Thursday, August 24, 2023

Knight Terrors: Titans #2 Review


Written by: Andrew Constant
Art by: Scott Godlewski, Mike Norton
Colors by: Ryan Cody, Hi-Fi
Letters by: Wes Abbott
Cover art by: Yanick Paquette, Dave McCaig
Cover price: $4.99
Release date: August 22, 2023

Knight Terrors: Titans #2 finds the Titans fighting the nightmare army spewing forth from the grounds around Titans Tower, and the identity of their mysterious savior is revealed.
Is It Good?

Knight Terrors: Titans #2 is a cautionary tale about what happens when you try to get fancy without possession of all the right information. Andrew Constant gets really fancy in trying to explain how the Titans are trapped in the Tower's nightmare and falls as flat as a bald tire running over a bed of spikes.

When last we left the Titans, a mysterious woman managed to escape through a hatch in the floor. With the help of Raven's voice, the woman rescued each Titan from rooms that confronted the Titans with the manifestation of their worst insecurities. When the Titans (sans Nightwing and Kid Flash) made it outside, Raven's astral form explained they were all trapped in the Titans Tower's nightmare.

"Huh? Wha..? How could a building dream?" you ponder. Yes, I know. It sounds weird. Unfortunately, when Constant explains the particulars of this issue, missing the details makes a devil of a mess.

Raven explains the Tower is "alive" with the spiritual energy of those who lived in it. Before the Tower was built, it was the site of Bludhaven Prison, so the building is infused with all the negative energy of a for-profit prison. When the prison was torn down and the new Titans Tower erected, the Tower became infused with positive energy, manifesting as (you guessed it) the mysterious woman.

The explanation is fancy, but it immediately leads to several consistency problems.

First, the new Titans Tower isn't a converted Bludhaven Prison. The prison was torn down and cleared before the Tower was erected, so why didn't the negative energy get swept away with the rubble? Did the negative energy seep into the ground? Is it in the well water? Do the Titans need to call the EPA?

Next, in comics time, the new Tower has only been open for a couple of days. The Titans haven't had time to do anything heroic in or with the Tower to generate enough positive energy to manifest into a new spirit. Where did all that positive energy come from? Does it follow the Titans like a cloud?

Last but not least, we now know the Nightmare Wave that created this scenario works by sound (see Knight Terrors: Superman #2). Does the new Tower have ears? How did it hear the Nightmare Wave? Why didn't any other building start having nightmares? Surely the House of Mystery has more life-giving energy than a newly constructed Tower.

Oy! The more you think about Constant's fancy premise and fancy explanation, the more the explanation falls apart because Constant is working off bad information.

Eventually, the mysterious woman (who eventually chooses the name Joanne) confronts the dark version of herself to dispel the Tower's nightmare and wake the Titans up.

Does this tie-in have anything to do with the main Knight Terrors event? Nope.

Was this two-parter tie-in worth picking up? No. Worse, all this tie-in accomplished was disrupting what little momentum Tom Taylor was generating out of the brand-new Titans title.

How's the art? It's fine. Scott Godlewski and Mike Norton create solid action scenes and have a strong eye for figure work. There's nothing wrong with the art except that it fronts a lousy script.

About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.

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Bits and Pieces:

Knight Terrors: Titans #2 unveils the big mystery behind the new Titans Tower's ability to dream and the identity behind the mysterious woman who saved the Titans. Andrew Constant solves the mysteries by concocting fanciful solutions riddled with plot holes and inconsistencies, turning this tie-in into an ill-conceived waste of time.


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