Art by: Goran Sudzuka
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: June 18, 2014
Sweet Bondage Minotaur
This issue shows exactly what I love about this book. While it has action, it's the characters and story that stand center stage. The Battle for Olympus is so close you can smell it and both sides are gathering their armies. The First Born is more of a solitary guy, but he knows when to get help. By help, I mean the lowest of the low to do his dirty work so he can come in a destroy what remains. By help I also mean Bondage Minotaur. If you've read my past reviews you know I have an unhealthy love for the brute. If you haven't been reading, shame on you. Let me fill you in, Bondage Minotaur is awesome. Wonder Woman doesn't agree and kicks the living crap out of him.
Wonder Woman's preparations are a little different, relying on her Sisters and the newly returned Brothers of Themyscira. It's daring, throws tradition out the window and it just may work. Unfortunately, the Amazonians may have to fight without Wonder Woman, but they have an old friend who arrives to lend a hand. Here's a hint, He rides an astro-harness.
Goran Sudzuka is on art duty with Cliff Chiang providing breakdowns and it is awesome. The thing I love about the art of both Sudzuka and Chiang is they don't rely on gimmicks or experimental layouts. No nonsense needed here, just straight up awesome art. It's clean, easy to follow and great.
Bits and Pieces:
Wonder Woman #32 continues the great run of Azzarello, Sudzuka and Chiang. The Battle for Olympus is on and both sides are already reeling. While this issue is not new user friendly, I beg you to read it. This run is one of the best ever and it's ending soon. Plus, it has Bondage Minotaur. Enough said.
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