Art by: Goran Sudzuka
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: December 18, 2013
The Land of Milk and Honey
Cassandra is trying to force Milan to give up the location of the First Born, but Orion will fight through a thousand hyena-men to save his friend. Wonder Woman finally kicks some ass, but Strife convinces Zola to run away with Zeke. Meanwhile on Olympus, Apollo is giving the First Born a bath he will not soon forget.

What this issue does that the last couple didn't is show Wonder Woman kicking ass. She is the new God of War and she gets to strut her stuff a bit. However, the star of the issue for me was Orion. His bull headed loyalty brought a smile to my face and provided the action that the series has lacked. In the end, Wonder Woman is forced to make a decision that could shift the power structure of Olympus and it looks like Zola and Zeke are already in trouble.
I have been critical of Goran Sudzuka in the past, and while I liked most of what I saw this month, I still find some of his panels lacking the detail the action in them demands. This, however, is a solid issue for him with some really good work.
Bits and Pieces:
Wonder Woman #26 is another small step towards the larger picture Brian Azzerello is building. However, I enjoyed it more than the last couple of issues mainly due to the action and character moments and solid art. The pieces of the puzzle are slowly being put into place for what I hope is a stunning finale. I just don't know how long we will have to wait to see it.
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