Heloooooooooooooooo everybody. You think that's annoying to read, you should hear it live. Actually, you just may. It seems that Eric and Myself are going to be guests tonight on Geekcast Radio's Pull Bag Podcast. I have no idea when it will hit the website, but I know one thing...I will surely make a fool of myself. It's all about how we got into reading comics and such, but I have a feeling it will go off the rails a bit. We tend to ramble on about meaningless things so I hope Mike Blanchard, the host with the most, puts up with us. As for comics, I'm pretty sure Eric will have better stories of how he got into this hobby we all know and love. I will add stories of dancing dwarfs and eating massive amounts of hot dogs. You know, the important things in life. Well, enough of the shameless plugs (and no, I'm not speaking of Jeremy Piven), it's time to get down to brass tacks.
On With the News...
Supergirl TV Show a Go
Not very shocking, but exciting nonetheless. With every comic book character and their cousin (lame joke alert) getting a series, it's no surprise that Kara Zor-El is getting her chance. CBS has finally jumped into the pool by announcing a commitment to the show being developed by Greg Berlanti (Arrow, Flash). It will focus on a 24 year old Kara who has been hiding her powers from the World up until now. I guess they don't want a Smallville-like teen Supergirl with all the drama that entails. Unfortunately, that's what I want. Just think of all the fun Kara and the gang at Bayside High could have. My favorite episode would involve her agreeing to go to the dance with Zach...and Slater! Fireworks! You know that Slater is a ballet dancer? I know what you're thinking, but he's all man. Even if he wears pink tank tops all the time. Just saying. I'm so excited...I'm so...scared. And scene.

Yea, this one's not on CBS, or ABC or even SyFy. Nope, this one is on Machinima. It's a three part digitally animated series titled, "Justice League: Gods and Monsters Chronicles" and will be out in Spring of 2015. It is the prequel for the upcoming "Justice League: Gods and Monsters" Animated film being released later in 2015 and produced by Bruce Timm and Alan Burnett. Yea, I know. DC and Machinima have announced it's a darker, deadly version of the Justice League and while I'm excited, I'm also a bit skeptical. Why does everything have to be darker and deadlier? Why can't we have a new friendlier and happier Justice League? One where everyone just gets along and they invite Lex, Black Manta and the Joker up to the Watchtower for an underpants party? I can picture it now. I'm still picturing it now. I'm still picturing...

It seems that Variety is taking time off from reports on Kim Kardashian and Vanessa Hudgens nude photo leaks (what?!? I'll be right back!). Okay, where was I? Oh yea, it looks like a Suicide Squad Movie is happening with David Ayer (Training Day, End of Watch) pegged to direct. That's really good news as Ayer is a really good director and his style fits well with the Suicide Squad. The script is being written by Justin Marks (Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li) and...wait a second. The Legend of Chun-Li? That movie sucked balls. Actually, if it did suck balls I would have had a reason to stay and watch that piece of garbage. Really DC? That's the best you could do?
Gotham premiers tomorrow and I'll be reviewing it...I think this Futures End thing is hardly Event worthy...I'm about to watch the Eagles-Redskins game and I think the Eagles win 27-17...My goal on the podcast tonight is to annoy Eric...I hope everybody enjoyed Backstreet Boys day...Of course everybody enjoyed Backstreet Boys Day...Van Halen's Pretty Woman video is a true masterpiece...Justin Gray may be the DC Wing Eating Champ, but this year's competition looks pretty stiff...I said stiff...
Another Week, Another News. Jim "Underpants Party" Werner...Out!!!
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