He's Got Retro-Active Blood!

Art by: Scott Koblish, Val Staples
Cover Price: $3.99
Release Date: July 20, 2016
Review by: Branden Murray
WARNING: This is the second of two one shot issues occurring during the mini hiatus from regularly scheduled Spidey and Deadpool adventures. In the meantime, Duggan, Koblish, and Staples are filling in this month to provide us with another flashback team up issue … kind of. This time we’re taking a blast to the way back past. I mean, this one is supposed to be old. How old is it supposed to be really? Well, this comic wants you to think it’s so old that it also doubled as the DJ for the Boston Tea Party. Join me further and let’s find out together if it really was better in the good ol’ days … and maybe hear some killer tunes.
Our issue kicks off with an old school tycoon threatening J. Jonah Jamison over headlines in the Daily Bugle. See, Mr. Monocle (not his real name) wants some press coverage, in his favor for once, to keep the “hippie masses in check”. Jamison must have looked out the window, saw this gentleman’s rickshaw parked out front, and knew he meant business because he sends a reporter and Peter Parker off to cover this suggested headline worthy event immediately.
The big event in question and the focus for the rest of the issue is a political rally. I can hear Jim screaming now “keep politics out of my comic’s damnit, I want an escape!” Anyway, this business tycoon’s bright idea is actually quite a convoluted shit show. Basically, all you need to know is that they’ve hired Mysterio to disguise himself as this popular candidate to spew a bunch of nonsense and hate speech. All while also involving Deadpool (because money) to cause a disturbance in the crowd. This is all done in an attempt to sway favor away from the popular candidate whose agenda is far different from Mr. Monocle and company.
Next thing we know. this convoluted plan kicks into action and Deadpool starts causing a ruckus in the crowd disguised as a dirty hippie. I am using the words of one Eric Cartmen in this instance for lack of a better term. Spider-Man then rushes in to save the day, after some brief old school dilly dallying, he is able to quickly knock the disguise off to realize this is really Deadpool. After the brief classic Spider-man shtick about responsibility, the two heroes deduce that Mysterio and the tycoons are playing everybody for fools and move in on their targets.
There really is not a whole lot more to tell you about in this issue. Spider-man and Deadpool fight Mysterio and company, there is a bunch of hit and miss one liners peppered throughout, and the art is done in a classic comic book fashion.
The art steals the show in this issue. It is far and away the most enjoyable aspect of this comic to me. If you’re an art alone is worth the price of admission person or if you’re a fan of older back issues and love classic Marvel style artists, this is for you. The entire package was well presented, put together with faded colors, grayed page corners, even certain panels look more worn out than others. You can tell great care and thought was put in by the art team all around.
Bits and Pieces:
Unless you’re really a die-hard fan of Spidey/Deadpool or of unique comic book art, you can consider passing on this. Nothing in this issue adds to our current ongoing narrative between Deadpool and Spider-Man if you’re here for canon or the story. This simply serves as a fun intermission in the series while the regular creators get back on pace with the main story.
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