Stay Golden
Written by: Dan Jurgens%2B-%2BPage%2B1.jpg)
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: April 29, 2015
Recently, Booster Gold reminds me of an athlete that is okay during the regular season but shows up big time in the playoffs. Sure, New 52 readers may forget about Booster (or even think he's a bit of a joke), but when a big event happens...Boosh! Booster is back and on top once again. His Futures End issue had an importance beyond the Event itself and this issue feels bigger than any of the other Convergence tie-ins. There are a plus and minus of it all, however. Booster fans get to stand tall as their favorite character is spotlighted, but because of the overreaching nature of it all, newer readers will be left in the dark. After all, that is said and done, is this a good issue? Let's find out...
First off, too (almost) fully understand this issue, you'll need to do some homework. This issue isn't like others in the Convergence is not a one-shot nostalgia fest. In fact, it doesn't even feel like a true Convergence tie-in. It feels bigger than that. This issue comes right off the heels of Booster's Futures End issue but also deals with the New 52's Justice League International run as well as Booster Gold #47. Add the history lesson back up in this issue, load up the family truckster and away we Skataris?
The story of this issue is convoluted, yet exciting for Booster Gold fans. Booster makes a miscalculation trying to go back in time and instead ends up helping Rip Hunter find...Booster Gold. Yes, Booster is trying to find another Universe's Booster who happens to be Rip's father.
Booster, Rip and Skeets (yea!) find themselves in Skataris and while it doesn't feel like a Convergence tie-in, it certainly is a Convergence story. Missing is the Telos speech that readers have suffered through for three weeks, but the captured time travelers from Convergence #3 are there.
One of them is the Booster Gold they are looking for.
Dan Jurgens knows his creation but does a great job of bridging the gap between his and the New 52 Booster. The snarky attitude is there, but there is also a really good reality-bending story to back it up.
When the crazy team escapes Skartaris and ends up in the captured 31st Century Metropolis, this issue feels more like a Convergence title. The group comes face-to-face with the Legion of Super-Heroes and it looks like it will be a battle for Telos after all. That's when the issue takes another crazy u-turn that will make every Booster Gold fan smile. I don't know where this is all going, but I'm going to be there to find out.
This issue was both confusing and refreshing in this Convergence Event. I'm surprised that this story wasn't included in the regular Convergence book because it just didn't fit in with what we've seen in the tie-ins. However, I love that it tied so many storylines from Booster's past together into a pretty damn good story.
Alvaro Martinez does a good job of art especially considering the contrast in settings and having to draw to separate Boosters. The start of the issue was a bit rough, but he quickly rebounds and the art gets stronger as the issue progresses. Because of that, it isn't a shock that the final page is the highlight.
Bits and Pieces:
This is a good Convergence issue that doesn't feel like a Convergence issue. Booster Gold fans will enjoy seeing their favorite character's storylines get tied up, but newer readers may find this issue hard to jump into. The art by Alvaro Martinez is strong and all-in-all, I recommend this to those in the know or willing to do a little homework.
I've never been the biggest Booster Gold fan, but I've been following much of his exploits throughout the New 52. This issue cleared up so many lingering questions, it was like a roadmap to that insane Futures End issue that I could barely make sense of. In that sense, it was a pretty cool comic, though anyone picking this issue up cold would probably be confused in the extreme. But then, who picks up a random comic week four into a two-month comic book event anyway?
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