Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Knight Terrors: Detective Comics #1 Review



Written by: Dan Watters
Art by: Riccardo Federici
Colors by: Brad Anderson
Letters by: Steve Wands
Cover art by: Riccardo Federici
Cover price: $4.99
Release date: July 25, 2023

Knight Terrors: Detective Comics #1 finds Jim Gordon struggling with the decay of Gotham on a snowy night in July when he happens upon a summoning ritual that brings demons from the 5th dimension to Earth. Or is it all just a dream?
Is It Good?

Knight Terrors: Detective Comics #1 is one of the better Knight Terrors tie-in issues for delivering a creepy, dark tale where Jim Gordon finds himself caught up in a cult's ill-conceived wish for wealth, power, and knowledge. Dan Watters takes Jim Gordon down a dark path for an engaging, entertaining, and intriguing read.

If you're keeping score a home, Knight Terrors: Detective Comics #1 falls under the 'optional' category of Knight Terrors tie-ins. Nothing happens here that matters to the main plot, and Insomnia shows up only briefly. That said, this is a recommended pick if you like horror comics.

Watters's script follows Jim Gordon on a snowy night in July when he's feeling particularly down about the death of his son. Gordon picks up a pizza to bring home to Sorrow (a new character who's only appeared a few times in the Ram V run of DC Comics, not to be confused with Johnny Sorrow, the villain), but Sorrow is agitated by the sense of evil nearby. Sorrow runs to intercept what he feels, and Gordon follows as quickly as he can.

Sorrow and Gordon find three masked individuals, calling themselves the Good People of Gotham, who summon demons from the 5th dimension to grant them wishes of power, wealth, and knowledge. The wishes are granted, but the grantees assume hideous forms with dangerous powers. Sorrow and Gordon interrupt the ritual, and Sorrow is killed in the fight. Gordon survives but is knocked out and injured by a magical blast. When Gordon awakes, he seeks out the Good People of Gotham to make them undo the ritual, but Gordon soon finds his magic-blasted injury has side effects.

Whew! That's a lot to unpack, but to Watters's credit, the story flows smoothly, and the plot unfolds beautifully. You understand how the cult was transformed, what their after, what happened to Sorrow and Gordon, and what Gordon must do to stop the escalating destruction. Despite having almost no connection to Knight Terrors, this issue is one of the few tie-ins that feels like a nightmare and surpasses the entertainment value of the main Knight Terrors story.

How's the art? Amazing. It helps Watters greatly to have Riccardo Federici on art because Federici's dark, brooding, painterly style brings the horror elements to life as works of art.

About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.

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Bits and Pieces:

Knight Terrors: Detective Comics #1, like most Knight Terrors tie-ins, has almost nothing to do with the Knight Terrors plot, but this first issue is an excellent horror comic and surpasses the main Knight Terrors story in terms of art quality and intrigue. If you're not into Knight Terrors, get this issue anyway. You'll be glad you did.


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