you folks like comic books? In this episode, multiversal transit cops
Chris (@AceComics) and Reggie (@reggiereggie) look at what has been
considered a "retcon done right" when they read issues #219 and #220 of Justice League of America
from 1983, written by Roy Thomas and Gerry Conway (with an assist by
Marv Wolfman) and drawn by Chuck Patton! After some biographical
information about the creators involved (except for Marv...we've gone
over him at length before), our alternate Earth investigators look at
the character Black Canary and what came before these issues, which will
serve as a new status quo for the character for years to come! After a
break, our pair finish up the bios and talk about what constitutes a
retcon, and what makes some acceptable while others are abhorred. They
conclude the episode by explaining what Black Canary's been up to since
learning this new origin. It's enough to make you stand up and belt out a
Canary Cry, you don't want to miss it!
BREAK: Snippet of interview with Gerry Conway from "Off The Record Interview DVD," offtherecord.com
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