Art by: Ig Guara, Andrew Dalhouse and Julio Ferreira
Cover Price: $0.99
Release Date: April 10, 2015
Bruce "Cross Fit" Wayne
I have been a huge fan of the Digital First line and this book is no different. It came out of nowhere and rocketed up my list of favorites almost immediately. While it doesn't hurt that it's a tie-in to my most anticipated game of this year, the reason goes way beyond that. With a great story and awesome art, it's just a damn good comic. That being said, last week's issue was my least favorite of the series so far. It wasn't horrible, it just was more setup than we'd gotten previously to the point of being a bit boring. I said in my review that I hoped the setup pays off this week. Did it? Let's find out...
Last week ended with Bruce Wayne at the wrong side of a gun. Actually, I think the guy holding it was on the wrong side, because Bruce makes quick work of him. I had to laugh as the thugs trash talk as Bruce kicks the living shit out of them. Of course, he has to watch his step and makes some lame excuses for his physical prowess, but come on, if everyone there can't make the Bruce Wayne/Batman connection after that, it will never happen. Guess what? It will never happen.
Bruce bashes some more heads in and heads off for a little costume change while Lucius calls Alfred. Unfortunately, this is just the opportunity Harley needs to freak Lucius (and me) the hell out. Batman shows up, but it's a little too late and Harley speeds off on her motorcycle.
This opening certainly wasn't boring. It was nonstop action and even Lucius got in on the fun. I did laugh that Bruce went fully ballistic, and even though Jim Gordon even looked surprised, I don't expect anything to come from it.
Back to the issue, Harley meets up with Penguin and we see what she was up to all along. I love Harley and while the Arkham version is a bit more violent and sadistic, she's still good for some chuckles. I got a big one here.
We then get to see the Abramovici Twins. I love these guys and even though we don't get to see them for very long, what we do see (and what they see) is very intriguing. Of course, that's secret code for I don't know what the hell is going on, but man I can't wait to find out.
Okay, while this issue was more setup, I liked it. Tomasi gave us a couple of really cool stories that hopefully come together next issue and blow our collective minds. On a side note, I have avoided talking about the opening scenes the last two weeks because I'm not convinced what character is being held prisoner. While I'm pretty sure it's Bane, if anyone thinks different, let me know.
Ig Guara and the rest of the art team hit another one out of the park. This book is one of the best looking comics out today and eight chapters in, there hasn't been a dud yet.
Bits and Pieces:
While this is the second setup heavy issue in a row, Tomasi is raising the tension and it looks like a couple plot threads are heading for a collision course next week. Ig Guara's art continues to impress making this an easy chapter to recommend. So easy, in fact, that I will. Recommended.
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