Written by: Steve Orlando and Jody Houser
Art by: Robson Rocha, Julio Ferreira, Daniel Henriques, Michael Atiyeh and Steve Wands
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: January 10, 2018
I have been more excited for this book since Jody Houser jumped on, but I am still waiting for that issue that gets me full onboard. This book is all about Kara vs Supergirl...with the DEO after her and the National against her, it looks like Kara is going to have to be super without flying around, flashing her "S" and cape. I'm all for that if done right. I mean, she can still be a super girl without being Supergirl, right? Well, let's see how that works out this month...
The issue opens with the backstory of Deceilia Starshame and it's pretty much what we gleaned last issue with a few spaces filled in. It all leads to the present with Deceilia holding Supergirl by the throat while they come at an impasse on whether the people of Earth are worth saving. It's slightly confusing as Deceilia rips the cruise ship they are on in two while railing on the highborn she hates so much.
Back at the DEO we get Director Bones being a bit of a good guy as he threatens Mokkari. I am intrigued by the inclusion of Mokkari in this book, but I really wish Orlando would give us some information about why a New God is here and where he fits into this post Flashpoint continuity.
Back with the gals, Kara fixes the ship and continues to fight Starshame until she snaps out of her mind controlled state. It's just in time fo the DEO agents to arrive, talk nonsense jargon and get their asses handed to them by Supergirl.
Next we zip off to the Scabbard and see Veritas talking to Cameron Chase on the phone. I know it's a minor thing here, but the idea of a phone line encrypted with Durlan DNA may be the single most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of, even for a comic! However, we do get Chase and that means...Lar-On! We don't get anything with him (though I can still pretend him and Chase are starting their own private eye business, right?), but Chase does hint at Director Bones' days being numbered before heading off to see Kara in school. So much for smooth transitions, huh?
We go from school to Catco where Ben asks Kara to the dance (as friends) before heading back to school to see DEO Agent Ocampo having conflicted feelings on finding Supergirl. The back and forth continues with Ben now asking Belinda to the dance (Kara said no) and Kara and Eliza having some nice downtime together. The issue ends at the dance and while the trio of Kara, Belinda, and Ben are pretty awkward, the villain reveal at the end is exciting and potentially lethal for Supergirl...and her secret identity.
This was an okay issue of Supergirl. The pacing was a little better even with some odd transition moments and while I liked the reveal at the end, the cliffhangers in this book are starting to follow a "insert next villain" pattern that is getting very boring. I thought the art was pretty good, but overall, this was just an average issue of Supergirl.
Bits and Pieces:
This book has turned into the villain of the month club and the cliffhanger, while cool enough, doesn't make me think things will change anytime soon. Steve Orlando and Jody Houser are giving us a book where Kara is finding it harder and harder to find time to be both herself and Supergirl, but I need a better overall story to make me care.
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