Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Action Comics #1051 Review

Written by: Phillip Kennedy Johnson, Dan Jurgens & Leah Williams
Art by: Rafa Sandoval, Lee Weeks, Marguerite Sauvage
Colors by: Matt Herms, Elizabeth Breitweiser, Becca Carey
Letters by: Dave Sharpe, Rob Leigh, Jillian Grant
Cover art by: Dan Mora
Cover price: $4.99
Release date: January 24, 2023

Action Comics #1051 converts the long-running Superman title into a monthly anthology with three first chapters in ongoing stories. The Super-family expands and assembles for a grand opening headed for trouble, the early Kent family head back to the family farm and unexpected doom, and Powergirl becomes a therapist.
Is It Good?

Well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

House of Metallo

The Super-family expands and assembles as the new force for good in Metropolis. Superman and his sons (Jon and Connor), Kang Kenan, John, Natasha Irons, and the Phaelosian twins (Otho-Ra and Osul-Ra) step out into the public for the first time as part of the unveiling of the brand new Irons tower. Unfortunately, Metallo shows up to spoil the event.

Great story, great action, subtle character moments that hint at potential interpersonal conflicts in the future, and a Super-worthy threat. Johnson's main plot (made more enjoyable with a little sexy time between Clark and Lois, and the hint that Jon isn't a fan of the new adoptees), gives you plenty to latch on to for the first chapter in an expansive Superman adventure.

Home Again

Dan Jurgens takes readers back to a time before Jon Ken was aged-up, and the Kent family decided to move back to the Kent farm for a bit of privacy and quiet. Still fresh from his battle with Doombreaker, Clark gets his family settled while checking with Batman about the dangerous and missing shard of Doomsday bone. The World's Finest doesn't realize that the current keeper of the bone is someone nobody would suspect.

Wholesome fun with a potentially dark twist. We look at pre-aged Jon (and lament what Bendis's horrible decision took away) while the family acts as your normal, well-adjusted family... with superpowers. Weeks' art is solid, albeit dark in spots, and Jurgens' script is brimming with intrigue. This short is a great start.

Head Like A Hole

Powergirl's recent exposure to the Lazarus storm imbued her with psychic powers and the licensed therapist, Omen. Together, they use their newfound bond to act as therapeutic healers for superheroes. This is one of their cases.

Powergirl receives new powers and a new costume, so that's something, but this story by Leah Williams is an absolute bore compared to the previous two shorts in this issue. Lots of talking and an inexplicable mastery of new powers by Powergirl (how does she know how to debug Beast Boy's connection to The Red?). Also, the art that's devoid of any drama or tension.

About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of ComicalOpinions.com, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.

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Bits and Pieces:

Action Comics #1051 kicks off a new era in the long-running title by converting the series into an anthology book. Two of the three shorts in this book are pretty darn good, with solid art and enormous potential. That said, the Powergirl short is a low-energy snoozefest.



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