Art by: Goran Sudzuka
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: April 16, 2014
Gods and Monsters...and Bondage Minotaur

Brian Azzarello is nearing the finish line of his Wonder Woman story. I can see it in the distance, but I'm still not sure what route is going to get us there. Last issue, Wonder Woman finally declared herself the God of War and this issue she adds another title, Queen of the Amazons. Of course, Paradise Island erupts with cheers, right? Nope. That's what makes Azzarello and this book so great. Nothing is ever easy. Not even for a Queen (seriously, go ask Hera!)
Meanwhile, the First Born reminds us that he is a bad ass and will stop at nothing to win the war brewing on the horizon. While Diana tries to assert her authority, he is taking whatever he wants, however he wants, whenever he wants. He's not alone. Guess who's along for the ride? Bondage Minotaur. Man, he is just plain creepy.
Man, I love this comic. After last issue's excitement and climactic end, it's nice to quiet things down a bit. Quiet never means bad with Azzarello, though. Quiet means awesome like every other issue in the series and like every other issue, this one sets up so much. My only complaint is this is not new reader friendly. Actually, if you want to start reading, go back to issue #1 and thank Azzarello later.
I mentioned earlier that Cliff Chiang's artwork hooked me in from the beginning. Guess what? He took a break this month. Have no fear, Goran Sudzuka is here. He may be the best fill-in artist at DC and deserves more work. Whenever he fills in for Chiang, the book barely misses a beat. He uses the same clean, concise style that Chiang does so the story just flows along.
Bits and Pieces:
Wonder Woman #30 is great. Brian Azzarello continues his long form story of gods, monsters, princesses and more monsters. I review each issue as it comes out, but they are all just brick and mortar to this incredible series as a whole. If you haven't read this from the beginning, shame on you.
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