Art by: Nic Klein and Scott Hepburn
Release date: 6/6/2018
Price: $3.99
Review by David Assall
Fresh from having his mind wiped Deadpool is back in the mercenary game. Unfortunately business is slow for the Regeneratin’ degenerate and his assistant Negasonic teenage warhead (gotta love that Marvel synergy). Let’s hope that Wade makes the most of this downtime because there’s something on the way to Earth that’s going to put Deadpool back in the &@%$!
Before we begin we must answer the most important question when it comes to a Deadpool comic, is it funny? There’s a lot of jokes and not all of them land but the ones that do are pretty good. Each person is going to have their own idea of what’s funny but Skottie Young has peppered enough gags throughout the issue that there should be something to bring a smile to most readers faces. There’s a sequence towards the end of the comic in which Deadpool reimagines himself in a redneck version of Superman’s origin story that had me in stitches. If there’s at least one joke of that quality in each issue of this series then I’ll be a happy reader.
Onto the story which is made up of two parts. The first part focuses on Deadpool getting back to his old job as a mercenary for hire. He’s hired to kill a biker. This being Deadpool we have all the over the top violence, gore and explosions you would expect as Wade carries out his contract. Elsewhere a deadly threat is heading to earth. It’s serious enough for the Guardians of the galaxy to call up the Avengers. Luckily the weapon needed to defeat the enemy is already on Earth in the hands of Deadpool. Part two is a quick read that involves Wade inserting himself into the classic origin stories of other comic book characters.
The stories themselves are okay but I’m not too sure what the plan is for Deadpool going forward. In the last issue of Gerry Duggan’s despicable Deadpool run we read that Wade has become so overcome with regrets for his previous actions that he intentionally has his mind wiped. This resets the character so we can get back to the classic version of the “Merc with a Mouth”. In the introduction to this comic, it highlights the fact that Wade tried being a hero and failed. So I don’t understand why the writers are putting Deadpool straight into a role where he has to be the sole hero saving the Earth. Given all the effort put in to reset the character surely it would have made more sense to focus on the mercenary work, to begin with.
Bits and Pieces:
This comic isn’t perfect but there’s enough here to show that Skottie Young and the art team can create a great series when they find their footing. Nic Klein’s quality artwork is already something to look forward to. Where this comic succeeds most is in its role as a jumping on point for new fans. Whether fans of Gerry Duggan’s previous run with this character will be satisfied remains to be seen but I’m optimistic they will given enough time.
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