Art by: Gabriel Rodriguez
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: January 13. 2014
Exposed: Part 2 of 3
Clark Kent has coffee with his stalker and finds out the reporter has put two and two together and come up with eight. The reporter then follows leads to Stryker's Prison and interviews a colorful cast of Superman's rogues gallery. Metallo escapes using said Mr. Hobson as a human shield, but does the he have information Metallo can use against the Man of Steel?

Gabriel Rodriguez does about the same with the art this issue as last. That means I still don't like the look of Superman. However, I must give props to his Atomic Skull. He looked awesome.
Bits and Pieces:
Adventures of Superman #38 is continuing the mediocrity of the Exposed arc. The story is not interesting and the comic itself is boring. Maybe the final issue will "wow" me, but so far this arc is a big disappointment.
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