Injustice 2 #43
Writer: Tom Taylor
Art Team: Bruno Redondo, Juan Albarran, Rex Lokus
Marvel Comics
Release Date: January 30, 2018
Cover Price: $0.99
Monkey Business
Tom Taylor sure knows how to end an issue and leave us all hanging doesn't he? I mean when the cliff hanger is a rebellion sponsored by Grodd in the Injustice Universe your doing something right. So lets waste no more time, and see what the results of all this fighting will turn out to be, shall we. Join me inside for a blow by blow breakdown and critique.
The issue starts off with the two sides of Gorilla City embattled in revolution as Grodd and Solovar fight among themselves, with their representative armies, for control of the city. Ra's takes the opportunity, with the Suicide Squad he helms, to sneak away, and reach Ivo who has developed measures enabling Ra's to manipulate the battle.
Most of the rest of the issue is spent as Ra's travels to Ivo lead by the Squad taking out any Gorilla in their way by any means necessary, while Solovar and Grodd's squads do the same to each other.
When Ra's returns to the battle, he brings with him Amazo who rams a device into the center of Grodd's head taking away his powers, and ending the battle. Grodd is kept alive and banished from Gorilla city by Solovar, who Ra's influenced the battle for as he continues to manipulate the Gorilla City leader.
The issue ends with a Solovar decree, that you'll have to buy the issue to see, but its becoming real close to go time here folks.
Overall, this was an action heavy issue, which I think I enjoy more than most, and united the team of bad buys to make their final push, from the looks of it. I really continue to think that Injustice remains one of the most consistent books on the digital storefront and comic book shelves. If your looking for something to jump into this is a perfect book for newbies and doesn't require a huge knowledge of whats come before it to enjoy. While the art team continues to put forth top notch efforts week in and week out.
My only complaint at this point in time is that we haven't seen Superman in forever and I'm very curious what the hell he is up too, I don't even remember the last time we've seen him. Other than that though forty-three is another strong issue.
Bits and Pieces
Injustice 2 #43 is an action packed extravaganza that settles the battle for Gorilla City, at least momentarily. With the evil force now united and a final plan in motion I cant wait to see how the heroes respond, the book always looks great telling its kick ass story too boot.
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