Thursday, March 21, 2024

Justice Society Of America #9 Review


Written by: Geoff Johns
Art by: Mikel Janín
Colors by: Jordie Bellaire
Letters by: Rob Leigh
Cover art by: Mikel Janín
Cover price: $3.99
Release date: March 19, 2024

Justice Society Of America #9 returns to continue Huntress's recruitment drive of reformed and not-so-reformed villains who will eventually make up her JSA from the future when a new recruit makes his intentions known.
Is Justice Society Of America #9 Good?

What? Yes. This is the JSA review. What? No, it wasn't canceled, or at least, not yet. Why is Geoff Johns taking so long to finish a 12-issue maxi-series? Why, I suspect he's got other things on his plate. Let's hold your questions for later because Daddy has work to do.

When last we left the JSA... You know, I honestly don't remember for sure because it's been so long. I think that was the issue where Alan Scott "captured" the original Red Lantern's daughter as part of the future JSA's recruitment drive, dovetailing into Tim Sheridan's sordid retcon of Alan Scott's early years in a separate mini-series.

Now in Justice Society Of America #9, the recruitment drive continues for no apparent reason other than to fulfill Huntress's drive to form the JSA of the future she recalls from her obliterated timeline. The future JSA Huntress recalls is/was comprised of several reformed heroes who are currently still villains. In separate scenes, we see heroes and villains of the present remind the JSA that not all problems involve costumed villains and that their charter should always make time for average people who need help.

When the JSA corners Harlequin's Son, their brief battle is interrupted by The Golden Age Legionnaire, who arrives to request help saving his future. The full JSA assembles, the hero unmasks, and he reveals himself to be a very young Mordru who needs help preventing himself from becoming a villain.

What's great about Justice Society Of America #9? The flair, the cameos, and the magic of worlds (past, present, and future) coming together still feels like fun. Johns's ridiculously long breaks in this series are an enthusiasm killer, but the story still holds your attention.

What's not so great about Justice Society Of America #9? Under the magnifying glass of scrutiny, Huntress's relentless recruitment drive and the current JSA's ambivalence about it seem incredibly forced. Johns made it very clear that Huntress is an anomaly because her timeline was destroyed, so why is she so determined to force her JSA back into existence in a timeline that isn't her own? Why is the current JSA so willing to simply go along with the Huntress's desires? Johns masterfully executes an engaging read, but the core concept doesn't hold water.

How's the art? Mikel Janín's charcter designs, action, and panel composition are excellent. If you already like Janín's art style, you'll like this issue.

About The Reviewer: Gabriel Hernandez is the Publisher & EIC of, a comics review site dedicated to indie, small, and mid-sized publishers.

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Bits and Pieces:

Justice Society Of America #9 returns from a hiatus to continue Huntress's recruitment drive. The last-page twist reveal is interesting, and the potential for what happens next is sky-high, but the central premise (willing a future JSA from another timeline into existence) feels increasingly forced.



  1. I still don't understand where this is going to go. The plot moves forward and the pacing is good but as you said I don't think they showed how Huntress fits in this group, what's her relationship with her teammates etc etc. It's very mechanical without having the character work needed to give the team a feeling of being a team. Other than that confusion I didn't have a problem with this issue, I am just not a fan of how scattered this title in general is.

  2. Agreed. This book seems completely directionless at this point. The only reason I’m still reading is because we’re so close to issue 12, where I hope it will wrap up with something resembling a satisfying conclusion.
