Art by: Agustin Padilla
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: December 30, 2013
The Demolisher Part 3 of 3
I have enjoyed the first two installments of Peter Milligan's Demolisher arc. To me, it has been a response to anyone (including DC) who thinks that Superman is behind the times and needs to become more gritty and violent. The Demolisher is the answer to these critics, a dark and violent Superman who seems to take pleasure in not just stopping villains, but maiming and maybe even killing them. I was hoping part 3 of the arc would answer some dangling questions...why is the Demolisher taking over Superman and when will the citizens of Metropolis cry out for it's favorite superhero to return to action? Unfortunately, this issue doesn't answer these and presents a whole slew of other issues.

However, the citizens of Metropolis still call out to the Demolisher to deal with the newly escaped Toymaker. Don't worry that they are all scared of him to the point of children having nightmares, the guy gets the job done. So what is Superman to do? He dresses up as the Demolisher, pushes people around and robs a bank. When the City calls for Superman to end the Demolisher, he makes up a story about a fight in which the Demolisher kills himself in space so no one can prove it's a lie. That's how Superman solves his problems, right? Lying? Shenanigans again.
Adventures of Superman #36 is an awful end to what was a promising arc. The idea of Superman battling his inner darkness is great, Peter Milligan just ended it in a way that made me mad at Superman, not glad he was back. I really wish I could recommend this issue since I liked the first two parts, but I can't. Unlike Superman, I won't lie...I hated it.
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