I don't know about you, but I can't wait until June rolls around and we get some rebirth action! In fact, can someone make a time machine and get us there right now?!?! If that's not possible, I'm going to time travel the old fashioned way...I'm going to lay on my couch and go to sleep, Rip Van Winkle style. It's a long con for sure, but when I wake up, I'll just get my ass out of bed , head to the comic book store and grab me some Rebirth titles. Not only that, but I'll have a beard down to my knees and the ladies all love that. Yea, I know we are only talking a couple of weeks, but I have dreams dammit and they involve a beard down to my knees! By the way, here are the variant covers along with DC Comics official press release...
Here’s Your First Look at DC Entertainment’s Variant Covers for June’s REBIRTH One-Shots!
New REBIRTH Titles Debuting This June
DC Entertainment’s line wide titles relaunch, REBIRTH, starts this month with the DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH SPECIAL, written by Geoff Johns with an all-star roster of some of the greatest artists in the game – Gary Frank, Ivan Reis, Ethan Van Sciver and Phil Jimenez! This 80 page blockbuster, priced at $2.99, sets the stage for an all-new universe of epic superhero storytelling beginning in June, featuring the characters and titles that have made DC Comics a favorite of fans for 80 years!
In June, fans will see the first of 17 titles that will ship twice monthly, also at a new lower price of $2.99, beginning with a series of “REBIRTH” themed one-shots. Today, DCE is revealing for the first time the variant cover images that will be available for fans when these books go on sale:

Batman: Rebirth #1
On-Sale June 1
Written by Scott Snyder and Tom King
Art by Mikel Janin
Standard Cover by Mikel Janin
Variant Cover by Howard Porter

Superman: Rebirth #1
On-Sale June 1
Written by Peter J. Tomasi and Pat Gleason
Art by Doug Mahnke
Standard Cover by Doug Mahnke
Variant Cover by Andy Park

Green Arrow: Rebirth #1
On-Sale June 1
Written by Ben Percy
Art by Otto Schmidt and Juan Ferreyra
Standard Cover by Juan Ferreyra
Variant Cover by Steve Skroce

Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1
On-Sale June 1
Written by Sam Humphries
Art by Ethan Van Sciver
Standard Cover by Ethan Van Sciver
Variant Cover by Alex Garner
While I love seeing Black Canary with Green Arrow, my favorite of these is the Green Lantern variant. I can't help it, I'm a sucker for Simon Baz! Now off to grow that beard...see you in June!
Those are actually pretty bad ass