Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Superman #3 Review


Written by: Joshua Williamson
Art by: Jamal Campbell
Colors by: Jamal Campbell
Letters by: Ariana Maher
Cover art by: Jamal campbell
Cover price: $4.99
Release date: April 18, 2023

Superman #3 partners a Parasite-infected Man of Steel with Metropolis's most dangerous criminal mastermind to stop the energy-eating plague before it takes over the world.

Is It Good?

That's right. In Superman #3, Superman finally seeks Lex Luthor's help to stop the parasite virus before it consumes everyone and everything in sight. Joshua Williamson's plot makes the resolution clear, and the resolution sets the stage for what comes next, but the journey getting from point A to B is not as satisfying as one would hope.

When last we left Metropolis, the mutated Parasite became an airborne, virus-like plague infecting the citizens of Metropolis, turning everyone into monstrous hosts, Superman included. Now, Super-Parasite seeks out Lex Luthor's help with a plan to draw the Parasites to a single spot for a risky move that saves the day.

That sounds like the makings of a great Superman comic, so why does it feel slightly hollow? Because Superman enacts his plan, with Luthor's help, while he's infected with the Parasite virus. How is Superman able to overcome the infection? Who knows. It's never explained, and unfortunately, the resolution of the conflict hinges on that point. Without a proper explanation, the "Superman overcame the infection because he's Superman" explanation feels like a cheat.

Watch our Superman #3 Video Review

That's a shame because everything surrounding that one sticking point is great. Williamson's pacing is excellent, the dialog is spot-on, Jamal Campbell's artwork is exquisite (possibly the best of his career), and the climactic conclusion to the fight is witty and fun.

In short, everything about this comic works except for that one sticking point. Unfortunately, that one sticking point is the linchpin for the issue. Still, the issue finishes strong, and I'm anxious to see where the story goes next.

About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of ComicalOpinions.com, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.

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Bits and Pieces:

Superman #3 delivers big action, stellar art, and a clever resolution to resolve Parasite's viral swarm. The pacing, dialog, and plot are top-notch, but an important-yet-unexplained plot point sullies the satisfaction level.


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