Thursday, June 29, 2017

DC Comics Best Covers of the Week 6/28/17

Covers, Covers, Everywhere, and Not a Drop to Drink

Boy, there were plenty of comic books from DC Comics this week! And lots of great covers to pick from. There can be only five favorites, however, so here's mine. As usual, this is a definitive and inarguable list of supreme quality for the week, so read with confidence!

Suicide Squad #20
Otto Schmidt
Okay, so this sort of looks like a still from a K-Pop music video, but there's something in Harley's stance and expression that makes me smile. The ethereal, rainbow background consisting of her teammates distorted faces adds to the psychedelic fun. Plus, the cover kind of gives away the ending to the issue, so that's nice.

Action Comics #982 variant
Mikel Janin
You don't need anything more than this. Majestic Superman bisecting the sky at dusk. Of course, Mikel Janin could draw Superman eating a cheese sandwich and it would definitely look incredible.

Teen Titans #9 variant
Paolo Pantalena & Arie Prianto
This here is a great color study. The picture is broken in five hues and each one looks like it's exploding off the page. An otherwise bland team shot made great by the fact that everyone is of different skin tones and wearing different costumes. Take heed, Fantastic Four!

The Kamandi Challenge #6 variant
Philip Tan & Elmer Santos
Wow, this cover looks crazy. I wish Philip Tan had drawn this well within in the issue. This is like a still from an animated movie that I want to watch.

Detective Comics #959
Yasmine Putri
A classic take on a familiar Batman & Robin pose, made new by a muted color pallette and, uh, the fact that Robin is Zatanna in this case. The warm light from below helps Zatanna look human, and not like the granite statue that is Batman. Really nice, enticing comic book cover here.

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