyer
Art By: Steve Yeowell, Andy Owens, Hi-Fi
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 8, 2015

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

For all the titles that we're getting during this Convergence Event, The Atom seems like the most odd to me.  I guess DC is testing the waters for the good Doctor Palmer because he's been popping up all over the place lately and even overcame Brainiac in Futures End........... which actually led to this Event........ So yeah, that's kind of funny.  No matter how I feel about this character or how exciting a book about him might be, here we are........ So let's get into Convergence: The Atom..........  and see if in a world where there are no powers, if size still matters.

Convergence: Batman and Robin #1 (2015) Review

Sidekick Complex

Written By: Ron Marz
Art By: Denys Cowan, Klaus Janson, Chris Sotomayor
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 8, 2015

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

We're back with another installment to the Pre-Flashpoint Gotham and this time around we're looking at our Dynamic Duo: Batman and Robin and I'm just left wondering, Is this the same Pre-Flashpoint Gotham in every title or different ones or just the Domes are open and everyone fends for themselves against whoever may try to kill them........ These are all valid questions and sadly, I don't have any of the answers.  I think I'll just go with "YES" and leave it at that.  All I have is an issue that I'll take at face value and try not to contemplate what it means for all the other Convergence titles that feature the same city.  So yeah, Batman and Robin...Yay!  Let's check out what our heroes are up to here before the Dome disappears and shit gets real.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Convergence #0 (2015) Review

Written By: Dan Jurgens, Jeff King
Art By: Ethan Van Sciver, Marcelo Maiolo
Cover Price: $4.99
Release Date: April 1, 2015

Moving Day

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

It's time for DC Comics to make their big move to Burbank and that means for all of us superhero fanatics that it's time for the Convergence event.  As Dan Didio and Geoff Johns move the sofas and desks and Jim Lee gets the beer and pizza, we'll be diving into a strange tale that will extend to all universes and timelines of the DC Comics Universe and it all starts here with issue #0.  Let's get into this story and see if Convergence is as big as DC is hyping it up to be or if it's something to keep us busy while Jimmy Palmiotti and Amanda Conner look at paint swatches......... Yeah, there will be a lot of moving jokes in the future.  Let's check out Convergence.

Convergence: Justice League #1 (2015) Review

Written By: Frank Tieri
Art By: Vicente Cifuentes, Monica Kubina
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 8, 2015

Girls Night Out

*Non Spoilers and Score At The Bottom*

Now that Convergence is here, it's time to check out the Pre-Flashpoint girls of the Justice League in this issue as they are forced to go up against the might of the Flashpoint Aquaman............ That's about all I have to say about that.  The Dome is up and we're off to the adventure!  Let's check it out.

Throwback Review: Convergence: Batgirl #1 (2015) Review

Character Movements

Written by: Alisa Kwitney
Art by: Rick Leonardi, Mark Pennington, and Steve Buccellato
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 8, 2015

Convergence has been an odd event to get a handle on. One of the problems is that this isn't just a multiverse, what-if story, but a multi-multiverse, what-ifs story.  I know that is not the proper use of the Queen's English, but I think Convergence readers will know what I mean.  Add to that fact that everyone is not going to be familiar with all of these characters and past stories which leads to some strange inconsistencies and confusion within and across each tie-in.  This issue has both.  A couple of the lead characters may come out of left field for those only familiar with the New 52 which leads to some confusing interactions and dialogue.  That being said, this is one of the strongest character issues in this first wave of Convergence tie-ins.  Is it enough to make this issue worth recommending?  Let's find out...