Storytellers: Viktor Bogdanovic and Dan Abnett
Art by: Viktor Bogdanovic, Mike Spicer, and Tom Napolitano
Cover Price: $2.99
Release Date: May 23, 2018
I've mostly been liking this book, so does the inclusion of Deathstroke get me even more excited for this? Surprisingly, no it doesn't. Read on to find out why.
As is the case with most of these New Age titles, whatever momentum we have from a previous issue's cliffhanger is lost, as Silencer and Deathstroke... just talk it out. It isn't boring at all, but not exactly what the creators promised with last issue's ending. Despite the deflated tension, this is a good scene since Deathstroke's inclusion brings this story right into the DCU in such a unique way, mostly since it makes sense for him to be in this series.
There are some really interesting comparisons to be made between these two characters, namely the presence of family in their lives. Slade's family is all but one giant mess while Honor's family is what drives her away from this Underlife.
This scene overstays its welcome as it goes on for just a little bit too long. After a certain point the characters just end up constantly repeating themselves and it isn't exactly fun to read. There are a couple of odd dialogue and visual transitions towards the end as well, which just left me feeling confused.
This is a relatively quick issue so I'll end the spoiler talk here.
While this was one of the weaker issues of the series, I'm still onboard. Silencer isn't the most compelling character but her goal is an honorable one (tee hee), and I genuinely like her husband and son so I want to see them safe. I like the direction that Dan Abnett is going in regards to Talia; he manages a pretty good bait and switch, and I'm excited to see her role expand as the series goes on.
Viktor Bogdanovic is really making this book his own. He has a very strong grasp on action and character, and his Deathstroke is one of the best I've ever seen. It's a different take on the character since we normally see more of his cold self. Here he's talking to a colleague he has a history with and respects. There are small bits of action peppered throughout the issue and he also impresses with these. I also enjoy his execution of the homelife scenes, and that's also due to Mike Spicer's excellent coloring. These two make a fantastic artistic team.
Bits and Pieces:
The story slows down a tad but it's still enjoyable. There are some much-needed plot developments that happen here which make the story seem a bit fresher, and the art is still going strong with the new art team.
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